ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » The ultimate Mekanda toy Mekamax pla DX !!!
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March 29, 2011

The ultimate Mekanda toy Mekamax pla DX !!!

Filed under: Toy News — Virginio de Angelis @ 2:03 pm

The first time I saw it was in 2007 in Hong Kong ..
I was not shure what it was and my budget was all gone ..
I left it there…
After several months i decided to give the picture of the toy to a frind of mine who translated the Kanjii and
the translation was MEKAMAX .
I left on the shelf of that shop one the rarest mekanda toy i’ve ever seen in my life.
Not expensive .. but rarer than a Mekanda DX ..
It was incredible that after 3 years that toy was still hidden in that little store .. but a friend of mine find it again when he went to HK for a toy hunt .. and I ordered him to buy it at any cost!!
That bad ass was waiting for me and this time i did not let it go.
Here is the Mekanda Max pla DX with all it’s features !

The toy appears amazing and on the box you can see the various features it is able to do .

The front part can be detatched

The spinning colored wheels can be loaded by rotating the small blue wheel

The other missiles can be fired by pulling the trigger here

Guys …It is a friction toy like the Sanzen DX Gakeen .. look !!!!!!!!
There are two wheels that can be used to push the Mekamax on the floor and let it go!

This complete my mekanda collection and i’d like to share to you all!

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