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June 19, 2010

Popy: Spider-Man & Leoparodon Set

Filed under: Co. POPY,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 5:24 pm

Spiderman and a giant japanese robot, what a cool combination.
The dream came true in the late 70ties when Toei produced a TV series
based on Marvel’s popular character.

Popy made lots of cool toys related to this series. Chogokins, plasic toys, Dolls, sofubis etc.

One of these toys is this Spider-Man & Leoparodon Set.
I bought it in the early 90ties in germany from a guy with a giant
Spiderman collection. This guy, Peter Bergner, is a real “toy-collecting-legend”
here in germany. I remember that I made a custom Popy box, for a Spidey figure
for him…holy shit, long time ago.

Spidey & Leoparodon are  made complete out of plastic.
Cheap toys, but they look great in the nice designed blister box.

Here are a few more detail shots of the accessories and the box art.

More fotos as usual in the BBS.

The postcard that came with the set is real funky.
Spider-Man on the fotos looks a bit…hmmm…strange…
maaan, his  lower  legs…a bit short?

June 12, 2010

Bullmark & Columbia: Rockbat Vinyls

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Stephan Halder,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 4:34 pm

Today a double feature: A few sofubis and a single.

What has Columbia Records in common with Bullmark?
Not much, but Columbia also released a Rockbat vinyl…stereo sofubi.
When I saw this 7” on Yahoo a few months ago, I thought this
single is a MUST for a serious Rockbat collector ;-)

Funky sound for a funky TV series!
The single comes with a real nice fold-out cover.

Now having the soundtrack, playing with the sofubis makes even more fun.
Apropos sofubis…also got one of the 2 Bullmark carded sofubi-sets.
This is the 4 figures set. The other set is a bit cooler, because it contains 5 figures
and they are more detailed. But, I’m happy that I scored this one here!

…and now…premiere…I finally found out how to post thumbnails linked to bigger pictures. Yeah!  ;-)
Here are a few detail shots and scans of the fold-out cover of the single.

Thats it for today.

More fotos in the BBS.

June 9, 2010

Feelin’ the RockBat & Blazer Love

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Toy News,Trevor Tang — TT28 @ 3:42 pm


I think the illustrations by N. Maemura really ROCKS!!! This card insert was for a Blazer sofubi. I knew I had to add it to my collection the moment I saw it.


This is the back side to the card insert above. Now, where do I find that retro looking base station?

DimSummit 2.0

Filed under: Co. INCUBOT,Josh Fraser,Regan Miller,Toy Love — Josh Fraser @ 2:51 pm

So what do you get when you have half a dozen toy nerds descend upon an unsuspecting Dim Sum joint, with a box full of protos and a mind full of marketing ideas?

Regan and I arrive before anyone else and soon get a message from Alen he is almost there. I imagine him zipping in and out of traffic with a passenger seat full of Nekosaurs and think about how crazy he drove when he had a damn Volkswagon new Beetle, and not his monster of a Solstice. He is likely listening to the Gatchaman soundtrack and blowing past Honda Civics, humming along, wishing he was dressed in his Condor outfit.

Everyone soon arrives and we make our way to the table. They smartly stick us in the corner of the back room, out of the way, as the waiters seem to be curious about what this rag tag bunch is up to. Why are they carrying a box of robots to their table anyway?

It does not take long for the waitresses to be amused and pick up various Sofubi Neckos and giggle and comment on how “cute” they are.

We have gained fans, and the pork buns are rolling around the table while Alen in his bemused but stoic Ceo persona, hands out the goodies.

Various Matt Walker painted vinyls make their way into our greasy hands. Chops sticks on one side, and sparkle Monster Color Nekos in the other.

Course two is a new selection of Neko USBs, and before long Alen pulls out the big guns…A licensed VOLTRON USB which Yen has quietly been working on, as well as a Popy style catalog for future releases!

After lunch we head out, and a few other items are shared and traded. Dave thoughtfully brings Regan her three talkers.

She happily puts them in the car, and we plan for a meeting at Mason’s house later for dinner (bacon) and a Godzilla movie.

Not a better time could be asked for.

Next Brog: Mason’s dinner party and collection.

