Brotherly LOVE!!
Can you feel the love? You NEED a Voltron/Golion USB to keep your lil’ Nekosaur happy.
Our founding Fathers:
Can you feel the love? You NEED a Voltron/Golion USB to keep your lil’ Nekosaur happy.
Our founding Fathers:
What can I say about Warren Schwartz that hasn’t already been said? How about, we are lucky as Hell to have a guy as hardcore yet so effortlessly generous among us. This little story starts here:
As usual, I’m floored by the sheer density of super rare, high quality stuff Warren possesses. Pretty much every pic is a work of art and Josh, of course, does a stellar job describing an experience many only dream about. This time however, I’m a bit *more* excited than usual because of this one little unassuming photo:
Today, with the Mecha Machine-Zoboga parts I already had, this lovely creature is now in it’s full-glory existence once again. Thanks to really great fellow collector, Warren Schwartz.
We arrive at Walker’s at 9:27 and wait for him a few minutes to show. He drives up in his truck and greetings are exchanged. He has that awesome gregarious good nature that makes picking up a conversation, even when it has been a while since you last talked, seem like no time at all. Matt is a guy with a lot on his plate, yet always makes you feel welcome.
Dave, Sanjeev, Regan and I prepare for sensory overload, and we are not disappointed.
The room smells of fresh paint, paint thinner and insanity. The machines hum, the air is thick with creativity and toys in various states of drying.
Matt takes us upstairs and unloads a bin of toys for sale. A few of us pick through and acquire some gems to add to collections and gladly see some new projects sitting in the office.
Regan is enchanted by a Weta space gun and it occurs to us all, how perfect the outfit she wore was for the occasion. Steampunk meets 50’s sci fi chic.
Matt shows some of his new acquisitions and the smell of Bullmarks is both familiar and comforting. A collective buzz soon gives way to a realization we have things to do and projects to finish.
Walker puts us to work, in helping him bag and prep some projects. We readily agree and all enjoy the quiet repetition of bag, header card, toy , staple, repeat.
I help him label and bag some Monster Color orders while Dave and Sanjeez rub some kaiju out… um yeah anyway.
Dave makes a discovery of a variation on the jumbo Raideen fist, and gives the night a level of historical jumbo significance.
In the meantime personal projects are discussed and timelines figured out, and jokes made in good nature at one’s another’s expense. Much like the community here, ball busting is a favored pastime.
With the work done late that night, we take our leave and promise to be sure the next visit is sooner than later. Matt thanks us and Regan and I are amused at the almost twisted Santa’s workshop nature of it all. Matt Walker is the mad hatter genius of our toy making community and we are all better off for it.
Visit Matt at his website and check out some of the cool things he is working on:
Matt Walker of Dead Pre$idents showed the love to this Incubot Nekosaur something fierce!!!
Coming soon…Sanjeev, Dave, Regan and I take you to the hideout of the ever hard working Matt Walker and his Dead Presidents studio.