ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Pint Sized Matsumoto Goodies
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June 5, 2009

Pint Sized Matsumoto Goodies

Filed under: Toy News — Jerilock @ 6:12 pm

So after a while of waiting I received the latest additions to my shrine of Blue Arcadia obsession. I got home from the post office and sat down to unwrap and expose my newest acquisitions with shaking hands. And as soon as my eyes fell upon them I had one of those “ummm…okay then” sort of moments. If you were to set these next to an Eidai Grip piece, it would be like standing a GA-01 next to a Jumbo Machinder Mazinger Z. Yeah, they’re tiny as hell, as these pics demonstrate (that’s a dime put in for scale)

That having been said they’re sweet as hell, I just love the funky, soft, off scale sculpts on them. A happy reminder of a time when these were sold as toys, not collectors statues or any such thing. Another neat detail I notice is how for each ship they have a different distinct card printed up, not like they just used the same background image for both ships (I’m assuming that the center section under where the bubble wold mount lists info on each ship)

Looking at the cards they were attached to I’d say these were sold stapled in rows on larger display boards (and yes I now have a burning desire to get a complete display of these). Until I stumbled on the auction for these I’ve never heard of these before. My hope is that they made other ships from the Harlock series in this set, maybe even some Mazone enemy vessels to fight with. One final note, I don’t recognize any makers marks, or notice any kind of logos anywhere on these, hopefully someone here recognizes something and can shed more light on these things.

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