ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Robotto Hacchan – ENJOY TRACKING LIFE!!
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December 20, 2008

Robotto Hacchan – ENJOY TRACKING LIFE!!

Filed under: Co. POPY,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 9:24 pm

You know.. I’ve always been a big fan of tracking life enjoyment (see lower part of Robotora box).. I mean, who isn’t? Right? Right…

I’m not exactly sure what tracking life means, and I’m not sure enjoyment stems from it. What I can tell you is that I own almost every toy associated with 8chan and I can honestly say that I enjoy every piece. Seriously. From zenmai to chogokin to tricycles, I have everything 8chan.

The DX Robotora is a very rare piece. Who would have thought? It’s proven so, as it only took me 5 years to acquire one. Was it worth the wait? I’ll let you be the judge:

So, if you already own the 8chan stuff this review should only lead up to one conclusion.. Find a Robotora and own it.

– Erik Sjoen

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