June 8, 2010

Umm, Where’s my Passport? Part 5: Shimokitazawa, or, always call ahead

Filed under: Toy News — Jerilock @ 9:27 am

Well we’re nearing the end of our story here. Last time we found our hero hanging out in Nakano. This time we begin in Shimokitazawa. Unfortunately due to schedule issues and the like this is going to be the shortest and probably more boring chapter of the story. So the day after the hang out with the Alt I once again ventured out on my own. I went out with Tokyo underground in hand and entered the strange twisted streets of Shimokitazawa, of course starting out going the opposite direction from all the shops, but it gave me a chance to see the new updated sign.
at first this kinda threw me for a bit of a loop as the sign here didn’t match the pics in my guide, but the handy dandy pics in Tokyo Underground came to the rescue, I was able to match up to the wall behind the sign and using that reference point I was on my way towards the few, yet funky shops that are found here. First stop; Natuka Shia. I had heard that this shop was known for having some older items and I was on the prowl for some Bullmark tin goodness (I curse Fraser for turning me onto these things >_<). I rounded a corner and saw the Zappas awning. Sweet!
I climbed the stairs, only to be met with a locked and shuttered door…..
Crap, it’s Tues and they’re closed……. *sigh*, Oh well, I had heard this place didn’t always have a great stock selection and stuff… yeah… that makes it hurt a bit less… I headed down the road once again, hoping a wide eyed, mouth hanging open wandering in (H)ome Rice would help. I wandered around the general vicinity where it was supposed to be a couple times, passing by Toys Paradise and Zemba Shoten. After a couple circles around the same block I wandered into a sake shop and in my best broken japanese asked if they could direct me to Ome Rice. They pointed direct across the street from their shop at a closed and locked non descript store front and said closed……. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twice in one day……. Grrrrr….. I checked my guide and I knew I was there at the right time, and there were no closed days listed…. Talking to Alt after wards it turns out that it’s quite common in Japan for shops to close on random days and/or random times. I gathered my sanity and headed over to Toys Paradise. Out front there were dozens of boxes and bins full of random stuff, some of it cool (Erasers, LP’s, carded sofubi etc) Some of it kinda boring and bleh. I did some digging outside and then peered inside, knowing I had some rough times ahead.
While looking well organized at first glance this place was a crazy rats nest, cabinets stuffed to bursting.
Shelves stuffed with vinyls, and dozens of tiny drawers, filled with all sorts of key chains, nick nacks, Gashapon, erasers… the list goes on O_o.
Of course mixed in amongst the JP toys was a TON of American stuff, old marvel characters figures, Megos, Star wars, Ghostbusters, Toy Story…. a very eclectic mix. Once again, greetings with the owner, showing of collection pics and questions about what was there or not there. I was looking at a Geeg tin in a small case to the right of the counter. The price was high and it was not something I was seriously interested in. That’s when the owner told me they were having a store wide 50% off sale… WHOA….. Ok then…I started looking a bit more earnestly then, knowing stuff was half off does that to ya….
It was then that I overheard a bit of english, but with a bit of an Australian twist to it. I met a fellow collector, awesome! we chatted for a bit. Turns out this was her first visit to Japan for toys in a very long while, and she’s still doing it old school, doesn’t use the internet (had never heard of tbdx or cdx), didn’t have any guides with her, I expected her to whip out a binder full of gangu jinsei clippings, magic box ads and the like. She asked about what shops I had been to up to that point and when I whipped out my copy of Tokyo Underground she was sorta amazed that such a publication was available. While I started digging in the stuffed to the gills gokin cabinet in the back she flipped through the book, asking questions, writing down addresses and phone numbers and the like. I am pretty certain that she’s most likely ordered her own copy by now. She was looking at a Battinger that was up high and I told her it was an awesome piece, especially with the 50% off sale. The owner got a ladder and snagged it down, I checked it for her, after seeing it was complete and in good shape I congratulated the score, after the discount it was 15k, not a bad price at all. I asked how she expected to get it back, and was regaled with tales of past visits when she’s ship back dozens of boxes filled with stuff… good times indeed.
p1020431 We chatted a bit more, all the while I dug. This shop had a very nice selection of Grips, I snagged a couple and then I saw what looked like a clover gundam tin walker. I was stoked, but then I opened the box and saw it was the all plastic version and was a bit broken. ugh. oh well back it went. Unlike the other shops I’d been to, the counters here were already piled with stuff, so it was a bit hard to make a buy pile, but the owner was nice enough to bag stuff up for me as I handed them over. One cool thing I saw here were some Bullmark brochures and sales catalogs. Turns out the owner there collects them, not just Bullmark but bandai, takatoku and takemi. Awesome stuff.. The bullmark catalog I looked at showed pictures of what looked like a prototype of the DX Mekanda chogokin, as well as the Mekanda JM!!!! That was a sweet find, I would have gone for it, but, like I said, this guy collects these, and while they’re “for sale” he doesn’t seem to eager to move them that quick, he was asking about $900 for the catalog that had the Mekanda pics in it. Most of the other ones he had were priced right around the $600 range…. Drat.
I finished up the digging, checking my watch I’d been in that one shops for over 2 hours. Dang.
Out of nowhere, the owner handed me the Geeg tin I had been checking out before and scribbled down a price on a scrap of paper, 16k, down to 8k yen after the 50% off…. hmmm… Hella better than 25k.. I went for it, a nice piece at a good price. One cool detail about this place is that for every 1000 yen you spend you’re allowed to grab one freebie item out of a bin of random mini figures or trading cards out of a couple binders (kamen rider kiakider, sailor moon, that sorta stuff) and the like. I was allowed to pull 34 items, mostly cards. Finally it was time to head out, final picture was taken and I made my farewells.
I figured I had some time so I’d do some exploring. The whole town had this vintage, acid wash, dingy funk to it. Dress the folk wandering around in period clothes and this could easily pass for the 60’s-70’s.
Kick ass arcade.
I saw this killer bar that had all sorts of vintage movie poster art for decorations setup.
By now the sun was starting to set and the streets were lighted by the crusty, flickering, dated neon, giving everything this crazy wierd glow… errie, but calming and mysterious at the same time. I wandered past a ton of used clothing shops, a bunch of used sneaker shops (why anybody would buy used shoes I’ll never understand, blah :-p)… Well, all good things must come to an end. I boarded the train and headed back to Utsunomiya. I am regretful that I wasn’t able to see all the shops that were there, but once again that’s just another reason to head back again soon. So ok then guys, the old score card, as it were: Geeg tin, Grip Blazer, Grip Condor man, Grip Daibaron dx upper half, Grip Gatchaman Galactor tank thing, Z-gokin Rockbat, Robocon theme LP, Mid sized Dougram sofubi, mini Yamato analyzer wind up, Kamen Rider mini figure, 34 random assorted bonus items. So ends part 5 guys, hope you enjoyed it, wish there was more content for it, but oh well. Stay tuned for the last and final chapter, Umm, Where’s my Passport. Part 6: Burgers with a side of Combattler.

June 7, 2010

Strong missile!!

Filed under: Co. BANDAI,Co. POPY,Toy News — Sanjeev @ 1:21 pm

At the behest of the Chairman, I’m dropping some Getta-‘bows on ya. Of the missile-firing variety.

It’s criminal that I can’t seem to nab me a boxed Getter 1, arguably the most common of the sofubi brovas. If you got a lead, get at me!

Getter 2!

Getter 3!

Divine sculpts. Pristine paint. Heavenly boxt art. And eye-exploding firepower.

Bandai missile fires are the illest. Got more soul than your tennis shoe, and three times the funk.

Dig it.

June 1, 2010

Umm, Where’s my Passport? Part 4: Stomping Godzilla Ya and/or Rocking out Nakano With Teh Alt!

