ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Erik Sjoen
Brog is Japanese Toy Blog

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April 14, 2009

Hikari Sentai Maskman (光戦隊マスクマン) store display

Filed under: Daily Money Shots,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 12:54 am


April 13, 2009

Black POWER!!

Filed under: Erik Sjoen,Matt Alt,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 9:28 pm

From his secret underwater base in the sea of Japan Minister of Information Matt Alt chimes in on some hot, hot chocolate..

“Black Robocress” sounds like a ’70s blaxploitation film!”







Per Minister Alt, this is some kind of grey-market, unlicensed thing that came out a long while after the show aired. The manufacturer is someone named “Sunny”.

Not a huge fan of the “black” representations, but this fucking rocks. Wanted: professional “gunpla modeler” who’s into black love and not afraid to get their hands dirty. Send resume to.. Psych! Hero’s Club is down the street from my house.

Pics compliments of “Hohenstaufen”:

Hohenstaufen’s Blog

April 10, 2009

Punch me.. HARD!

Filed under: Co. POPY,Erik Sjoen,Toy Love — erik sjoen @ 3:26 am


OK.. I’ve got the inflatable Japanese punching bag blues. This month alone I’ve already got over $100 worth.. That my friends will buy you some serious punching bag love. This specimen in particular is one of my best. A 20 inch 1981 New Tetsujin 28 GO! Not only is this my favorite character of all time, but it’s the second biggest one I have. Second only to a 3 ft Daiojya that will kick your ass..

I’ll be posting a more comprehensive review of my new found obsession soon, but just wanted to give you all a taste of my pathetic downward spiral into the world of inflatable goodness. Unfortunately, the only holes these have are blow holes..

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? Well, what better than a punching bag?

See you all in the ring..

April 8, 2009

Bullmark Combined Diapolon Meka Machine

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 2:21 am

How much do you love Diapolon? Not as much as I DO I bet…

If you’re not of Italian discent, the odds are you don’t really care to much. Me, on the other hand, I couldn’t love the football playing inspired super robot design much more. It’s ALL American! Gag me with a spoon.. If it weren’t for Marukai importing these into CA in the late 70’s early 80’s I wouldn’t have had a clue. Luckily they did. The American football inspired Diapolon toys were readily had, stacked high to the ceiling, in San Francisco’s Japan town. One could find Popy Robocon Chogoikns for the grim price of $5-$7 a piece while the Bullmark Zinclon Diapolon pieces could be had for a meager $2.95 each. But, not the Meka Machines..

If you’re looking for info on the slick diecast representations of Diapolon, head on over to our trusty Raging Bullmark data file that covers the Zinclon versions of this aesthetically awesome super robot. If you’re looking for the skinny on the “DX” mac daddy Diapolon that runs shit, look no further, you’ve found him.

I give you the Bullmark Combined Diapolon Meka Machine:


Back in the day this must have been the high end version of Diapolon. I’m speculating here, but it’s certainly what I would like to believe. “DX” would be an excellent way to describe this piece. It’s got all the bells and whistles that one would expect to find in a deluxe version toy of any given character vs a less exciting standard version.

Measuring in at 12 inches and chock full of accessories, this thing just fucking ROCKS. For starters, it’s got a missile firing compartment hidden in the chest, which is accessed by simply turing the small blue dial located on the stomach clockwise. POW! The spring loaded doors snap open to reveal a dual cannon missile firing mechanism.


The Bullmark Meka Machines are well known for their versatility in terms of playability. Did I just make that up?? Anyway, this one in particular, is not only gimmick ridden but is also very posable. It doesn’t have a waist joint, but it does have 360 movement in the arms and legs. The knees are incredibly articulated as well, with the help of some very cool hard plastic joints. Not something you would typically see from a figure made in this time period.



The accessories are impressive as well. Included is a jet pack that has a spring loaded wing function (not featured in the show) and a hand accessory, that has the run of the mill Bullmark propeller style firing mechanism which is awesome. I would like to add that the green accent on the hand weapon is a very nice aesthetic addition to the overall primary color scheme of the toy. Whatever..


Think 1977 here guys… Amazing, right? Totally ahead of it’s time.

I would like to personally thank my good friend and grand master collector “Sifu” Mike Parisi, for making this dream a reality for me. ありがとうございます!

