ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Sakura: Zakuraman’s blue bro
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December 15, 2012

Sakura: Zakuraman’s blue bro

Filed under: Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 6:07 pm

Today a little reanimation Brog.
The patient is a Sakura Zakuraman and the
story began with a Y!JP auction a few weeks ago.

I found this auction by accident and it immediately attracted my attention.
Not the fistless Bullmark Trang, it was the bit battle damaged, but blue
Zakuraman. Blue! I remember I’ve seen one with a green body years ago,
but I’m not 100% sure …or was he blue too? I didn’t save the auction pic.

Whatever. I wanted this Zakuraman, even in this bad condition, because I
had a joker. A second boxed specimen that I could use as “organ donor”.


When I got Zakuraman I wasn’t shocked. The yellow plastic battery
backpack was broken, the red clear plastic face part didn’t look too good
and his legs had lots of paint chips. Normally I would call this “junk”.

The opeation was pretty simple. 3 srews and Zakuraman falls apart.
Fascinating electronic parts inside ;-)

Here are a few detail photos of the Zakuraman operation.

BTW. The movable plastic cover in the blue Zakuraman’s chest is
darker than the red specimen’s versions. I know all hardcore toy
nerds love me for this insider info.

The reanimation of Zakuraman was pretty easy and with his
“new” legs, face and backpack he looks pretty cool.

Welcome back blue bro!

That’s it for today. Now it’s time to continue with my other restoration project,
which is a bit more complicated. Again Nakajima sofubis…

More photos etc in the BBS.



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