ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Review: Vinyl Scopedog
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August 4, 2005

Review: Vinyl Scopedog

Filed under: Toy News — Rumble Crew @ 2:12 pm

It’s true, sometimes wanting is better than having.

After seeing Matt’s post about these vinyl Scopedogs at Wonderfest, though, I had to have one. A sofubi-style Scopedog was too hard to resist, and I figured if it was rendered nearly as well as Denjin’s vinyl mobile suits, I’d be a happy camper.

Well, camp is here, and the pudding cup that I got is warm and rancid. This figure stinks. The vinyl is thin and soft, never a good sign, but the worst aspect is that the thing stands like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Sure, it’s big, and it’s articulated at the head, shoulders, elbows, waist, and knees, but the way the feet are molded, the only way you can get it to lean properly is by turning the toes inwards. The result is a mecha that looks like it has club feet.

Overall, I give it a D. Great concept, lousy execution. (See? Sometimes I give a VOTOMS toy a bad grade.)

It doesn’t look like there are going to be more of these. Matt told me when he tried to get more information out of the makers at Wonderfest, they said the nightmare of producing this toy would prevent them from ever doing something like this again. One can always troll Yahoo Japan for one, though, although the price tag will sting (I paid $120 plus $10 shipping from Rinkya).

Here’s hoping that Denjin gets tackles this project themselves one day…

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