Why didn’t I bought these Grips earlier?!
These little guys kick ass!
Shooting fists, rocket Launchers, heavy diecast…
and you even could combine Legger, Trang and Header to a Diapolon!
They are so cool…I’m getting more and more ecstatic ;-)
The best thing is that you don’t have to pay $1k for them!
Compared to the big brothers from Bullmark, they are a class for themselves.
Detail “foto-review” here:
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…for me!
I don’t know if this is something for the TBDX BROG?
Well if not…delete it.
I got my first parcel full of robots from Japan.
Ok, it’s not my first parcel with robots from Japan,
but the first parcel with robots I won on Yahoo Japan.
Yes, I was a Yahoo Japan virgin till today. But now I’m a real man!
Its a bit like x-mas today.
Do you rememer your “first” time getting a parcel from japan?
Sorry that I spam you with that shit.
But it’s so cool getting a big parcel full of robots ;-)
more: http://toyboxdx.com/phorum/read.php?4,199909
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For anyone who ever wondered what the lever on Irutan’s back revealed.
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From Irutan family..
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