Filed under: Toy News — Jerilock @ 6:51 pm

Day 5 of the trip had come at long last. This was a big day for me in more ways than one. For starters it was the first time I was to ride the trains more or less by myself with nobody telling me “ok go to this track at this time get on this train etc etc”. Now before you guys give me crap for being freaked out by this prospect keep this in mind, I am mostly Polish :-p. Secondly, this was to be the long planned and fated meeting with teh Alt! A great time was to be had by all I was sure of it. Of course this day it decided to rain, but luckily for me by the time I got to Godzilla Ya it had slowed down to a very light sprinkling as it were.
I’d have to say that besides senshutei, Godzilla Ya was the easiest to find of all the shops, basically leave the station and go right for 5 mins or so and you’re there. I climbed the stairs and was met by a freaky looking rabbit thing that looked like it hopped right out of some twisted Stephen King novel.
I’d seen the pictures and video from the time Sjoen and Alt had hung out here but, once again, they really couldn’t prepare me for how tiny the shop is.
3 Now, don’t get me wrong, when I say tiny I only mean the overall square footage of the place, the selection there was amazing, I’d say I made some of my favorite scores here. Upon entering I was met with a very friendly gal manning the shop. I made my introductions and asked about taking pics. and was given the go ahead. I did a quick sweep of the shop, my eye catching a few choice pieces, but I had some time to kill here and didn’t have the toy widow along so I was able to take my time.
There were a bunch of inflatables hanging from the ceiling and piled up, something I hadn’t really seen in the other places I’d seen up till then.
Once again I whipped out my trusty, but battle worn, copy of Super #1 Robot to try and ascertain what, if any, of my grails were here to be snatched up. Unfortunately once again, it seems my tastes were the kind that just aren’t lying around. So I started free-styling.
I asked about opening the cases and was told to go ahead and freely open and dig. Tucked waaaayy in the back of the big sofubi case there was one of those Giant robot GR2 polyethylene “mini-jumbos” for a sweet price to boot. Onto the counter it went. I kept digging, finding a sweet T-28 inflatable bop bag. Unfortunately it had a few slow leaks, oh well, nothing that can’t be fixed. I guess the owner was out for the day or something as there were several pieces that had no price tags, she ended up having to go across the hall to the office to inquire about more than a few items I’d picked out. I checked a stack of framed posters and found a few super robot handkerchiefs framed up. One of them was this sweeeeett Mekanda one, complete with the kids name and what I’d assume is 20 year old snot :-p. yes, that too was snagged. in the back of the stack was another cool art peice, a very cool Columbia records advertising poster with Gatchaman, Mazinger Z and the Yamato among other things.
I’m kinda digging the smaller shops, it makes for a fun time, digging through layer after layer of toys, making you have to work to find those treasures, again, much more satisfying than clicking around yahoojp.
With the Stronger Henshin belt I’d nabbed in Senshutei I almost had a complete set of showa KR DX belts, all that alluded me was Amazon. Unfortunately that’s the hardest one to find and alluded me this shop as well.
I continued looking about, finding a few other awesome pieces, inquiring to the Gal there as things would pop into my head, some items they had, some they didn’t. One thing they did have was a very good selection of 45’s (you know, those round black disk things they used for music before the 8 track came out?). I was hoping to score the Rockbat theme but, alas, that’s a tough one to find.
Oh well.. I checked the time and realized it was getting close to the fated meeting time with Matt. I made a few last min. selections and went to the front to pay up and head out. I guess she was sick of having to ask about prices as a few small items (clear rubber figures of gaiking and grendizer) I had without price tags she gave as a gift, in addition to the very generous discount taken at the end. Everything was carefully wrapped in plastic and these cool paper bags with the Godzilla Ya logo stamped on them. before I left I had a quick shot taken standing in front of the sofubi case.
Once again, a great time in a great shop with a very kind and interesting person. She was clearly as into this as much as you or I, not just some part timer who didn’t give a crap :-p.
Onward and upward as they say. On the way out I took a shot of Godzilla Ya 2, the bar attached to the toy shop. Luckily it was closed. I say luckily cause I was in a bit of a rush and didn’t have time to stay and check it out, which I would have certainly done if it was open :-p.
Nakano here we come! Only 2 stops from Nakano, I was there within 10 mins of leaving. After a brief wait the man himself, Tv’s own Matt Alt came into view (not like he was too hard to spot in the crown here). Greetings were made once again and we started to walk over to Nakano Broadway.
We entered the huuge cathedral like entrance and made a beeline straight for the back where the Mandarake shops were located. Now from here on out I’m afraid there are very few pictures that were taken. Between the death threats and warnings about taking pictures of the toys (I guess there was fear that we would take their souls er something) as well as chatting stuff up with Matt I didn’t take too many. Sadness, Sadness.
I checked out the jumbo case outside the entrance to the first Mandarake toy shop and almost shit myself. They had a Getter 3 JM listed at 26,200 yen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh……wait…… no, that’s 262,000, some retard just put the comma in the wrong spot…. D’oh. Here was one of the only spots I saw what I’d consider to be the rumored “crazy insane Mandarake bending you over a table prices” with a Loose Poseidon JM listed for 64k… a 35k piece at best. Oh well, they gotta make their money someway. We both went in, being carefull to securely pocket my camera. They had an impressive selection of vinyls here, all well displayed and very reasonably priced. I saw one of those baby doll Circular machine vinyls, a bit beyond my price range, but still cool to see one in person. Matt was drooling over some very cool MFV’s as well as some Mach Baron villain minis, but we were both in the same boat, light on walking around money and knowing food and drink lay ahead. Around the corner a good seletion of bullmark and takemi gokin. Followed by more Popy and Takatoku, including a funky Japanese packaged 1/3000 Matchbox SDF-1. At this point I wasn’t going to blow my wad on anything just yet, I made a note of a few choice pieces (including a nice, but overpriced loose Lenticular Wood Red Baron vinyl) with the intent to come back and check them again later. We left that shop and made our way further down. Matt took me into the place that was selling a bunch of original Macross and Dougram art pieces. Of course flipping through the book we could see that anything that was reasonably priced had long ago been sold, but still what was in there was super killer and awesome to look at. In retrospect I should have tried to get something there, the toys I was getting were made by the hundreds and even thousands, this art was not only kick ass but one of a kind. Oh well. We moved past a couple of hentai/loli/Moe bullshit figure stores and came to a shop that until then Matt hadn’t been in before. I guess the Mandarake monster just had to take up more space (why they can’t run a clearance sale and keep themselves down to less space is beyond me but oh well, just gives more to ogle). The door here was guarded by a couple of sad looking V3 JM’s. This shop seemed to be very model heavy, but there were some cool things to be had, such as the giant