This morning I cracked open my mini Shogun Warriors Grendizer to re-seat the legs, which had come off their groove. I noticed the screw was awfully loose, as if someone had already been inside. What I did not expect to find was a scrap of paper nestled inside.

I carefully unfolded it, wondering what it could be. We’ve all seen the story of the eerie Japanese note inside the vintage sofubi, but this turned out to be far more sinister.

Rather than risk marring the once-pristine paint with a name written in sharpie on the back, the intrepid Bruce Fenton (or, more likely, his parents) endeavored to store a writ of ownership where any sensible person would think to look first. Well Bruce, your note may have been tough to find, but rest easy knowing that your Grendizer is still in good hands.
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ST Daitarn 3 – Clover – 1978

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Here’s an oldie but a goodie from the archives. I randomly came across it when doing a Google image search this evening and thought it was worth another look.
Reposted from 09/10/04:

So what’s up with 1982?
1982 was a busy year. For example, there was Blade Runner, RunDMC, Lebanon,
Springsteen and Reagan.. No doubt, these were all VERY important things. Not to a 7 year old.
My 1982 was all about Japanese toys. Diecast, Jumbos, Vinyls, Model kits and books.. Anything I could get my hands on was “all goodâ€.
A quick trip to San Francisco’s Japan Town would always land me a couple of TV mags (with prizes), toy candy (with prizes) and last but not least a MIMB Popy Chogokin. After taking all my loot home, I would blow through the candy, quickly get over the mag/candy prizes, and alas the precious Chogokin specimen would eventually hit the toy shelf..
The TV magazines on the other hand would always stay in heavy rotation, and were visited on a daily basis. They were stocked full of toy pictures and ads of all the latest swag. They acted as a Japanese toy/anime “insider†for a stateside bound kid like myself. On a monthly basis, one could view the who’s who of Japanese toys by the current heavy hitters (Popy, Takatoku, Takara and Bandai). Best of all they always gave you a hint of what was yet to come..
So, enough of all that sappy nostalgia. Here’s a quick rundown of what Terebi Magagine November 1982 includes:
-MASSIVE amounts of Popy Chogokin
-Goggle V
-Machine Robo
-Kamen Rider ZX
-Gold Lightan
I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy!
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Oh yeah, did I mention I’m into real dolls…

Image compliments of Paul Kaiju
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Take a load off with some Chogokin and Mini Machinders galore!!

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From everyone at TBDX. May you have many more.
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Will be posting a quick report on the recent In Living Color show in Boston with Matt Walker. Until then, check this candy colored lineup.

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Medicom RAH220 Kamen Rider villain Yamogerasu doll
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