April 5, 2009

Popy Gordian Warrior sofubi set

Filed under: Co. POPY,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 10:36 pm

Gordian Warrior (闘士ゴーディアン ?) was a popular anime series aired in 1979 to 1981 in Japan. It is also referred to as Champion of Gordian or Gardian.

Gordian was the first DX Chogokin/Godaikin I had as a kid, therefore I’ve always had a strong affinity for this character. It would be safe to say that I’ve been pining over ol’ Gordian since about 1981. It was the whole matryoshka doll gimmick that always had me really fascinated. There was absolutely nothing around that you could compare it to at the time. I recall my grandfather being totally fascinated by the design and functionality. I will never forget how astounded he was that us “kids” had such amazing toys to play with. After all, growing up in post WWI Europe he widdled his fucking toys out of wood. His interest alone just solidified the fact that Gordian was something special. Totally revolutionary..

Gordian vinyls.. Not so much.

Anyway.. Gordian, like many of shows I watched growing up (God Mars, Sunvulcan, Tetsujin28, Dunbine, Dynaman etc), is definitely a major area of my collecting focus. I’m now slowly but surely collecting anything and everything associated with each character/show, no mater how trivial. For example, I happen to own several Tetsujin 28 beach balls, a God Mars pencil box, Dunbine chopsticks and tin Gordian rice boxes. Sad but true. You really should see what I can do with a beach ball a pencil box and a set of chopsticks. It’s AMAZING I tell you!

So, after a year or so of compulsively searching I finally scored the Popy Chogokin Clint GB-13, and in January Alen broke me off the Popy Pla DX Gordian (known as the crappiest Popy toy of all time), so the Gordian bender was totally on. It was go time.

Obviously, I just had to complete the circle with these bad boys..

The full set:

The best part about amassing everything in each series for me is scoring the vinyls. They SUCK!! They REALLY suck. But, they suck in a such a very good way. As much as “sucking” can be good.. These Gordian vinyls are surprisingly far more well done than the vinyl representations of the aforementioned characters/shows from the same time period. With the exception of the Popy Tetsujin “BIG” vinyl, I would venture to say that these vinyls, Garbin especially, are some of Popy’s best super robot vinyl designs and delivery.




Daigo Otaki:

Back sides for good measure:

Overall, these are most likely pretty underwhelming to the average gokin collector who is pimping the DX or the ST Chogokin versions of these characters. They don’t “do” anything, like combine. What they do “DO”, is emit the “funk”. They contain that aesthetic bad-assness that keeps me coming back for more.. Over and over and year after year, I’m constantly finding new and exciting representations of my favorite super robot characters in sofubi form.

Love them or hate them, you’ve got to admit they’ve got charm. These vinyls might not be an example of Popy’s finest hour, but I’m certianly not apologizing for them and neither should you. Call it a guilty pleasure.. Indulge at your own risk.

April 4, 2009

WANTED: Govarian Magne-Type Vinyl

Filed under: Co. POEM,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 1:42 am

Well, it’s that time of year again.. The cherry blossoms are in bloom, the yen’s getting close to 100Y > $1USD and I’ve got the itch. So, off to the land of the rising sun for some toy shopping, toy shopping and drunken toy shopping (accompanied by pill popping if you ask Hillsy).

In the weeks prior to liftoff, I’m filled with hopes and dreams of what I might find in the slim pickings of what’s left of the Tokyo shops. This time around I’ll also be hitting up shops in Osaka, Kobe and several other stops that are off the beaten path in hopes that they might deliver.. If memory serves Roger scored all the Macross mini sofubi in one run in Osaka, so my fingers are crossed.

My over zealous list this year consists of some pretty out there stuff. For starters: Popy combining Golion “BIG” vinyl, mid sized Takemi Gingaizer vinyls, mid sized Takatoku Goshogun vinyl, any of the mid sized Bandai/Popy Robocon vinyls, Nomura “PlaDX” Baldios, Popy Chogokin Robot Jr boxed, Mach Baron Jumbo Machinder as well as a few random pieces that were on my list from last year but were unfortunately never found. Ironically, everything I just mentioned was on my list last year.. Doh!

