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July 4, 2009

bling bling

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 4:15 pm

I wrote about my little restoration project some time ago on robot-japan,
but I thought it could be interesting for you guys too.
Some Bullmark robots like Apolon Header & Trang DX and Robo Daibaron ST
often have tarnished metal parts.  I also had a few Bullmark robots and wanted
to give them their “bling” back. I needed a guinea pig for “operation bling”!

I found this loose Apolon Header DX on ebay-spain (original ebay auction foto)

He looked perfect for a cosmetic restoration project:
typical heavy tarnished arms, legs and horns. But otherwise complete.
Nobody bid on him (strange), so I got him for under $60.

I wasn’t disappointed what I got him. Header was in a good condition.
So I could start “operation bling”!
What you need is metal polish paste (I use aluminium polish paste),
some beers and a lot of time.

You could easy disassemble the arms (only 1 screw).
So you could polish them better without breaking something.

I also polish the horns of Header.
They are made of copper (I think) and got dark over the years.

The whole restoration took me a few hours and some beers ;-)
But I gave Header his “bling” back.
What Do you think guys, is this guy worth more than $55?

I did the same polish job with my other Header and the arms of my Apolon Trang.
Et voilà. Here’s my complete Diapolon gang.

Greetings from germany!

Apropos germany: Are here any vintage-super-robo-collectors from germany?

more bling:,198125

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