ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Heavy FIX
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April 8, 2003

Heavy FIX

Filed under: Toy News — Rumble Crew @ 1:17 am

Normally, I’m not one to get all excited about PVC action figures. Least of all about Katoki Hajime’s hit-or-miss “Gundam FIX Figuration” series, which features some of the greatest detailing and flimsiest design out of any Gundam toys.

Love ’em or hate ’em, though, even the most jaded Gundam collector has to admit that series designer Katoki Hajime knows how to pick ’em. Nearly every one of the designs is a totally obscure, old-school mecha fan favorite designed to send hardcore Gundam maniacs into a heavy-breathing frenzy.

Gundam FIX Figuration #14 and #15, the latest, are no exception. #14 will be “Heavy Gundam,” an all-but-unknown orphan from the planned but abandoned “MS-X” model series. It resembles the old “Full Armor Gundam,” the very first of the FIX toys, but features a Prototype Gundam inside. I could take or leave Heavy Gundam. But a Prototype Gundam, now. For whatever reason, I’ve wanted a toy of that thing ever since I was a kid. Ah, how I’ve lusted for thy “Tootsie-roll” paint job…. Yeah, I’m a loser.

FIX #15 will be “EX-S Gundam” in “Task Force Alpha” colors, whatever that means. It looks like a slight variation of #11, “Refined EX-S,” minus the enormous, waist-mounted phallo-cannon.

Anyway, look for ’em at the end of June. 3,680 yen for Heavy; 4,500 for Ex-S.

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