toyboxdx toy blog brog: is graceful art of daily expressing japanese toy
November 18, 2010
November 17, 2010
Nerd Arsenal
So after years of debating and hemming and hawing I broke the ice and snagged a replica of Dekard’s gun from Blade Runner (yes I know I’m a terrible nerd for not getting one sooner, please forgive). figured I’d share it along with the rest of my arsenal. At least I’ll have everything covered if ever attacked, be it from a Mazone, Gamillon, Replicant, Machine Man etc…. ;-)
November 14, 2010
It’s that time again
It’s that time again.
Josh got word from his parents that two boxes showed up at their house, so we headed out to see what new goodies we got. Per usual, I am tearing open bubble wrap and making small squeaking noises while Josh meticulously unwraps every piece and inspects every corner of every box.
November 12, 2010
November 10, 2010
November 9, 2010
Mach Baron Menko!!
November 8, 2010
Where had all the legs gone to
NO, this is not a “Looking for, Wanted, Need” a few legs for my Daibaron Brog.
I’m just asking myself, if maybe someone has a theory or answer why always
the legs are so hard to find. It was a pain in the ass to get a boxed Volt Frigate
for my Voltes V. Still got no legs for my Eidai Grip Daibaron…and now
the legs for the Daibaron DX…
Where are all the legs, please tell me?
A Daibaron without legs sucks, even when he costs 2400 yen  ;-)