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March 27, 2011

Bullmark: MFV Blazer “red version”

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 6:52 pm

Thanks Erik!

I have to start again with this one again: Bullmark: Blazer friction cycle
Mike’s  rusty and heavy yellowed Blazer bike did something in my brain.
I had seen the Blazer & Rockbat Meka Machine and a few sofubis before,
but was more into Super R0bots etc. Coincidence or destiny. Some weeks later
one of these Blazer Bikes showed up on Yahoo…I bought it…later I bought the
Meka Machine…ST sofubi…and a few years later I had a whole glass display full
of Blazers and Rockbats. I still love these guys and I’m really excited when
something “new” pops up. This happens a few week ago on ebay. A MFV Blazer.
The auction foto was pretty shitty, but something caught my attention.
Blazer’s blue legs looked a bit brighter, but what was really fascinating for me:
“He has red missile launchers, holy shit” (Nerd mode activated) “How cool is that!”
I always asked myself why the hell Blazer had yellow missile launchers.

Ok, in the end the color variation of the legs etc is not so exciting, but the red hand attachments
really upgrade this Blazer.

…and now I have mention our glorious chairman Erik again. I know that this one was yours and I have
no words how much I appreciated that you leave this one to me. Thanks bro, you are so cool!

March 6, 2011

Fireman – ファイヤーマン

Filed under: Co. POPY,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 7:14 pm

Popy vinyl Fireman clear sofubi 1973.

February 18, 2011

Old Kit, New Techniques

Filed under: Co. BANDAI,Declarations — Prometheum5 @ 11:32 pm

Let’s start with the most important fact: I LOVE Patlabor. Anyone who knows me knows that I love military mecha that get dirty and shot up and battle damaged and dirty (again). What may come as a surprise is that, among all the real robot series, Patlabor might just be my favorite. The mecha are all much cleaner and better maintained than in something like VOTOMS, but every aspect of Patlabor just speaks to me, from the characters and the writing to the underlying concept of slick police robots beating up other, bad robots.

As with all good robot shows, Bandai has made many, many toys and model kits over the years. What I did not realize until recently was that, alongside the venerable 1/60 scale plamo kits from the 90’s, Bandai made three soft vinyl kits of machines that had limited screen time. As it turns out, these kits are awesome. They fall together, and the result is a posable vinyl figure not unlike the axillary labor sofubis that CMs Corps released alongside their Brave Gokin line. As such, these figures make an excellent addition to the CMs Patlabor lineup.

I have been on something of a vinyl kick for not quite two years now, started in fact by the CMs labor vinyls, then branching out into modern, designer, and vintage kaiju and all sorts of zaniness. I love everything about vinyl, from collecting to painting myself, and have learned all sorts of new things painting kaiju, including airbrushing and using the excellent Monster Kolor paint system developed by Dead Pre$idents. Painting kaiju is fun, but I’ve been itching to start bringing these new tricks back over to ‘real models’.

As it turns out, a vinyl kit of a police mecha is an excellent middle ground to start that transition. I wanted to give the Python a nice metallic automotive finish with gloss white details, not unlike a real motor vehicle. A few airbrushing sections and some masking work later, I think I nailed it. Now, I’m not one to leave a model kit clean looking if I can help it, so I figured I had better muss this mecha up as if it were finishing up a labor crime scuffle, instead of just arriving on the scene.

It almost seemed sacrilegious to mess up that beautiful finish, but the end result is much more complex and full of depth for it. There’s a couple nasty paint dings that are going to earn Gomioka a chewing out and a little dirt and dust, probably from being pushed into a building by the badguy.

More importantly, I thought I had finally added a machine to my Patlabor collection that drifand, Patlabor collector extraordinaire, did not own, but when I looked back through his pics on the forum I realized there was a different Python figure lurking in the background of his display. I have the Saturn labor kit on the way, so I may yet get one ahead of him.

To me, this kit came out as the perfect blend of modern techniques and a slightly less-than-modern rendition of an awesome mecha. Now I just need to get it home and introduce it to the rest of my Patlabor collection. To finish it off, I’ll have to make the riot shield and baton it wields in its animation appearance. A second kit to make Yuuki’s machine is already in the mail.

February 7, 2011

An epic adventure of pork buns and box variants.Part 2

Filed under: Josh Fraser,Nekrodave,Regan Miller,Sanjeev,SUMMIT,Toy Love,Warren Schwartz — Josh Fraser @ 9:59 pm

Box variants… at Sifu’s house.

Sanjeev: With my jollyness still filled with dancing cha siu bao and other delights, we left Chau Chow City. It had already been a great day–Dave and I had just spent the previous night crashing at my place, talking about movies, sports, and He-Man. It was a blast to see Ryan and Ed again…not to mention Mason and getting to meet his squeeze, Lisa. Regan and Josh? Good peoples, of course–always a great time. Ben…well, can’t go wrong with the lil squirt… :P

Josh: After everyone parts ways, Dave and Sanjeev hang out with Regan and I. Not much is going on, until Uncle Warren and I talk on the phone and plan an impromptu get together at the God father of Sofubi’s box filled room.
This is a first for both Sanjeev and Dave. I can see the excitement on their faces as I mention the potential plan. It takes little convincing and we head over to Warren’s for an afternoon of toy induced mayhem. And in true fashion turns out to be a memorable evening.
We arrive and jump head first into the deep end. Dave and Sanjeev look from corner to corner, scanning over boxes and bags and handle various loose toys that are scattered about.

