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September 9, 2009

Mad with power

Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Erik Sjoen,Josh Fraser,Stoopid — Josh Fraser @ 4:44 am

fig a.
erik 1
fig b.
erik 2

This is what happens when the Chairman is left to his own devices.

He is undoubtedly pleased with himself and we all look on in stunned silence as a GA 50 and a GA 51 get it on.

Oddly enough his pathetic customization attempt proved more successful than the “bored”room had thought possible and the company stock rebounds… allowing all those involved to have enough confidence in the brand to continue their purchases on the internet financially unhindered.

Meeting adjourned.

September 7, 2009


Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Stoopid,Toy Love — thomas @ 11:44 am


August 27, 2009

Narita hotel dinner kaiju

Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Josh Fraser,Stoopid — Josh Fraser @ 1:14 am


August 23, 2009

ジェットジャガー Jetto Jagā!

Filed under: Declarations,Josh Fraser,Stoopid,Toy Love — Josh Fraser @ 1:40 am


“Goro takes one last long, slow drag off the Lucky Strike ,which now just a stub of its former self. The ember swells hot , and is quickly extinguished in the ashtray. His creation now complete, he takes a swig of Kirin and contemplates a pointless Porpus watercraft for Roku-chan”.

This is the shit I make up in my sleep deprived mind as I put the finishing touches on the Billiken pre painted vinyl kit at Walker’s.
My hands are cooking , and the tell tale chemical burn from the heat gun is causing me to hallucinate slightly. Work has predictably caused another 48 hour run on fumes, and I am happy to oblige my state with a little trip to the studio of paint and air compressors to meet with friends and go on a journey of my own at the same time.

Shutting the gun off, The metal barrel cools and a click clack of metal contraction is my momentary soundtrack.

He stands there. That little grinning bastard on the table… reminding me of a time when I looked everywhere for a toy of him. I spent the late 70’s and early 80s hoping in vain.

I’m mimicking his expression apparently. Someone comments I look like a kid standing there.

I love this character.

Red Arone“, the brainchild of a group of children in a Toho contest in 1972, stands out among his brothers in terms of his ability to elicit a love him or hate him attitude. He is the end result of adult marketing prowess and the imagination/drawings of the kids who expanded upon the pre existing Tokusatsu archetype. It is this slight divergence from the status quo that makes me a fan.

Eventually renamed Jet Jaguar, he represents the first pure humanoid robot in Toho’s aging G franchise, and appears in what is arguably the one Godzilla movie we love to hate most.

Sure there is a kitchen sink element to his appearance from a pure design sense. Certainly he is a mutt of sorts. Some Ultraman purists will point out the obvious. But it is this disdain that makes me pull for him all the more.

He is a candy colored mess of contradiction. A synthesis of the jaded and the innocent minds of the time. Transparent? Yes. But perfect in his stupidity and funk factor.

How could that ever be a bad thing?

Soon I figure, it is not the lack of r.e.m or the fumes , but the effects of aging sentimentality that is the catalyst for this dumb smile.

punch ! Punch! PUNCH! drunk love.


August 18, 2009

Transmission from Narita

Filed under: Declarations,Josh Fraser,Stoopid — Josh Fraser @ 2:56 pm

gaiking cell 3

So I am sitting in my small but clean Excel Hotel Tokyu room at 3:43 am. I am in a need of a shave, and the sleeping pills have worn themselves off.

I brought a Mini Bullmark Mecha Godzilla vinyl with me so, I can document his Tour of Duty in Nam‘. Picture the Travlocity knome as an archetypal mechanical kaiju and you get the gist.

Awaiting the hours until I wake up in Saigon and live out a very specific film geek dream to mark off the checklist. The unshavenness and underwear will be my only prop… well maybe a bottle of Jack would help as well as a photo of an ex spouse. But the room better have a ceiling fan or heads will roll.

Until then, check out the new cell I picked up. Gaiking looks overtly tired but ready to throw down all the same. Like Mifune’s demeanor after a duel. Sort of like how I am feeling tonight after the longest string of airline mishaps I have encountered in quite some time.
Only the Chu Hi and the Joy Division playing out of my laptop speakers is saving the last shreds of my dwindling humor.

Where is my mask open or electron chain when I need one?

August 4, 2009

Historic moment…

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Co. GRIP,Stephan Halder,Stoopid,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 3:07 pm

…for me!
I don’t know if this is something for the TBDX BROG?
Well if not…delete it.

I got my first parcel full of robots from Japan.
Ok, it’s not my first parcel with robots from Japan,
but  the first parcel with robots I won on Yahoo Japan.

