ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Marukai, Marukai where art thou?
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December 2, 2009

Marukai, Marukai where art thou?

Filed under: Toy Love,Toy News — BillT @ 11:53 pm

Found these on ebay. Not normally something I would go after, but they sounded too cool/interesting to pass up. Only one bad cropped photo of the Arks was shown, but listing said there were 3 pages plus order form/price list, so what the hell.

Seller said she(yes, she) sent away for and received it in May 1978 (there is a pen mark of 5/78 on the back of one).

I would like 10 of each please.

Now, when the hell are they going to invent the time machine!

(and, NO, I don’t have a scanner at the moment)

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