wooden Zaku kit. It was here I scored a mini sofubi gundam and green zaku. After that we exited and moved on. Before we came to the next shop Matt stopped me and very specifically told me NOT to take ANY pictures of the shop we were gonna check out next as the owner there was kinda crazy… and yeah, I’ll tell you now, the guy was really nutty, but he had some choice pieces to check out. This was the fellow that remembered Matt cause I guess he helped someone else buy a very expensive Devil Man sofubi last time he was there. The owner kept calling Matt “Gaijin-san” and was going nuts about this carded Lion Maru mini vinyl set and how he’d “Love it”. To be fair it was a tit set of vinyls, but not really what I or Matt were looking for, but I guess this dude figured all of Matt’s associates were into high end sofubi er something? Oh well. Up til now I’d found just about all the grail peices I was hoping to find this trip, save for a Bullmark Bouken Rockbat Blazer Tin. We started towards a couple of shops that Matt knew carried a good selection of Tins, stopping along the way to check a shop that carried those little plastic gashapon like figures and erasers. It was here that I got a complete box of those mini half translucent Andro Melos figures for a pretty good price (I still have a bunch of duplicates if anybody might be interested in them). Matt showed me how his phone is setup to instantly show a picture of one of those half tranny gundam figures so he can ask about them at the drop of a hat…. whoa…..*ahem* anyway, we moved on after a bit of lookey-loo there. The next shop was pretty awesome. Not only was the entrance setup to look like a freaky scary cave like thing, complete with Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro statues, but the owner had a huuuuge freaking Afro. seriously, if not for the fact that it would have made the guy freak out I would have taken a picture of him, but I can understand that being taken as kinda weird. More looking, the guy had some cool tins, no blazer unfortunetaly. Matt made the sighting of the day when he noticed a Wood Lenticular Red Baron, the same one we’d seen before but for less than 1/3 of the price. This one does have a crack in the chest, but if you guys know me, you know I’m not all that nutty about condition so I snatched it. The shop also had one of those flying spark shooting Yonezawa Kamen Rider tin/vinyls. we asked to see it and try it out. The key was missing and it wasn’t in the best shape overall. the guy working there did have a spare key at the counter, but of course wouldn’t sell it. “Oh you can get keys anywhere, they’re a dime a dozen”….Umm yeah, sorry dude, I actually PLAY with my toys, not just hide them on a shelf behind glass. we left there and headed back to the shop where the guy who kept calling us Gaijin-san was at cause he also had a Yonezawa KR that not only had the key, it was in better condition and for about the same price. I snagged that and after a bit more looking around we both decided it was time to eat.
It took a bit of walking, the place Matt was thinking of going to was closed that day (cursed Mondays).
We eventually settled on an Okinawa style restaurant. The food there was awesome. Just about all fried, and all yum to the Max!
Not only that, but the waitress we had was pretty cute as well.
(Hurray Taco Rice)
We had space to spread out a bit so of course we both started the ages old ritual of geeking out. Before we got to anything though I made a point to present Matt with this awesome My Little Pony Sofubi (Very old inside joke) that came from my older sister’s collection that I’d managed to smuggle into the country… he was confused at first then threw his arms into the air muttering “how the hell did all you guys get the idea in your head that I was into this crap”. we had a good laugh over it for sure. So we sat down and ordered the food then and began the ritual. I think the entire event can be summed up with this picture.
Till then I hadn’t tried out the Yonezawa KR since I got it. With the dim lighting in the place we decided now was as perfect a time as any to try it out.
Being a meeting of Toyboxers we figured we had to get some form of Bacon. Of course Matt had to be an ass and get one of the last pieces for himself.
p10204021 While we were there Matt explained to me about Okinawa cuisine how because of the military bases it’s an odd mesh of American and other worldly foods, among them canned stuff that was easy to ship and store at the bases and what not. I jokingly asked if they had any Spam Tempura…. and of course they did! an interesting delight for sure. At this point I whipped out the camera and showed Matt the pics from the Bandai museum. It was here that we laughed about how they spend two grand to ship Matt’s SG-01 from the USA for that event they held last year while they had a couple sitting at the bandai museum…. funny stuff. Then of course, Matt came to this picture here.
Turns out Matt never did get around to snagging a Combattler V JM. I had been lamenting leaving that one to rot at that second hand shop unloved and buried in the back store room for who knows how long. save for the busted antenna it was in remarkable condition, great stickers, the whole 9 yards. And the price was beyond belief. I figured to repay Matt for taking the time to meet up and play tour guide for me I’d make the effort to try and grab that for him. I checked my wallet and as fate would have it I had exactly 21k yen in my pocket after we paid for the food. we agreed to meet on a later day in the event that I was able to snag the Combattler for that price (neither one of us could imagine how it could be soo cheap). So after the bill was paid and all the toys put back into their respective boxes and bags we headed out into the night. Luckily it was still very lightly raining so there was no need for an umbrella. On our way to the station Matt decided to show me some eels.
It was cool to see, the seafood stores in JP certainly had an interesting selection compared to the USA. Well the evening was more or less done, I was tired as all hell and Matt had to get going for some sort of messed up adult responsibilities, something having to do with paying the rent er something :-p. We gave our farewells with the intent to hopefully meet up the day after to exchange some cash and polyethylene. The last shot I took before leaving for the night was this one here, beautifully captured Nakano Broadway I’d say.
Well the trip was nearly at an end I was starting to feel it, but I had already done soo much in such a short amount of time. The next time I go it will be a different time of year I’m sure, hopefully Matt’s and my schedule will mesh together better so we can hang out longer. Soo now we come to the all important score sheet for the day’s finds and scores.
Godzilla Ya : Tomy GR2 poly figure, Mekanda handkerchief, Columbia records poster, incomplete 1/72 dougram, Inflatable Tetsujin 28 bop bag, Pegas mini sofubi necklace, Clear rubber figures of Grendizer and Gaiking, popy clear Kikaider sofubi. Mandarake : Lenticular Red Baron, Yonezawa Kamen Rider, Mini sofubi Gundam and Zaku, clear rubber Great Mazinger/Getter 2 mix-up figure, Kamen Rider inflatable beach ball, Gavan yo-yo, Andro Melos half clear/chrome mini figures. I’d value the memories and times hanging with Matt well above the toys, I’d say it’s a MUST go to thing if you can swing it, it really was killer being able to geek out with the man in the flesh as it were, swapping stories and the like. A couple hours later I made the call to him that I’d managed to score the Combattler V. We decided to meet up the day I was going to go to the Ghibli Museum as it was right in his neighborhood. but that’s a story for another time. I guess that sums up Part 4 in a nutshell, hope y’all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed living it. Stay tuned for Part 5: Why can’t shops in Shimokitazawa be open when they say they’re gonna be open?!?!

