ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Mike Parisi
Brog is Japanese Toy Blog

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July 9, 2009


Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 5:41 pm


July 7, 2009

T-28: The Big Talker

Filed under: Co. POPY,Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 12:13 pm

Pretty much a vinyl clone of the Popy SG-01 in size & sculpt. You don’t see these very often, even less with the jet-pack — which is fastened to the body by a string!t28

July 6, 2009

Woody Red Baron

Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 11:41 am

This odd vinyl is owned by quite a few of us, so I figured I’d give him some love with shots of both lenticular angles.



July 3, 2009

Building a better little boy

Filed under: Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 2:17 pm


I had to do it.

Recently I’ve become a father, and although it sounds horribly cliche’, I think I have the cutest kid in the world (like all fathers should). It’s everything they tell you it is: Bliss, terror, peak human emotion, peak human experience… it’s all there, and it is most definitely miraculous. I love it.

Modern fathers have a new role these days, one that I personally relish: Documentarian. I take more photos & videos of this kid…poor ‘lil guy, his whole childhood is going to be readily available for historical review. However, sometimes it just seems right to alter reality a bit, especially if it involves Japanese robots!

It was this randomly captured pose that sparked my robo-inclined creative impulse. Even without the PS work, he looked like he was shooting to win an Astro Boy look-alike contest. I could not resist. And a whole new way to embarrass my kid was born….

July 1, 2009

Naka-Nodder: Mach Baron

Filed under: Co. NAKAJIMA,Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 2:27 pm

Nodders are lame. Unless, they are decades-old Japanese super robots. Then they pretty much rule. From Nakajima, enjoy.


June 30, 2009

Bullmark Mecha-G

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 12:30 pm

With apologies to Chris, I know you loves the amputees. But hey, every amputee was full bodied at one point, so consider this a “before” pic.

June 29, 2009

Bullmark Blazer

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 4:02 pm

An absolute must-have for the discerning collector. Gimmicks gimmicks and more gimmicks. Surprisingly, these are not super expensive….yet.


June 27, 2009

Bullmark Zaboga

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 12:17 pm

For your viewing pleasure.


June 26, 2009

Takara’s Iron Jeeg, Popeye style

Filed under: Co. TAKARA,Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 12:49 pm

Just look at those magnificently overdeveloped forearms. When removed they reveal, of course, spring-loaded elbow missiles. All the rage, back in the day. Enjoy.


June 24, 2009

Mr. Toyota foot

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Daily Money Shots,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 1:33 pm

Mach Baron by bullmark. This one is entirely hard plastic, except for the slightly less than Hotwheel sized metal Celica stored in his foot.


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