ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » TBDX Auction Spotlight: Takara Magnemo Pinnochio
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March 17, 2007

TBDX Auction Spotlight: Takara Magnemo Pinnochio

Filed under: Toy News — Alen @ 12:32 pm

Takara Magnemo Pinnochio

OK, so one of the pathetic things I do at night is pop open, like, 50 auction windows and click through them mindlessly with the TV on until my mind blanks, my wrists hurt and I have to go to bed. (Sometimes the next morning, Mason’s even kind enough to tell me what I’ve bid on.) While I’m doing this, I frequently inflict the URLs on my so called “friends” (inmates, enablers, whatever.)

Some of these are so mind-wrenchingly sexy, and others so hideously rank, that I’ve been asked to start broadcasting them out in a more ahem formal way. So I bring you the very first ever ToyboxDX Auction Spotlight: Takara Magnemo Pinnochio.

Wince. Enjoy.

If you see one that legitimately freaks you out, send it in

— Alen

[Talk about it in the BBS]

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