Sanjeev:Now, I’ve had the pleasure of hanging out with the Sifu several times before–and it’s all true: he’s a fantastic guy!–but I’d never actually had a chance to visit his home. So now an opportunity to do so? You kidding me!?

Sanjeev: It’s kinda funny…Warren is such an open and warm person, you almost get the feeling you’ve known him all your life. And with Regan and Josh’s awesome brog posts chronicling their epic visits, it even feels like you’ve been there! Almost. Well, we rolled up to his pad that afternoon and I was beaming.
Warren welcomed us in with his usual sincere open-heartedness and as his wife baked cookies (which we never actually got a chance to try! :P ), he led us upstairs to the toy lair. I was honestly expecting a bit more of a mess, but the place was surprisingly organized. Sure, there were loose treasures laying about, waiting for greedy hands, but the overall feeling I got was that of reverence. Like, these were things to be enjoyed, but also that they told a decades-old story about how a generation played. It was beautiful.

Josh;Needless to say, Warren shows us vintage gold, and we work our way into the side room where he has two boxes sitting next to one another. These are not just any boxes… these are boxes that barely anyone on the planet has one of, let alone two.

Spoken about before and documented a few times, the coveted Bullmark Red Baron missile firing vinyl.

Warren had bought the second box not long ago and had wondered which one to keep. Knowing that I was an obsessive idiot…er.. I mean interested in box condition, he asked me to advise which of the two to hold onto.

It took me 5 seconds to reach my decision.

“You keep both”

Yeah. Here is why.

As it turns out,( and is obviously evident to those who have looked at the photo above), Warren had in my humble opinion inadvertently stumbled on one of the greatest packaging finds of recent memory.

Both boxes were variants, and not simply a matter of a different pantone being used on a logo… these were visibly different from afar.
The box Warren won with the original auction (with toy) was on the windowsill on the left. The main logo on the top of the box was about twice the size, and although somewhat faded compared to its counterpart, it was evident that the second box with the smaller logo was in fact earlier! Not only that, the secondary logo on the left of the Red Baron head was simply a cut out piece of paper placed by the hands of some long forgotten but careful worker.

As with some Gaiking boxes in my collection of GA51’s I have seen variants of all sorts. Printing is expensive, and though we all look at them with awe now, vintage toy boxes started their lives out simply as a way to get the contents from point A to point B. So printing new screens for a new run or redoing a whole box was sometimes out of the question. Often they simply cut out a new logo and pasted over an existing out of date or incorrect image. This was well before digital printing, and looking at the old skool fix, warmly reminded me of my own early years as a graphic artist at my first job in the early 90’s. These boxes were a beautiful reminder of a point in time when mistakes were not so easily fixed by the click of a mouse.

In addition there were less important variants on the secondary logos on the sides of the box, really showing the evolution. In fact, for a moment I even daydreamed that the second box Warren won, might potentially be the early proto or proof copy for this very toy. How could one in their right mind, a man who searches the globe for one character above all others part these two boxes again, when they so effortlessly tell a history together, thirty years after their creation.

After coming down from that high, Warren takes Regan over to the Astro Mu corner and she finally gets her first vintage Capsule Robo vinyl. Warren had an extra apparently! The girl is simply besides herself with happiness and we all are basking in the good natured mood that hums about the room.

Sifu then rushes off to find something none of us have seen, to complete the circle. The Astro Mu playset.
A hush hits the room and a billowing of old vinyl meets our collective nostrils. I have flashbacks of my early childhood Sesame Street place mats in upstate New York in 76′, as Warren with a grin, pulls out the printed vinyl sheet complete with Atromu battle scenes printed ever so innocently on the intense blue of the background.

Shock and awe ensues and so an idea dawns on us all to reenact the scene on the cover of the box as best we are able in the time we have left. Warren is game, and I jump at the opportunity to embarrass myself further on the internet (complete with epic black socks) with him.

Ta da’…

As always, an afternoon we won’t forget.

Sanjeev:The Red Baron box discovery and the Astro Mu playmat were, of course, little slices of magic. Heh…and I admittedly had butterflies in my stomach when Warren asked to see Gin Gin! But really, unsurprisingly to me, the best part of the trip was the man, himself. Warren simply exudes joy and passion for these silly things! He really gets what it’s all about. Even surrounded by his own cherished collection, he never once hesitated to let us pick something up and try it out. Hell, he didn’t bat an eyelash when Josh came up with the idea to recreate the scene on the cover of the Astro Mu playset!

I gotta say, it was a most pleasant way to cap off the Dim Summit and I’ll always take a piece of that experience with me.

