ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » GRIP on my designer soul
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August 15, 2009

GRIP on my designer soul

Filed under: Co. GRIP,Daily Money Shots,Declarations,Josh Fraser — Josh Fraser @ 2:10 am


The Grip Jumbo G5.

The sentence itself makes me smile.

Alen is right. This toy is perfection. From the classically painted artwork to the understated details and lack of any superfluous decoration… It has been written about far better and more thoroughly than I am able, so I will simply say, there are few times Popy got it wrong. This is one of those times for me.

If you are going to buy a Gatcha Phoenix, this is the only one you need consider. When given the choice buy the Bently, not the Chystler 300 .

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