ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Gearlocked! The daily grind.
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January 19, 2011

Gearlocked! The daily grind.

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Toy Love — Paul Kaiju @ 9:29 pm

I had seen them so many times before in the old Bullmark Catalogs but never “in the plastic”.

I decided to take the plunge on a BIN “Export version” set from Yeebay which i received this morning.

Even though it’s just one small set ( Set 4 Aerial Airport) , I didn’t get a whole lot done today.

I still have to go into the breakfast hutch where it’s currently located and crank it every so often.

It’s quite fulfilling and I’m not ashamed to admit it!

Had to add some Mini kaiju into the mix as well.

I’m planning on expanding my city eventually and adding a Coffee grinder and a revolving tie rack..

Crank that Gearlock Box!

Remove the punch.

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