A newcomer to the Japanese toy scene, with the enigmatic name of “CM’s,” is apparently eager to make a splash. Their very first product will be a full-action diecast-and-plastic “Genesic GaoGaiGar” toy.
Details are sketchy at this point, but one thing’s for certain: it’s going to be a big mother, clocking in at roughly 32cm (that’s well over a foot, for those keeping score.) The main component of “Genesic Gaigar” appears to be close to ten inches tall itself (not to mention fully transformable into the “Genesic Galeon” form as well.)
Pictured is the Kotobukiya “Docking” Gao Gai Gar resin kit for a reference — we’ll post actual pics of CM’s big guy when we get our grubby mitts on ’em.
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