ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog
Brog is Japanese Toy Blog

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June 29, 2011

Ark Baltan Seijin バルタン星人

Filed under: Co. ARK,Co. BULLMARK,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 8:04 pm

Japan. 1976. Ark Kaiju reign. Per Prof Robert Duban:

“Mecha Baltan” was kind of an odd choice for the name of this toy, as it’s the most accurately non-mechanical portrayal of the bunch. It also looks nothing like the actual “Mecha-Baltan” that appeared in later episodes of the Ultraman series. Whatever. In any event, although it’s a relatively common piece in the ‘States, it’s highly sought after in Japan.”

June 28, 2011

Popy Machine-Robo DX Leopard A4

Filed under: Co. POPY,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 7:00 pm

Popy MR-DX04 made in Japan 1983. THE best MR DX in my opinion. It even has three modes.. Diecast. Plastic. Perfect nostalgia. Did Aramaki design this, because I’m getting weak at the knees “Aramaki” style.. You too can have one easily in a Super Gobots box. Ebay to the rescue..

See a Leopard Panzer A4 in action

Garamon Green

Filed under: CAE,Daily Money Shots — cae @ 7:51 am

Garamon GreenYamanaya Garamon at Fort Casey on Whidbey Island, WA

June 26, 2011

I was kinda bored one summer…

Filed under: Toy News — Jerilock @ 9:05 pm

The east coast guys are probably well aware of this guy here, for those not in the know a bit of background. In the summer of 2002 I was kind of bored. I needed a project to keep myself occupied and eat up those lazy summer days. I saw an article online about a 1/6th scale rx-78 gundam that had been built for an event in Japan. On my desk was an MG RX-78-3. I grabbed it, a ruler, and calculator… hmmm, 1/6th scale would make this thing about 10 feet tall, but at 1/10th scale it’d be about 6 feet tall… and using a 1/100 scale kit as a template the measurement conversions would be pretty simple to figure out (I can’t help but LOL hard at that one)… a few months, and a ton of trips to the local hobby store later I had this guy finished. When I first moved down to FL my first place was pretty small and sadly 6 foot gundam wouldn’t fit anywhere. He sat in NY for close to 5 years, waiting for the opportunity to come down. About a month ago my folks offered to make “the final trip” down here and drag down the last of my stuff taking up space in the house. Somehow they managed to fit this guy in the back of the van (let me say now that my folks are freaking awesome). Now he’s here and the toy room feels that much more complete. Had to move a couple things to get him to fit but he slid into place pretty simply. Awesome times.

Bullmark: 100 ¥ Blazer

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 6:53 am

Little story from the world of toy auctions.

…it happened at the end of january. I made my daily Rockbat auction check on Yahoo
and found something interesting for me. This auction caught my eye…Blazer, Box looks mint,
Bullmark and starting price 100 yen. Well, do I need another one? Yes!
But I don’t need to win the auction desperately, because I already have this Blazer.
Max bid 2000 yen…fire and forget…

…the auction ended and I was the only bidder. Yeah! I was astonished that really nobody
bid on this auction.  I won my 100 ¥ Blazer!
Ok, with shipping, fees etc it was more a 1300 yen Blazer, but I won him for 100 ;-)

1 month later my big toy parcel from japan arrived in germany.
I was curious how my 100 yen auction looks in reality. On the auction fotos
everything looked mint, but you never know how it looks when you hold it in your hands.

I wasn’t dissapointed! The Box looks perfect. I love the artwork!

Then I opened the box and …

…the first thing I noticed: A Missile

(uups, I forgot to mention that the auction was for a box only)

How cool is that! I’m be happy as a kid, because I found a missile in the box (that wasn’t mentioned
in the Yahoo auction description)…all that for 100 yen.

But I wasn’t the only one who was happy now.

Also my small MFV Blazer was happy now. Finally he got an original Bullmark
missile…no ill-fitting Ark missile anymore.

Happy end for me and Blazer.

…and the Blazer box?
Hanging framed on the wall now :-D


Sorry…again a Blazer Brog…I’m a nerd…BBS


June 13, 2011

Bullmark: Akumaizer 3 Garibar

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 3:07 pm

My Bullmark Honda Motor Club has a new member.

The bike is the usual Honda CB 750 four, like the ones Blazer and Diapolon drive.
But Zabitan’s Garibar Honda is tuned up with a super aerodynamic fairing,
armed with 2 deadly missile launchers.

A funny detail is mirror inverted sticker on the right side. RABIRAG.
Looks like a little mistake. Well, nobody’s perfect…specially Bullmark toys.
But who cares, I love them regardless.

Here are the 2 missiles that came with the bike…mint in bag ;-)

Lets continue with the box:

Great artwork as usual. Box shows the 2 action features. Missile firing action and
“sparkling” mechanism inside the motor.

The artwork is identical to the small version Garibar in blister box.
Both toys have a “double branding” on the box. Bullmark & Takatoku (T.T.).

Here are some fotos of the whole Bullmark MC.

I know that there are also a Mach Baron, Zaboga and an Ultraman on these bikes…
so, the Honda MC isn’t complete yet ;-)

But trying to complete the Bullmark Honda Motor Club is nearly tough as
trying to get all Zabitan figures. You never know whats out there…

More fotos in the BBS.

May 27, 2011

Fill ‘er up!!

Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 8:01 pm


May 23, 2011

Iron Man (no, not THAT Iron Man)

Filed under: Toy News — matt @ 9:49 pm

A strange, apparently handmade Tetsujin 28 display spotted by a Japanese blogger at the Suma Aqualife Park in Kobe in 2008. It seems to be a one-off created for an amusement park rather than an officially produced item.

Three Leaf Clover

Filed under: Co. CLOVER,Daily Money Shots — Jeremy @ 1:44 am


May 20, 2011

What have I done…?

Filed under: Alen Yen,Nekrodave,Sanjeev,Stoopid — Sanjeev @ 3:34 pm

How did we ever get here from there? Have I truly gone too far this time? And perhaps most perplexing, how have I(we) kept this a secret for almost two weeks now??? Gentlefolk, submitted for your approval: the depths of my collecting madness, or one helluva sweet ride.

This is an emotional tale. On one hand, I feel a swell of pride in my chest for having “taken one for the team”. It sounds strange–I know. But ultimately, this was something that had to enter the fold. One of the massholes had to take possession of this thing…for the sake of the community. And honestly, “possession” isn’t even the right word. This isn’t a thing one can possess. One can only strive to be a worthy custodian of this item. Someone who cares for, preserves, and even restores a treasure–for the good of us all and for the good of future generations.

And on the other hand, the drunken frat boy in me is straight out his damn mind over this score! Guys, I bought a fucking Grendizer coin-operated kiddie ride.

It all started a couple Mondays ago. On the morning of the 9th, still bleary-eyed from the rude interruption of my weekend, I was greeted by an e-mail from JoshB with the images above, urging someone to adopt this unlikely piece of ephemera. All the usual suspects were copied. The idea was for one of us local Beantowners to buy this thing and haul it down from Salisbury on the north shore of Massachusetts, where it once thrilled (and likely baffled) kids from within a now-closed arcade.

Who would step up to the plate and throw down?

Was there ever any doubt?

The decision was made before I even started my computer. But the tone of the conversation was quite clear: this WAS going to become part of the family. There was no doubt. At any point.

Josh helped put me in touch with Nick, the seller from Salisbury, and he turned out to be a solid dude. The “Goldrake” on the side of the unit threw him off, but with a little research, he quickly found CDX, headquartered north of Boston. Seemed only natural for Nick to contact Josh and ask about ride and see if there would be any interest in buying it. Oh yes.

On Tuesday, I finally talked to Nick on the phone. He was eager to move the ride…and, honestly, I was eager to get it off his front lawn and somewhere safe (my mother’s garage!). The following evening, there was a bit of a false start when Dave, stalwart as ever, drove back from the Brimfield Antique Show to pick my ass up from work and go haul the machine in his minivan. We met with Nick and shot the shit for a while…but ultimately we discovered that the fucking thing was too tall to fit in the van! The length and width were fine, but that damn fin! Grumbling, we drove back south, empty-handed.

[Y’know, we were also planning to meet our friend and fellow collector, Marco, after the trek (some of y’all might remember him from the Morphy’s auction a couple years back). He was visiting from Italy specifically for the Brimfield show, and it woulda been hot to show him the ride, which we’re fairly certain was made there in the 70’s!]

But as we all know, failure is not an option. Fortunately, there was no rain for the rest of the week, so the ride would be safe from the elements. I coordinated with Nick and we ultimately decided that I was gonna suck it up and rent a damn U-Haul and do this shit proper on Saturday. Once again, Dave proves his might by volunteering to help haul the ride. And better still, Alen had some time in the afternoon to chill–and since he was on the way back down south, Dave and I dropped by for some homemade eggrolls and hang-out time with Miya.

Alen thanked me: if I hadn’t thrown down for this thing, he would have had to. It didn’t need to be said. We all knew what was at stake here.

Y’know, a fresh set of eyes often emphasizes the utter absurdity of what’s right in front of you.

Yen almost immediately tries to mount the ride, reverse-cowgirl.

Up until that point, Dave and I had been running a mile a minute since around lunchtime. Nick clearly had plans for his Saturday, as we had only exchanged a small bit of conversation before heaving the ride into our other ride and pushing off. So for the first time, I got to see this thing in broad daylight…and finally, the gravity of the purchase started to sink in.

Holy shit.

It’s always good to get in some face time with the Godfather, but eventually we had to split. The ride back to Braintree was filled with talk of the Bruins‘ playoff outlook. Incidentally, the grippy bed-liner in the pickup insured there would be no shifting of the ride while I drove gingerly down the highway. But make no mistake about it: I constantly had half an eye on the rear-view, watching Grendy bob gently up and down on the boom arm.

When we got back to Mama Jeev’s garage, we unloaded and returned the pickup in time for the opening face-off…

…But NOT before the final, most crucial step in the journey:

So the plan for now is to house this monstrosity in the car hold. I’ve since rolled him onto a tarp and wrapped him up like a Hershey’s kiss hopefully to keep bugs, rodents, or whatever from making a home outta him.

Ideally, I intend to ply repairtechjon with drugs and women to get him to help me make it do right by the time the Summit rolls around. Godspeed, lil Goldrake…and a big shout-out to all the massholes. Remember: if it weren’t for peer pressure, just imagine the untold glories that would otherwise just pass us by! ;)

And the proud new papa:

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