Yes, I was a Yahoo Japan virgin till today. But now I’m a real man!

Its a bit like x-mas today.

Do you rememer your “first” time getting a parcel from japan?

Sorry that I spam you with that shit.
But it’s so cool getting a big parcel full of robots  ;-)


July 16, 2009

Tensai Bakabon (天才バカボン, Genius Bakabon).

Filed under: Erik Sjoen,Stoopid — erik sjoen @ 2:49 am

Fujio Akatsuka’s genius manga Bakabon from 1967 is one of my favorites! As some of you guys know I buy the “unagi-inu” stuff like crazy. I think last time Hillsy and I were in Japan together I bought over 20 pieces.. Behold my current Akatuska-san shelf which also hosts a vintage vinyl of Akatsuka’s NYAROME (pink cat) and friends.


Modern day Bakabon OP/ED:

ALSO, pictured is an 8+ inch Nyarome vinyl I got in Osaka. SO DOPE!


July 10, 2009

Jurassic Jumbo

Filed under: Stoopid,Toy Love,Toy News — chogoman @ 7:50 pm

Good old Mattel Rodan sitting on a tree.

A nice weekend to all!


This is How We (Kappa) Roll

Filed under: Matt Alt,Stoopid,Toy Love — matt @ 12:20 am

Now it can be told: I’ve been working on a top-secret project for the last few months. The good news: it’s done and it’s cool! The bad (well, if you want your own, anyway): it’s a one of a kind art piece, not something for sale. But now that we’ve got that out of the way, may I present the Kappa Machine! It was a collaboration: based on my drunken scribble and rendered in glorious 3D by my pal Mr. Marugame.

Let me explain a little background here. Kappa are legendary monsters from Japanese folkore. Yokai, to be precise. They are frog-like creatures that live for two things: cucumbers and human colon-meat.

For close to a decade, a group of my pals has been putting on a “Kappa Exhibition” in a Tokyo gallery. Open to pro and amateur artists, it’s filled with all sorts of art dedicated to the kappa. Hiroko and I displayed original art from our book Yokai Attack last year, and after the show closed, Mr. Marugame proposed a collaboration. I jokingly suggested a Machinder. And to my total surprise, he jumped at the idea.

Mr. Marugame and I have known each other for three or four years. He’s a regular in my circle of toy- and anime-industry pals. He’s a carpenter by trade, but I only learned a year or two ago that he briefly worked in the toy industry back in the Eighties, at a company that prototyped design concepts for big toy companies. (This Machine Robo pull-back toy is one of his designs that made it into production.)

Anyway, four or five months back, I turned in this silly doodle to Marugame. I originally suggested using a Jumbo Machinder Mazinger Z to make things easier. Rip off the chest fins, jam in some plastic kappa maki rolls to approximate eyes, etc., etc. Ever the craftsman, he pooh-poohed the thought, telling me that if we were going to do this, we were going to go all the way. And so it began. He returned a sketch based on my crappy illustration that looked like it stepped out of an anime artbook:

And then quickly assembled an early, quick ‘n dirty prototype out of styrofoam.

We sat down for tea at his house and talked it over. I liked the look of it, but it didn’t feel very “Machinder” to me. Marugame is a good ten years older than me, a refugee from the vinyl generation; he knew the Machinders but didn’t play with them as a kid. Still, he’s an otaku pro. When I whipped out some photographs of vintage specimens, he got the aesthetic at once. The second styrofoam prototype was a hole in one:

Next came the process of turning it into something approaching an actual toy. We both knew that there would be no way to mold it out of actual polyethelene; it’s far too expensive for what amounted to a one-off project. But Marugame, ever the professional, had a solution. It turned out that his old company, which was still in business, was in the process of moving offices. So he convinced them to loan us their vacu-forming machine. Vacu-forming is a process where sheets of styrene plastic are heated and pulled down over wood “positives” using a vacuum hose, forming the parts. Being a carpenter, Marugame quickly turned out a series of wood masters:

And within a week or two, had managed to assemble a functional plastic version of the styrofoam prototype. This is easier said than done. It involved cutting down the plastic, inserting rods inside the assembled shells, and then using screws to fix them in place.