May 31, 2010

Umm, Where’s my Passport? Part 3: Bandai Museum, Fun-Tak Security at it’s Best.

Filed under: Toy News — Jerilock @ 1:10 pm

And now we come upon the third day of the adventure. After spending 2 days straight just toy shopping I could tell my friend was a bit tired of it so we took a break. The plan was to hang out with some of her peps later on that day, so what to do in the meantime? Hmmmm… Well, she did say she lived like 15 mins from the new location for the Bandai Museum….. Okay, plans set, lets head out! We arrived there early afternoon. It’s a HUUGE building, very pretty from the outside all glass walls. Out front there was an awesome statue with Kamen Rider, Go Ranger Red and another modern Red Ranger. This required the obligatory V pose of course.
Upon entering you’re met with the Gundam torso in the middle of the lobby. We paid our 1000 yen and went in. No idea if this is on permament display here or not but right there in the lobby they had a wooden prototype of what I assume was the planned, but never made, Unifive Combattler V.
It wasn’t labeled as such, but looking at the condition of it I’d assume it couldn’t be 20+ years old. In the cabinet with it was a popy Combattler V along with a picture of the old Bandai JM production facility.
Incase you haven’t picked up on it, this is going to be a massively photo heavy post. Not like that’s a bad thing…. So, wandering around you can’t help but notice that there seems to be ALOT of wasted space here. There’s an entire second floor here that doesn’t seem to have anything on display or being used. Oh well, the place is fairly new so I’m sure as time goes on they’ll have more setup there soon. Right now for whatever reason, they have an exhibit about Thomas Edison… umm.. ok then. Off to the side there was a small room dedicated to Gundam. They had a pretty nice display cabinet with Gunpla starting from the first kits all the way to the latest MG and PG kits that came out. Off to the side of that there’s a small cabinet showing the clover DX as well as the GA-100.
A clover toy, in the Bandai Museum you say? That seemed to be a common theme there, as you’ll see when we come to the main toy display room. The gundam room here was mostly dedicated to this huge replica of the white base, pretty impressive and very well detailed.
Cool stuff for sure, but that’s not what we came here for is it? Nope, I came here to hump on the cabinet housing the Garada K-7 Jumbo. At this point, the lack of signs or maps to show the layout of the place was causing me to fear that the rumors that the museum had been scaled back to the point that all the old popy peices were no longer on display was true. Luckily that’s not the case at all. I looked across the play area filled with kids playing Famicom and Super Famicom games into yet another room and broke out into a run after I saw the shoulder of a Ghuren ghost C3 JM villain that was ontop of a cabinet…. wait… they have a C3 just sitting out in the open? hmmm… that’s not a good sign now is it? As with the gundam display they main toy room here had non-popy pieces on display. some early american tin toys were found in the first display area as it were.
Mixed in with the tins you find a Godzilla Sofubi mold for whatever reason.
I will say they had an impressive selection of early tins here, I;m sure Fraser would be loosing it right about now after seeing this case.
Ok so there’s some tins, some American toys, I guess the point here was to show off the development of the industry as it were.
I guess they decided it was time to actually show some Bandai toys in the “Bandai Museum”.
Once again more pieces for Fraser to drool over.
I Will say for all the gripes, they did do a good job of dividing up the Kamen rider and Ultraman displays.
I walked onward, looking up, looking down, wide eyed, anticipating the fated, fabled meeting with the Mythical idol. Deep in the back of my mind I can hear the Indiana Jones theme song running. I round another corner and find myself in the primary Bot display. Looking upward I’m met with the first JM’s here. a couple kinda sad looking V3’s, though I will note the belts are in sweet condition.
And then…. I turn…. I gaze upwards once again…. my breath hitches…. the theme for Dawson’s Creek start’s playing from a faraway place…..
There it is….. siting there, gazing down from high above those eyes penetrating my very soul, gazing deep within myself…. I now know what it felt like to be a junior high school girl at an Elvis concert for the first time… I tear my eyes away and look to the right, to be met with more amazing rarities.
The initial shock was subsiding, I stabbed myself with a pen a couple times to convince myself this wasn’t a dream. I started to notice something…. The guys who setup this Museum were complete idiots. Here we have some of the most amazing, rare, valuble toys known to the hobby sitting out, in the open. No security cameras I could see, no glass, standing right over hot lights on the cabinet. Meh, that can wait for later, for now, it’s time to be star struck.
Considering how poorly the Garada was “protected”, I started having odd, impure, slightly criminal thoughts….
I mean it was just standing there… nothing to hold it down to the top of the cabinet save for some Fun-Tak on the bottom of one foot… seriously, I have pics to prove it.
*sigh* No, I couldn’t do it… Not only would I be creating an international incident, but I’d be depriving the rest of you guys the opportunity to see the Garada. Soo yeah, you’re WELCOME. I went ahead and asked the guys working there if it would be ok to take a picture holding the garada, I mean not like it was in a cabinet that needed to be opened or tied down, all I had to do was reach up, grab it, smile and put it back. No dice, they said I couldn’t touch anything, meanwhile I looked to see other people there grabbing at other items on display. I am going to kick myself for a long time for that one… These guys weren’t around, and I’m sure they wouldn’t care, no signs anywhere saying don’t touch…The worst they could have done if they caught me holding it was go to ask me to put it back…. Oh well, I’ll just have to tide myself over with a tentative touch.