Let me tell you, it’s god damned frustrating to be heading out with a list chock-full of stuff that you will most likely not be able to score to save your life, but there is ONE thing that is worse.. KNOWING the number one piece on your list is totally unattainable. What is it you ask?

Mange- type Psycho Armor Govarian (サイコアーマーゴーバリアン Psychoarmor Gobarian).

I imagine the odds of finding this piece in shops at this point are nil and none. If it did surface, I feel it would most likely go straight to YJA.

Totally depressing, crushing, debilitating and whatever other adjectives describe the hell that is wanting this fucking piece. It’s like “chasing the dragon”, and from what I hear about heroin addiction, it accurately describes the pain I feel needing and knowing this piece..

I’ve been looking for this masterpiece of sofubi goodness for close to 7 years now to no avail. It goes to show that this hobby takes serious patience, which sometimes I feel totally devoid of.. Anyway, the last MT Govarian I know of came up about 5 years ago but was apparently out of my reach at the time. In the thread/link posted below I mention $800, which I would drop in a heartbeat today if I could, but have no confirmation that the auctioned MT Govarian went for that. If anyone remembers and can confirm the auctions end price, I would greatly appreciate it.


Aside from the pics above, these pics from Masato Shono’s Go Nagai book circa 1998? are the only I’ve seen.

I feel like I can say with confidence that this is “the” rarest super robot / real robot vinyl out there. I will gladly donate a kidney to anyone that can deliver one of these loose or boxed.. Seriously. Hit me up. I beg you.

– Sjoen

March 6, 2009


Filed under: Co. GRIP,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 4:40 am


From Irutan family..

Popy Chogokin Clint GB-13 (1980)

Filed under: Co. POPY,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 4:15 am

Gordian Warrior (闘士ゴーディアン ?) was a popular anime series aired in 1979 to 1981 in Japan. That’s the back story!

Well.. I actually had a lot to say about this piece.. The more I think about it the less I have to say. If you’re down with the Popy brand, and you are a completist, well obviously this is for you. If not, well.. It’s a solid diecast panther that was so dissed in the Popy lineage that its only other representation is made out of rubber.. A total cast off. A gem fueled panther. How 80’s. Nuff said..

– Sjoen

January 3, 2009

Gimmie Some Head: Konami Lagann Impact Model.

Filed under: Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 5:08 am

Happy New Year everyone!

I would go ahead and recommend this toy for TOTY but I’m not sure that it actually came out in 2008. I’ve searched the toy and box up and down and can not come up with any discernible information verifying what year this actual piece was released..

Ah well.. I’ll just go ahead and say, for me, it’s the coolest new toy I picked up in 2008 that was NOT vintage.

I’m sure we’ll be seeing a ton of cool stuff come out in 2009, as last year held some of the coolest new school releases thus far. That CMs Gakeen anime colored magnemo gokin came out! Also, there was the Bandai SOC Godmars, which is simply the most incredible modern day diecast toy ever made if you ask me. That was followed by the dominating Yamato Dangard A and the CM’s Baldios.. Man, if those GOKIN weren’t so dang expensive I would no doubt own all of them by now.

On the other hand, the Konami Lagann Impact Model I’m reviewing actually has NO diecast metal at all, but holds its own as a very unique piece if you ask me. You’re probably wondering where the hell it comes from? Well, much like the very popular anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is another hit from the anime studio Gainax.

Honestly, I’m not a big fan of anime at all, but due to the interest here on TBDX and the fact that the show was playing on SciFi, I got a chance to check out GL via my DVR. I have to say, I barely made it through the first few episodes without getting incredibly bothered by the VincentZ fanservice bullshit. Well, luckily I stuck with it, as the series did actually have some redeeming qualities most of which being super robot madness. And YES, there was some seriously cool Super Robot shit.

When I finally got my hands on the Konami Lagann Impact Model Series the first thing I noticed is that it is a very sturdy and satisfying toy. No diecast to speak of, but still totally built and designed with care. Its construction reminds me of a vintage plastic Bandai toy from the late 80s, much like a piece from the Tobikage or Gallat series. Comparatively speaking, new toys seem to lack the playability of older toys, as they are designed to be displayed and not actually played with. This piece is clearly not a part of that ideology, as every piece is very interchangeable, solid and locks when put in place. This gives the piece a feeling of solid construction, and leaves the owner a feeling of satisfaction. This is important as the piece isn’t cheap. It’ retailed at 4950Y I believe, but if you’re looking for one you’ll most likely pay up to 10,000Y on YJP for one now.

