ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » My most FAVORITE TOY!!
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August 16, 2014


Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 7:47 pm


You know it’s funny, after all the years of collecting this stuff the idea of a “favorite”, for me at least, is kind of a foriegn idea, somewhat fleeting. BUT, An old friend of mine recently called me out, saying “Sjoen, your favorite toys have been just about whatever fit the situation or changed by year or whatever, and was never consistent..”.

There are so many potential reactions to this. Yet, the only one that matters to me, you are witnessing here. There are no favorites! There are only, just like anything else in life, momentary enlightenments. We are never keen on anything in particular for very long. LOVE for example, in my personal opinion cannot be coined upon inanimate objects by sane people, thefore “favorites” to me at least don’t really exist when it comes to collecting due to the fact that I don’t associte my brand of collecting with “love” often.. Ha!

As time passes, and tastes change, so do the characters I adore. The fact that one would even have to answer such a mundane question after 20 years of collecting is beyond me..

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