Ok enough with the Garada. I tore myself away from him yet again to check out the rest of the displays. They did have a really impressive selection of chogokins on display, though it was kind of funny to see how they have a TON of non-popy/bandai pieces on display here.
It’s an awesome place, putting aside the issues with the way in which the items were displayed and wtf they were thinking when they picked what was to go into glass and what was to just stand out in the open on top of the cabinets. In some deep recess of my mind I can understand the JM’s not all being under glass, they do have a limited amount of space here to display stuff. but still… why is the only known prototype for the Goggle V just sitting out?
The only bright side to this is that the lack of glass does allow for better non-glare pics to be taken of this amazing one of a kind piece.
Looking at it this thing is pretty rough, but you can see where they were going with it… it would have made for an awesome JM.
From the rear you can clearly see how this was made using the torso from a Godmarz, not just the upper arms and fists.
While all this was going on my buddy went off to another area to look at the Sailor Moon toys they had on display… I went to find her to take some pics for me and I was horrified to see how ALL the Sailor Moon stuff was under glass….mean while a $20k JM villian was sitting out… *ahem* sorry, can’t seem to understand why that keeps popping up in my mind.
After this pic was taken my friend looked at the Daiku Maryu and thought for a moment. Finally she pointed right at the DM and said “Hey, I remember we had one of these in the store room at the second hand shop I used to work at.”……….!!!!!!!!………. I’ll touch upon this later but I think y’all can imagine where we eventually ended up going later on this day. Forgive me for the somewhat random, more than usual rambling nature of this post guys, but this was a very very very jumbled time, my mind was on total over drive, everywhere I looked I was seeing pieces that until then I’d only seen in pics, and even stuff I never thought I’d ever see in person EVER.
When I met up with Matt Alt a couple days after this I was showing him the pics I took on my camera over diner. he was going through the Bandai museum pics when he came to this one here.
“I told those guys at Bandai that they had an SG-01 or 2 sitting around somewhere, why the hell did they have to pay $2000 to ship mine over from the states?” LOL.
I feel sorry for that poor Voltes V, but again it’s in about the same condition as mine, heh.
Niiiiiice popy KR 1 henshin belt. You don’t really see these boxed pop up like ever, and when they do, they’re almost always going for some $erious coin.
I couldn’t help but be struck by this pic here…. Poor Robocon, he looks soo sad and lonely standing there by his lonesome with only D-17 to keep him company. At this point I’d been wandering for over an hour, taking shot after shot of the displays and individual pieces they had out. A truly impressive collection. But all things must come to an end as they say. On my way out I decided to take some pics of the bottoms of the Villain’s feet. See if you can pick out the interesting bit in the pics here.
The sad little headless Q-9
And then we have the C3… notice anything odd here? Yeah that’s right… the only JM villain there that was tied down in any way shape or form was the C3… what’s odd is that this one was about 2 feet higher up than the Garada, you’d need a ladder to get at it. and not to knock the C3, it is still a rare as hell piece, probably the 3rd hardest to find villain… but still, if you’re gonna take the time to tie this one down, why not do it to them all? I just shook my head and walked off… well… not before I took more pics of the garada heh.
That’s the exact angle I’d see if I ever had a garada standing on the shelf in the toy room… *sigh* someday….someday…..
On the way out I took a pic standing next to the gundam torso. I looked for signs but I guess they don’t offer the chance to get the picture sitting in the cockpit anymore like they did at the old museum… Oh well. I took the opportunity to take a couple more shots of the Combattler V prototype before I said my farewells to this place.
Well it was a great time and I was kinda sad to leave, but I got to see everything there I wanted to see. Once again my friend was a great sport putting up with the geek-ness. After we were done hanging with her buddies that day we went over to her old work place to ask about the Daiku Maryu. Part of me was hoping it was there, if not to buy then to at least see it, another part of me was hoping it was gone already, as I didn’t want to spend the rest of the trip eating instant ramen and McD’s. We got there and talked with the guy who was in charge of the toy section of the second hand shop. Not to shoot myself in the foot here, but I will say there was an awesome selection of stuff here, a definite untapped resource for toys that I’m sure you guys will all be checking out when you go over there next. Anyway, turns out the Daiku Maryu had been sold off a few weeks before I had gotten there for about $800 and as I was told, it was in pretty bad, incomplete condition… Oh well. They did pull out some other JM’s that wre in the back store room, a Combattler V, a Mattel Daimos with odd custom stickers and a Boxed Gaiking.
The gaiking had me scratching my head a bit. But in the end I walked away as the jumbo itself wasn’t in the greatest condition (smelled like an ashtry bleh) and the box was pretty beat/faded. though I did see an original price tag on the box which made me laugh my ass off.
As with the first 2 days that had already gone past this was also an awesome day. The weather had been very nice, making the drive to and from the Museum very pleasent, it’s located in the middle of nowhere which is nice when it comes to having good scenery to check out. In addition I got to see, as well as touch the garada among other amazing pieces. I hope you guys enjoyed the wild insane ramblings here. I can say that these are a small choice selection of the pictures I took at the museum, drop me a line if there’s anything else you guys might want to see, if I have it I’ll send a copy. Ok then, that ends part 3 of the adventures in Nippon. Coming up next time kids, Umm, Where’s my Passport. Part 4: Fun times at Godzilla Ya, Nakano and Spam Tempura with a side of Alt!

