Well, I know there has already been a lot said about this piece so I’ll let the pics do the talkin’. Bullmark in kahoots with M1-Go, produced this amazing reissue after 29 years. Missing the missile firing mechanisms on the arms and knees, the only missile action you will get is the boobie missiles. Includes authentic paperwork. Enjoy the pics..
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I mean, c’mon. Who doesn’t love Japanese Spiderman? Now somebody sell me a Leopardon Jumbo Machinder STAT!!

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The famous shot of Joey Ramone and Kamen Rider is a classic! Taken in LA’s Little Tokyo on the Ramone’s second So Cal tour, shot in 1977 by Jenny Lens:

Little Tokyo 2010, shot by my iPhone:

Could they be the same?? Hmmm.. Well, that would be a strong maybe. I didn’t ask the owner, but judging by the scar on it’s left leg, which appear to be EXACTLY the same my guess is yes.
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There are many more Diapolon vinyls out there…
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One toy, Two collectors, on opposite coasts, Three decades to come together.
Coming soon…
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My Mom is awesome. One summer when I was 17, she took me on an 6-8 hour road trip to some random dude’s house for this strange gathering of geeks called the East Coast Chogokin Summit. I think she had more fun there than I did, hanging with the toy widows, checking out the rocket punch on the scores made there etc. She’s always been into this stuff. About a year ago my folks came for a visit, I’d just gotten a glow Rat Bat Spider sofubi and had forgotten to put it away before they arrived. Of course mom saw it went “wow this thing is cool” and instantly picked it up and started messing with it. When we met up for x-mas I brought the morphy’s catalog with me to show my dad since he’s a collector of militaria and wanted to know about my first live auction experience compared to some of his. He flipped through it a bit and set it down, then mom picked it up and flipped through it as well. In a very odd sort of role reversal moment she came up to me with the book in hand, poking at the Bullmark Icarus Seijin sofubi with a look of child-like glee in her eye saying how awesome it was and asking how hard they were to track down. Suffice it to say I made it my mission to pick one up for her. When they came for a visit a few weeks ago I presented it to her as an early happy mother’s day gift. It was a huge hit as I’m sure y’all can imagine. Just when you think you’ve heard all the stories and quirks that come from this hobby, something else comes around the corner.
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More Mecha Gojira.
Bullmark’s all-time classic.

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