ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Pint size collectable lameness.
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April 28, 2009

Pint size collectable lameness.

Filed under: Co. POPY,Declarations,Josh Fraser — Josh Fraser @ 8:47 pm


The packaging lies. No one should collect these. But because of my sickness I felt compelled to obey the packaging and make them “collectable”. Do they do anything for me from a design perspective? No. Do they have any redeeming qualities that I can say make them worth having? No. They are simply representations of Gaiking, and no matter how much they suck, I find myself drawn to waste what room I have in my display case to house them. I admit it. Not only that, But somehow I felt a need to find any variant I could. Why? Well because they came in different boxes silly.

Shoot me.

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