May 29, 2010

Umm, Where’s my Passport? Part 2 Fried Apple Pies, Jyarinco Lust and Kaikodo Humping

Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Declarations,Toy Love,Toy News — Jerilock @ 1:54 pm

May 21st, the sun rises in Utsunomiya Japan. A weary traveler awakens, his body restored after a good nights sleep, ready to stride out into this strange new land in search of more Sofubi, Gokin and hopefully, Polyethylene goodness. Today was the day a certain fellow from SF had managed to secure me an audience with the great Ishida-san of Kaikodo. The trains were as such though that me and my friend decided it would be better to head back to Tokyo, hit Jyarinco and then stop off at Kaikodo as it was on the same train line we’d need to get back.
Off we went, and for whatever reason, it was decided we were going to ride bikes to the train station….. Now is a good time to mention I hadn’t ridden in over 10 years… I think you can fill in the blanks yourself here..So ok, after a train ride that lasted a little over an hour we arrived at Ueno station. Both being hungry, we headed out to get something quick to chow down before getting on the Tokyo metro subway for Machiya and then Jyarinco. first thing we hit up was a McDonald’s. Ohhh hell yeah. Why is that soo special you ask? Well, in Japan, they still serve the mythical fried apple pies.
We sat down and after making a quiet toast to JoshB and CDX I skipped the meal and headed right for desert… and Gentlemen, it was yum to the max.
The subway ride was uneventful, though I did see some awesome character warning signs, forgot to take pics I’m afraid though. The map in Tokyo underground came in real handy here, the streets were a bit twisty and it took a few wrong turns but we finally arrived at shop #2, Jyarinco.
Luckily for my sanity this shop was muuuuuuuch better layed out and organized than Senshutei.
After the initial greetings with the owner, I started to look around.
One thing I noticed was that this shop seemed to be very Sofubi heavy compared to the others I’d been to this trip, not a bad thing, I had a few sofu pieces I was gunning for.
I whipped out my wish list pics and we went though them together, the first thing that came out was a Mecha Machine Blazer. the price was a bit high for a loose one, at 25k. I kept looking. I saw a complete set of those carded Harlock vinyls hanging next to a Blue Noah set I’d never seen, though the card was damaged on the Harlock set.
Cool stuff for sure. I showed him pics of my collection, just so he knew I wasn’t a casual tourist looking for go-bots or transformers. while he checked those I noticed a ZZ-8 JM accessory fist castle on top of one of the gokin cases, the box was beat but it was complete. Ikura desuka? He thought for a moment and said 5,000 yen… fantastic! onto the counter it went. he handed back the pics eyes wide eyed and we went into the gokin cases. I snagged the Astro Mu tank from there along with an Ark King Joe and a couple 1/144 Blockheads, 2 different paint schemes. There wasn’t a key for the tank so I wasn’t able to test it out, but it was cheap so it was worth the risk. we went back to the counter and added everything up. He was being a bit inflexible when it came to the final price. I was about to put back the Blazer cause it was high to begin with and I figured I would find another one later.
I took one last look in the vinyl case and saw a killer Dougram mini sofubi along with a Popy clear Barom 1 in good shape (until now I never realized these were soo small, but you can’t put a price on the awesome internal details on these guys). I went to pay for them and saw the blazer sitting there. I guess I made a sad puppy dog sorta face cause he offered to slash 5,000 yen off the price on it. I said what the hell and went for it, granted the price was still high, but I really wanted one of these and didn’t want to risk not being able to find another one. Before we left I took a quick tourist shot with him and we headed out.
It was still a bit early so on the way to Kaikodo my friend suggested we check out Harajuku. it was cool, got to see some interesting things that’s for sure.
Ummmm…. ok….. Now THERE’S a character that Matt should have put into Hello Please! After a bit of wandering in Harajuku we hopped the next train bound for Okegawa for what I knew would be the most mind blowing shop of the day, Kaikodo! We got there and found the place pretty easily. The sun was starting to set and we were both kinda tired from wandering most of the day but as soon as I saw that sign the lust started to flow anew.

After a couple of obligatory tourist V pose shots I entered. Whoa…. Sjoen told me this was a HUGE, KILLER shop but I was still flabbergasted.
The greetings were made and I asked about taking pics. At the time Ishida-san was out of the shop, I still showed the employees there pics of the collection and wish list. What got me was how the gal working there knew all the toys I was looking for, amazed at the shot of the magnemo groizer x, and shocked at the toy room shots. At this point my friend Satomi became an official “Toy Widow”. She opted to wait outside as the shop was a bit on the hot/stuffy side. Myself and an employee walked across the store to one of the gokin cases that had the major dx box sets and the like.
Some great stuff and the prices weren’t all that crazy either. I picked out a clover DX Walker Garrier. I wandered a bit more, finding myself in front of one of the vinyl cases.
I picked out a few cool items there, mini sofubi Blazer, Mekanda, Xabungle enemy bot and a Godamu. the Blazer and Mekanda were unmarked, this would lead to some interesting stuff later on. we went around the corner to another vinyl case, this one stuffed with Mid size and larger pieces.
I made my selection and we moved on, it was kinda cool having the shop worker there along side me, keys in hand, ready to open any and every case I wanted to dig around and grab at stuff. Here I should also mention that Kaikodo was probably the most smartly laid out of any of the shops I went to. You’d have one case of mini sofubi, another with mid size and up, then you’d have one case with Macross and Orguss stuff, another with Takemi/Bullmark gokin, etc. all of it separated out by genus and phylum as it were. It made things a lot easier when it came to hunting stuff down, you can tell Ishida-san cares about this stuff by how everything was neat and well displayed, like this was his personal collection.
More selections were made, one of which was a Meisaku Q-taro that at first glance appeared to be only 5,000 yen… wtf?!?! that’s cheap as hell! And here, this is a lesson kids, make sure you read a price sticker very carefully. Turns out it was 85,000, for whatever reason they had it written as 80k and then 5,000, this I didn’t find out till we were adding it all up. By now I had been digging wide eyed for a while, grabbing some killer stuff. I looked at my watch and saw it had been a while and Satomi was still waiting outside. I made a final sweep and asked them to let me open boxes, examine the pieces and ring everything up. As the tabulations were made they discovered some of the vinyls I’d selected didn’t have prices. Both employees called Ishida-san to get the information from him, one would be running the numbers while the other talked to him and vice versa. It dragged out for a looong while, I didn’t get the specifics but there was a problem with the math when they tried to add in the discount Ishida had authorized over the phone I guess. After the 3rd phone call Ishida decided he wanted to see what the fuck was going on and meet the strange Gaijin who was buying such a massive pile of higher end gokins and vinyl. Luckily he was at his office around the corner and was there within 10-15 mins. We exchanged greetings and I showed him the collection pics and the tabulations began anew. By this point Satomi had come back inside the store to see what was going on. At this point there were 2 different notepads and a calculator working to get the numbers right. When it came out to roughly 180,000 I figured something had to be put back. when I looked at the scribblings I saw that the Q-Taro was 85k (d’oh), that had to go cause I only had 65k on me at the time. Also returned was a loose incomplete DX Ideon at 9k. Ugh, it was still WAAYYYYY over what I could possibly spend. Ishida seemed to notice my confusion and sad/worried expression so he asked me how much I had on me. I pulled out my wallet and, being careful to show I was completely emptying the contents of it, I showed him the 65k I was carrying. Without batting an eye he said OK and had his guys ring it all up…… I was shocked… he had basically taken nearly 20k right off the top like it was nothing. I thanked him like a thousand times, becoming somewhat emotional about everything while his guys carefully wrapped everything in bubble wrap and plastic. Before we left a group shot was taken, a massive dumb-ass grin plastered on my face.
This was a truly amazing, even magical, stop off.
Ishida-san and his guys working there were awesome, knowledgeable, clearly as into this as you or I, kind and courteous, putting up with my odd questions and requests without even a glimmer of annoyance. After the funds were exchanged we headed to the door, all 3 of them came out with me for a rather drawn out sweet farewell, waving and saying to be sure to come back and see them again as me and my dead tired partner for the day headed off to the station to return back to Utsunomiya. It was this time I remembered how we had to somehow ride bikes back with bags of gokin and sofubi goodness in hand once we returned…. you can imagine how that went I’m sure O_o. besides that last min. snag the day worked out perfectly, I managed to check off a bunch of wish list items, saw awesomely cool non-toy related sights, got to meet and hang out with some amazing, kind and cool folks and to top it all off, ATE A MOTHERFUCKING DEEP FRIED APPLE PIE, WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem*.. ummm… yeah…. Soooo here’s the score card again as it were.
Jyarinco: ZZ-8, 1/144 Blockhead x2, Mecha Machine Blazer, Sofubi clear Barom 1 and mini dougram, Ark King Joe, Astro Mu tank. Kaikodo: Mini sofubi Mekanda, Blazer, Godamu, Xabungle enemy, MFV Pegas, DX Walker Garrier, Grip Rockbat, Grip Pegas tank, 1/40 Orguss, 1/40 Nikick, M Lover Mea, Bullmark Z-gokin Blazer…. Well not much else to say here folks. Hope you enjoyed another long winded rambling old man style tale of my strange adventures over there. Stay tuned for “Umm, Where’s My Passport Part 3: Tales from the Bandai Museum, Yeah, Fun-Tak should hold that down juuuust fine.”

