On the way to work I snap a shot of one of the girl’s shelves. I envision her God Jesus Robot paving the way for his friends on the path to robot enlightenment.
Then I wonder if I need therapy.
(Don’t answer that.)
Anyway here is hoping she does her brog on this robo shepherd soon…
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Some Macrolove for Takatoku’s Onoriki.
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Sunday Macrobrog. Ark Kong
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The new reference for scale in future auctions will be 10 lb lobsters.
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As some of you may know I recently purchased a home of my own after many weeks and months of various headaches. When I first began the hunt for a place to call my own, I was thinking of the kind of home I’d like and what I’d “need” for it. It was this moment when I finally realized the full scope of my obsession and dedication for this hobby. Yes I’d like a garage as I like to work on my car. Yes I’d like a small house that’s cheap and easy to maintain. As for the what I’d “NEED” list? The first item on that list was a second bedroom with enough room for 60 jumbos and several Detolfs…. A true dedicated Toy room. Sick I know, putting that as a need before a kitchen, or working heat or walls without holes in them. I’m sure you can imagine my response when the realtor would mention how a second bedroom would make for “a nice office or extra storage” at showings… Yeah.. an “office”, sure, whatever you say, that’s kinda what I’ll be using the space for… Jump ahead a few months, I got the house and finish moving everything in. Then began the work on the toy room as it were. for starters the pretty princess stickers came off the walls
(obviously this was a kids bedroom at some point)
Next was what color to paint? I asked the guys and decided that throwing up a coat of killer CCP red would accent everything very well. A few hours with a roller and it was up.
So ok, then what? The central part of my collection has been and always will be jumbos. I’d had them setup on wire racks all bunched together but had always dreamed of having them spread out, towering over my head staring down at me from every direction. Off to the hardware store for some shelves and assorted other tools I went. another afternoon of work and the shelves were up.
It wasn’t until that moment that I really felt that I had a toy room, but when I looked up and imagined those monoliths of polyethylene staring down I started to feel it… suffice it to say I got impatient and just went ahead and threw them up. to say it was awe inspiring was an understatement.
I ended up waiting a few days before I progressed due to work and other obligations. Finally, I just couldn’t hold back any longer, I had to finish what was started. I worked a near solid 2 days barely sleeping, opening boxes, checking for parts, pairing pieces up and getting things set just as I’d like them. it was a challenge, deciding what goes where and how. I took inspiration from collections I’d seen before, the majority was put into Detolf cases (god bless Ikea and their Dec. 29th sale),
some was hung from the jumbo shelf or tacked onto the wall
and unfortunately some had to be set on the floor due to lack of shelf space. Though I did finally find a use for this big piece of glass I had lying around and the boxes from my Fewture jumbos:
It’s kinda weird having the toy room I’d dreamed about finally here, I walked into the room several times after I finished putting the final touches on it, just to look around, a goofy grim on my face the whole time I’m sure. Finally I can say that, when it comes to my collection, everything has a place and everything is in that place, happily displayed, out of direct sunlight, spread out and under glass. I’ll leave you all with these shots showcasing the room from every angle. thanks for checking it out guys. And thanks again for all the advice and guidance over these past few months everyone!
I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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The date of the Brog says 23rd Dezember. But here in germany we have the 24th.
So I wish you all…
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I wake up this morning and everything is white.
No, didn’t take drugs…only the first snow had fallen here.
Time for a sofubi-winter-foto.
Mr.Condorman freeze his balls off.
Post your japanese-toys-in-snow-fotos in the BBS.
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Just got these 2 Popy Kyodain Vinyls.
Here’s my shoot-through-the-toy-lens-try.
Well, didn’t really work. No sharp fotos. Maybe the Popy lens isn’t high-end ;-)
But the vinyls are great.
discuss on the BBS
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