December 11, 2010

Bullmark: “Rubber encased tin” Blazer

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 3:47 pm

“Rubber encased tin” Blazer or “super cheap toy” how Mr.Alt said.
How unsexy. Isn’t there an “official” name for these kind of toys…like chogokin, sofubi, etc?

Well, to be honest…this little Bullmark Blazer IS really cheap.
But for a Rockbat & Blazer nerd like me…he’s a must-have.

Own one of these Blazer is enough…NO…better you have 12 of him ;-)

When this Bullmark cardboard with Blazers popped up on Yahoo I had
a mission: Win this auction!

Now I have to find one of these with Rockbats…  ;-)

More fotos in the BBS.

BTW…I think these Blazers are perfect to decorate the Christmas tree.

December 8, 2010

Gundamnit, it’s 15 inches tall!!

Filed under: Co. BANDAI,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 5:09 pm

Took this pic last week, and figured it was time to throw it up. Banpresto just released this sofubi that is FIFTEEN inches tall. Pretty damn bad ass….

November 21, 2010

Nakajima: Pegas “small” MFV

Filed under: Co. NAKAJIMA,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 4:36 pm

This robot is such a nice guy. Nearly everybody likes him. But why?
Because he’s a bit fatty, has a very long nose and is blue?
Well maybe its a combination of everything. So what…I like him too.

This one here is the ca. 6,6” (17 cm) Missile Firing Sofubi from Nakajima.
I call him “small MFV” because there also is the big MFV-Talker.
Let’s start with the Box. Not so spectacular from the front, but specially
the back is very nice illustrated.
Mr.Fraser “rediscover” the good old animated Gif…so I MUST HAVE one here too ;-)

Sorry, the Gif is ca.500 kb big…but quality needs a frew kb’s.

Here the box “non-animated”.

Pegas comes with 3 missiles, a few cardboard targets and little vinyl “friend”.
Sorry I’m a cretin…is this little “friend” really friend.? What’s his name?
Please tell me the whole story in the BBS.

Here’s Mr.Pegas. Isn’t he cute…

Some close-up’s of his missile launchers.

BANG, BAAAANG…Gansta Pegas.

That’s it for today. More stuff as usual in the BBS.
Don’t forget to tell my how the name of his little alien friend is.

October 31, 2010

Yonezawa: Astekaizer

Filed under: Co. YONEZAWA,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 10:59 pm

A long weekend, a bunch of Astekaizers and ready is a Brog
about this funky japanese wrestler from the 70ties.
The TV show Pro Wrestling Star Astekaizer was premiered
in 1976 and was a mix of live action and animation, created by Go Nagai.
Yonezawa made a few Astekaizer toys. I focus on Astekaizer himself today.

Lets start with the big sofubi (No.14).

The size is ca. 8,3 inches (21cm). He only has a very simple action feature.
He could turn his arms around and you could remove his rubber-forearm-blades.
I’m not sure if you really could call this is an “action feature”  ;-)
These rubber parts are very loose attached…thats why most loose specimen are incomplete.

I really love the box of this guy. To be precise, I love all the Astekaizer boxes!
…and now you have the answer why this sucker is so expensive these days:
because of the diamond in his forehead!

Here are some detail shots of his rubber forearms and chest plate.

Lets continue with the “Standard” Diecast Astekaizer (No.1).
Again great box art and this time Astekaizer has some real action features.
There are two variations of the No.1 Astekaizer. The boxes look nearly the same,
but inside, one is packed in styrofoam and the other in foamed material.

They also have a different switches for the blade pop out mechanism on
their wrists/forearms and the illustration for this mechanism differ on
the back of the box.

Astekaizer has 3 action features. Removable chest plate (!), pop out chrome blades and
one of the best features ever: Missile firing feet!

Now its time for the mini Astekaizer (No.2). Also diecast with movable
blades in his forearms.

Here is the small sofubi Astekaizer. He comes in a plastic bag with cardboard header.

Thats it for today. More stuff as usual in the BBS.

October 27, 2010

Ginza mini summit

Warren, Alen and I all meet for lunch today at Ginza in Chinatown. I have only been to the other location in Brookline, but have high hopes regardless as the food is always excellent.

Uncle W brings a package and hands me a gift for my better half… a mini sofubi to go with his big brother on her shelf. He then gives Alen a missile firing Takatoku Gokai Tiger and Alen poses for the inevitable photo. The low res IPhone photo.
Yen brings out the Voltron USBs and Uncle admires it as I pick out what I want to eat. They have Anago (sea eel) and all feels right with the world.

We are all tired, busy, and feeling the stress of the holiday seasons. But it is good to get together once in a while and just decompress with good food, friends and toys. Another mini summit to the rescue.

October 16, 2010


Filed under: Co. INCUBOT,Daily Money Shots,Declarations,Yen appreciation — Josh Fraser @ 9:12 am

The kind of Yen appreciation we all enjoy.

Many happy Neko wishes and sofubi dreams Alen.

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