ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Bullmark vs Salamander AG
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July 6, 2011

Bullmark vs Salamander AG

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Stephan Halder,Stoopid,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 4:15 pm

Lurchi the fire salamander and his buddy Unkerich the yellow-bellied toad meet Mirrorman.

The 2 troublemakers are made by the Salamnder AG in germany.
There are 4 more figures that belong to the Lurchi toyline.

These early 70ties big sofubis are germany’s answer to Bullmark.
German Kaijus in leather shoes ;-)

Lurchi and his friends started their lives in 1937. They are comicfigures used by
the shoe manufacturer Salamander AG for promotion. They are very famous
in germany…like Godzilla in Japan…

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