May 28, 2010

Umm, where’s my Passport? Part 1: Jet Lag in Senshutei

Filed under: Toy News — Jerilock @ 9:00 pm

Months of saving, weeks of planning (or, bugging the old timers at tbdx for advice and tips if you will). It all came down to this; my first trek over the western pond to the promised land for sight seeing, wandering, shopping and other assorted fun. I was lucky enough to hook up a free place to stay with a friend, meaning more toy funds. Only catch, they live in Utsunomoya, about 1 1/2 hours north of tokyo by train. Eh, it’ll be worth it in the end. OK, soooo… all was set, extra suitcases: check! Tokyo Underground: check! Pics of wish list items: check!p10200651

What else? Oh yeah, passport: check!
The flight over was good. I flew continental, I’d recommend them to anyone. The food was good, staff was pleasant and every seat had a built in entertainment screen with games, movies, music and a decent selection of tv shows, really helped the 13 hours pass by quick. Despite my best efforts though, I was unable to sleep the entire time. By the time the plane touched down in Narita I had been roughly 36 hours without sleep, totally wired on caffeine and adrenalin.
Customs was a breeze. Reason for your visit? “Tourism, shopping and the like”. Prior to my arrival I had gone ahead and gotten a JR east pass through JTB. I can’t stress this enough, if you’re going over there and plan on taking the trains a lot GET ONE OF THESE. I added it up and the thing was more or less completely paid for after the first 3 days there. I hopped onto the Shinkansen and was off for Omiya station with a stopover in Tokyo. Why Omiya you say? Well, as anyone who knows me will tell you, I’m kinda insane. I had decided that the first stop upon my arrival would be the king cluster-fuck insanity that is the Senshutei shop, across the street from the east exit of the Omiya JR station. I arrived, stuffed my suitcases in a 400 yen coin locker and met up with my friend/soon to be new toy widow, Satomi. After the meetings were completed we made our way to my first shopping destination.
Looks pretty nice from the outside right?

Nice case, some pretty cool looking pieces, and they’re on sale too! awesome! Ok, deep breath, calm down, time to go in and dig through the cluster-fuck-age that is this place….
Yeah…. this might not have been such a good idea… coming here with a pounding headache, brain flipped 12 hours around, blurred vision. My nose was filled with the sweet musk of moldy 30 year old cardboard, polyethylene, pvc and gokin. everywhere I look there’s more toys, layer upon layer, without any sort of rhyme or reason. There’s a pile of ZZ and XX jumbo fists sitting next to some sailor moon stuff. Wtf? I take a moment and remind myself that this is exactly what I came here for. Sitting in front of a computer 7000 miles away looking at blurry pics on yahoojp, or hanging with a bunch of dudes in a backyard eating bacon burgers can never EVER compare to this sensation. Afer a few deep breaths I started talking with the owner, showing him pics of wish list items, babbling in my usually ok Japanese, now totally incomprehensible due to extreme stress and exhaustion. Hurray Satomi came to the rescue and started acting as an interpreter, giving me the occasional odd glance when he’d start in with toy lingo. I ask about jumbo fists. He tells me he has some in the back in great condition that he can get if I want to see them. Sure why not? So he ushers us outside while he digs….
p1020104 we were out there for about 25 mins. That alone can give you an idea how crazy this shop is, if it takes the owner nearly 1/2 an hour to find stuff in his own place. while outside I was lucky enough to spy this killer Yonezawa wind up vinyl of a Kamen Rider spider kaijin that shoots sparks out of it’s mouth ( damn, they don’t make toys like they used to).p1020105
The door opened and we went back in. I checked out the fists, they were in great shape and the price wasn’t too bad. I grabbed a ZZ-7, ZZ-5 and an XX-2. I looked around a bit more and took some pics, but they really can’t properly convey the true madness of this shop.
By this point I was nearly falling over, the caffeine was long gone, and the adrenalin was running thin. I decided it was time to even up and say my farewells with the owner (sorry never did catch his name).
I will note that he was amazed when I showed him my copy of Super #1 Robot. He asked me where he could find his own copy, saying how they don’t have any books like that in Japan and he “needed to get a copy for himself”. This was a great shop, maybe not the smartest choice for a first stop, but I managed to survive which is something. You might have figured it from seeing ths shop, but the owner really is a nut, he spent a good while scrubbing on a Kamen rider Stronger henshin belt I was looking at (hadn’t even agreed to buy it yet!) went so far as to open it up and grease the gears and check it out when it wouldn’t power on. Great service, and he gave me a super sweet discount as well as this killer inflatable mazinger z as a gift! awesome times. After we were done I took my booty and we grabbed a bowl of Ramen at this little dive around the corner. A good first day for sure. So here’s the score card for this day as it were: Zenmai Mekanda Robo, XX-2, ZZ-5, ZZ-7, Orguss vinyl triple case, KR stronger DX henshin belt, Yonezawa spark shooting Kaijin, Inflatable Mazinger Z. Hope y’all enjoyed part 1, sorry if I rambled but that’s my writing style, get used to it :-p. Coming soon, Part 2. Sofubi Lust in Jyarinco, Gokin Humping in Kaikodo.

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