toyboxdx toy blog brog: is graceful art of daily expressing japanese toy
July 9, 2009
July 7, 2009
T-28: The Big Talker
Pretty much a vinyl clone of the Popy SG-01 in size & sculpt. You don’t see these very often, even less with the jet-pack — which is fastened to the body by a string!
July 6, 2009
Woody Red Baron
This odd vinyl is owned by quite a few of us, so I figured I’d give him some love with shots of both lenticular angles.
July 3, 2009
Building a better little boy
I had to do it.
Recently I’ve become a father, and although it sounds horribly cliche’, I think I have the cutest kid in the world (like all fathers should). It’s everything they tell you it is: Bliss, terror, peak human emotion, peak human experience… it’s all there, and it is most definitely miraculous. I love it.
Modern fathers have a new role these days, one that I personally relish: Documentarian. I take more photos & videos of this kid…poor ‘lil guy, his whole childhood is going to be readily available for historical review. However, sometimes it just seems right to alter reality a bit, especially if it involves Japanese robots!
It was this randomly captured pose that sparked my robo-inclined creative impulse. Even without the PS work, he looked like he was shooting to win an Astro Boy look-alike contest. I could not resist. And a whole new way to embarrass my kid was born….
July 1, 2009
Naka-Nodder: Mach Baron
Nodders are lame. Unless, they are decades-old Japanese super robots. Then they pretty much rule. From Nakajima, enjoy.
June 30, 2009
Bullmark Mecha-G
With apologies to Chris, I know you loves the amputees. But hey, every amputee was full bodied at one point, so consider this a “before” pic.
June 29, 2009
Bullmark Blazer
An absolute must-have for the discerning collector. Gimmicks gimmicks and more gimmicks. Surprisingly, these are not super expensive….yet.
June 27, 2009
June 26, 2009
Takara’s Iron Jeeg, Popeye style
Just look at those magnificently overdeveloped forearms. When removed they reveal, of course, spring-loaded elbow missiles. All the rage, back in the day. Enjoy.
June 24, 2009
Mr. Toyota foot
Mach Baron by bullmark. This one is entirely hard plastic, except for the slightly less than Hotwheel sized metal Celica stored in his foot.