Anyway, the aesthetic beauty one can achieve with this guy while in action on the supplied stand is incredible.. Luckily, for all the geeks out there that are into “anime accuracy”, there are multiple expressions and weapons that appear in the show included with the figure.

BUMMER.. No waist joint to speak..

As a collector of vintage Japanese toys, I have to say I am overall very impressed with this piece. Unfortunately there are only a few other parallels I have to compare this to within the lineage of our vintage Japanese toy family tree. First off there is the Daltanias Popynica, which is an incredible piece that features missiles and electronic lights. That piece was actually preceded by the Takemi Machine Blaster head/bust displays which are a superb mix of diecast and plastic, but are totally under-appreciated. On a lesser note, there is the Takara Jeag talking necklace that can be displayed with the aforementioned pieces in harmony, but just doesn’t really make the grade.. Also, more recently, Bandai released the PX-01 Soul Of Popyica Mazinger Z head, which in my opinion is extremely well done.

Hopefully we’ll see more “head” in the future, but I’m not holding my breath.

Erik Sjoen

December 24, 2008

R.I.P. Kimono..

Filed under: Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 12:52 am

Hello everyone!

As many of you might have heard, it’s a very sad, sad day. Kimono My House, one of the last remaining vintage Japanese toy stores in the US will be closing it’s doors come Feburary 1st 2009. The 25 year run of the so called Mecca of Japanese toy stores in the United States, is coming to an unfortunate end in the coming months and will be missed incredibly by a devout and maniacal following.

As the master of the run-on sentence, I feel qualified to bring you this very unfortunate news in a way that I am only capable of, so hold your breath.

Back in 1983, the dawn of “kanzen henkei” was in bloom in Japan, and Yuki and Susan decided to import and sell 1/55 Takatoku Valkyrie’s in the window of their Berkeley based Kimono shop. Who would have ever thought that their insight into these incredible toys would have led to the the toy phenomenon that might have led to the mainland interest in Macross that would eventually lead to the “Robotech” franchise. Did Carl Macek just so happen to walk by? Hmm…

Wow! Right? Right!

Well that’s just a lil’ taste of the stories that embody the intrigue that is KMH’s history. There is quite a bit more to tell, but you’ll just have to come to the party to hear these toy stories of yesteryear.

As many of you guys/gals are already aware of, we are planning a “TBDX ten year anniversary, RIP KimonoMyHouse” get together that will be taking place on the roof of KMH in Emeryville Ca at 2pm Sat 1/24. We would love to see you on the roof that Sat. afternoon for some killer conversation, refreshments, shopping and a collector based swap meet. So, bring your odds, ends and general trading fodder to partake in our very own swap meet. But beware, toys are not to be bought or sold as the only changing of money should and will only be done inside KMH. If we catch you swapping cash we’ll break your arms..

ACHTUNG!! There will also be a SERIOUS kind of debauchery that will ensue afterward, which only the hardcore TBDX crew elite can deliver. Otherwise known as the “TBDX 10 Year Roast”, this invite only event requires an RSVP to attend, so please continue reading if you’re interested.

Anyone and everyone that IS interested in the post party event should email me directly. Please include your first/last name and any other personal info, ie email, phone number and astrological sign, as it would be nice to ping you late night when I’m drunk and crying over the tragedy that is KMH’s end..

Please keep in mind we have only allocated about 40 spaces for said after party so far and we do need to hear from you in advance if you are in fact interested in attending.

This WILL truly be the quintessential meeting of the Japanese toy collecting minds in the USA, and I feel that it’s only fair of me to say that no matter how many “summits” that occur domestically or “group trips” that go to Japan that happen, this meeting will most likely be the one and only opportunity for all, or any of us, to meet and hang out together.

That being said, I look forward to a full inbox. I ALSO look forward to anyone who can help me with my run on sentence problem. Seriously, please help me..

On behalf of Alen and all of us here at TBDX, we look forward to seeing you all there.


Erik Sjoen

Kimono My House
1424 62nd St.
Emeryville, CA 94608

510 654-4627
510 654-4621 fax

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