Reddo Shyoorudaa!!
This is the Sakamoto Showten Vinyl Red Shoulder Scopedog that was released at Winter Wonder Festival 2006. There’s not much to say about it that wasn’t already eloquently articulated in the other vinyl Scopedog Rumble and in the Fatty Rumble.
I don’t own any other vinyl Scopedog or the Fatty(someone please sell it to me!) but mine doesn’t smell and it’s made of sturdy vinyl. Mine can also stand up without turning the feet too far in but it still leans forward somewhat. Mine also has a red shoulder, which makes it instantly superior to all other vinyl toys.
I got mine through from Yahoo Japan Auctions. It was 9000yen, and with proxy fees and shipping it was probably around 39000yen(kidding!). I don’t want to calculate how much it actually cost with the extra fees, but I’m really happy with my vinyl Scopedog, especially since it’s the only large vinyl toy I own(no, this will not my gateway drug to a vinyl fixation).
The other toys featured in the pictures are the Microman Scopedog, Actic Gear Turbo Custom, and Actic Gear Marshydog.
That is all.