TBDX just got nerdier!
Inwards and I just raised the Geek level of ToyboxDX a few notches. There is now an RSS feed for the rumble. That feed can be found here.
For those of you who are already using these, you know how rad this is. If you don’t, this is basically a whole new way to use the web. You can subscribe to the ToyboxDX feed with a news aggregator, many of which can be dowloaded for free here. (Mac OSX users take note!)
What this program will do is maintain a constant watch on the news feed, in this case the Rumble, and alert you when it’s updated. Gone are the days of checking the rumble every few minutes for an update! Your news aggregator will let you know when there’s something new, at which point you can either read it right there, or follow a link to read it in a browser. This gets really cool when you realize that most other news or blog sites you probably read have these feeds too, and if they don’t they will soon.
Still not convinced? Here’s a story that ran on CNN the other day which should back up some of this hype.