ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Yamato VOTOMS News
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December 20, 2004

Yamato VOTOMS News

Filed under: Toy News — Rumble Crew @ 10:47 pm

News from Yamato about future VOTOMS products:

The second Scopedog will be the Melkian soldier version. This is the
purplish-greyish variant you see in the first episode. Aside from the
color, the toy will be identical to the green version, and include the
same accessories.

The first accessory pack will include the ATP-BP01-ST Parachute Zack
and the GAT-22C rifle. The former will not actually deploy a parachute
(not that any of us are willing to throw ours off a roof), and the
latter is the short-barrel version of the rifle that’s currently
included with the Scopedogs.

The second accessory pack will include the ATC-BR01-S Round Mover
backpack for space missions, and the SAT-03 Solid Shooter bazooka.

The ATM-09-GC Brutishdog and a Fyana figure are currently being
designed. It hasn’t been decided whether these will be sold together
as a set, or separately.

The first exclusive Scopedog, the Odon Battle version (used by Chirico
in the Roots of Treachery OAV has been reported at Zinc Panic here:
Zinc Panic Radar

The second exclusive Scopedog will be a box set including a Red
Shoulder Scopedog with Chirico and sold at Toys R Us stores in Japan.
Aside from the one red shoulder, the toy will be identical to the
green version, and include the same accessories.

No price information is available on these, nor have any of these been
slated for American release yet, but keep watching this space for

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