Now for the details. I whipped up a sketch of the “cucumber computer” inside the Kappa’s head, which Marugame used as a blueprint to make a plastic mock-up. Then he chromed it and covered it with a customized translucent dome to complete the effect:

“Ooh, we need Machinder-style missiles, too,” I remarked. “What do they look like?” asked Marugame. I forwarded him a link to a Yahoo Japan auction for a pile of them (which, I will admit, I tried and failed to win myself. Those suckers are getting expensive.) Two days later:

For the other leg, he fashioned a boomerang-like “cucumber shuriken.” Hiroko rightly pointed out that the kappa wouldn’t be complete without a “shiri-kodama” extractor — a “shiri-kodama” being mysterious source of “ki” energy supposedly located in the human colon, and a favorite food of the creatures; they traditionally rip them out of the backsides of unwary swimmers. Marugame was happy to oblige, creating an “XX-series” style attachment arm, complete with winding chain gimmick. He even incorporated a fitting mechanism into the arms, allowing them to be detached at will:

Other gimmicks included a cucumber-katana with an embedded magnet, allowing it to be “held” in the hand or stowed on the back, samurai-style:

What can I say? Marugame’s the man.

But no time for congratulations just yet. The Kappa Exhibition was rapidly approaching. At this point the prototype was unpainted white plastic. We still needed to decide on the final colors, which proved far more involved of a process than any of us expected. Fortunately, Alen whipped up a Photoshop file that let us tweak different combos at will. Here are some of the many variations we wrestled with:

And then the box! To do this right, we knew we needed to come up with faux box art. With the clock ticking, I turned to Walter, a French pal who lives near me in Tokyo, and who works as a professional comic artist and colorist. More to the point, he ran a vintage toy store in Paris years and years back, so he “knew what time it was,” as the old-school rappers would say. And over the course of a week, he turned out box-art in the best style the Seventies greats had to offer:

A word about that incredibly awesome Popy-style logo. I suck at Photoshop. But there’s this guy named Alen Yen who’s something of a renowned mouse-jockey. I begged Alen — already busy with work and his new baby girl — to help. And voila! Instant Kappa Machine logo! (For those of you who can read Japanese, we tweaked the last few syllables so we wouldn’t step on any copyright-holders’ toes.)

Talk about a team effort. America, France, Japan… It’s like a sentai show minus the spandex. (Actually, I’m clad in a stretchy cucumber-green body stocking as I type these words.)

Now as for the inevitable questions. It’s made of styrene plastic, not polyethylene. It is all handpainted save for the patterns on the arms and thighs, which were created using inkjet-printed stickers. And no, there aren’t any plans to mass-produce it — though if any toy companies out there want to license it and produce it as an actual toy, we’re all ears! In the meantime, it’s on display at the Kappa Exhibition in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, through July 21st. Drop by and check it out if you’re in the area. And who knows? You might just run into the legendary Mr. Marugame, too.

July 3, 2009

Cyber Tyger

Filed under: Declarations,Stoopid,Toy Love,Toy News — thomas @ 12:12 pm

Sometimes…sometimes you just come across stuff that is so mindblowingly insane, deranged, and fanwanky that you just have to have it. A toy so marvelous, a figure so crack-tastic, something that makes you wonder just how much, and possibly more importantly, exactly which drugs its designer has been smoking, injecting, or actually breathing ever since his or her conception by mommy and daddy.

Ladies (if there any here) and gentlemen, I bring you Fei-Yen the Tiger.

Fei-Yen the Tiger

Fei-Yen the Tiger

Now first a little intro on the Fei-Yen mecha series:

Fei-Yen is a female mech from Virtual-On. Originally based on the Magical Girl genre, dual pigtail Tsundere type to be precise, she quickly evolves into a Maid in the later games. More crazily, her later designs include fanservice such as panty shots and various bust sizes. Makes you wonder what Hajime Katoki, the Virtual On character designer, (of Gundam fame) was smoking, eh?

Fei-Yen the Tiger is how he could, and did, make this mindfuckery worse (or better, depending on your point of view)…let’s have a look.

The packaging is deliciously striped in the proper colors, and it suggests her to people 14 years or older:


This. The figure has all the proper attributes:


Color scheme: check.


Tail: check.


Ears: Will do.

A near-perfect catgirl. The MOE fans will appreciate.


She comes with three optional hands and includes a heart-shaped base, upon which she can be stood:


Or kneeled:



Or put in whatever pose you fancy:


All hail Sofubi monsters and their mecha catgirl girlfriends!

Be aware that these toys are notoriously fragile. I bought mine unbroken, but it broke in transit, despite being packed well:



Nothing some super glue can’t fix. The PVC parts are also somewhat sticky, as if the chemical used to make them flexible is oozing out.

Sadly no diecast, and the waist joint is asymetric.

I must simply praise Hajime Katoki for designing a character (and Kaiyodo/XEBEC Toys for releasing it) that seems to be 120% fanwank…

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