The Lost Ark
text: Matt Alt, graphics: Robert Duban
February 2000
updated: 06.20.06
Thanks to Yutaka Ishida / Kaikodo,
Giovanni Vaciago, & Alen Yen for the use of several images here
Ark's series of six "
Arklon" diecast monster toys
represent everything that's right about Japanese
toy-design. Founded in the mid-1970s as a distribution
subsidiary of famed vinyl maker
Bullmark, Ark rose to
brief prominence after its parent company's untimely
demise in 1977. Under the control of former Bullmark
executive Saburo Ishizuki, Ark became a full-fledged
manufacturer in its own right, creating "cheapie"
toys, vinyl monster figures, and some of the most
unique and action-packed diecast toys ever produced by
a Japanese toy manufacturer.
The Ark diecasts are a subtle pleasure to be slowly savored. With
the exception of one piece, they're all characters from the
Ultraman series
of shows. And at first glance, it's easy to underestimate the intricate
genius of the toys. Upon closer inspection,
it becomes clear that each individual part of every Ark diecast is
interchangeable with the parts of the others. Various body modules contain
missile launchers, rotating gears, and other tiny mechanisms;
![[combined toys]](images/combined.gif)
the boxes come stuffed with auxiliary attachments such as wheels and axles,
wind-up vehicles, and extra limbs, like some sort of twisted alien
Erector set. It is as if the figures were designed by
monster-crazed watchmakers rather than toy engineers. The price of this modular
charm is extreme fragility: Ark used tiny plastic pegs to anchor the chunky
metal body-units of the monsters together, which means that a large percentage
of surviving specimens are cracked and broken.
![[Ark catalog]](images/catalog_logopic.gif)
Perhaps the most amusing aspect of these toys is that, in spite of their
awe-inspiring range of play value, they look very little like the actual
monsters they�re supposed to portray. With the exception of one piece,
Joe, every single Ark diecast is a "mechanized" version
of a fleshy giant monster. Perhaps it was felt that "straight"
portrayals wouldn�t be interesting enough for the kids, or that diecast
couldn�t accurately capture the feel of a rubbery monster; perhaps the
designers were simply hopped-up on methamphetamine and cheap sake. Whatever the case,
it led to a series of the most creatively gimmick-packed toys ever produced.
![[Kong airplane]](images/kongplane_logopic.gif)
Consider the bizarre
King Kong piece. As if to highlight his
primitive nature, the toy comes with a prisoner�s ball-and-chain restraint
and a pair of spring loaded knives that thrust forth from his nipples at the
caress of a switch. And instead of providing the toy with Kong�s trademark
airplanes to snatch out of the sky, Ark rigged King Kong to actually launch
a large cardboard glider from a hole in his stomach. The genius of Ark�s diecasts
is their abstraction, their impression, their distilled "essence of kaiju"
that highlights the
FEEL rather than the
of a given monster. They combine every facet of a character�s being into a single form.
They are diecast by way of
The original Japanese packaging for the Ark diecasts is incredibly colorful and
playful. The backs of the boxes showed various ways of combining
the characters, complete with silly descriptive captions (such as "I�m good at
being a bad boy!" and "What a weirdo!")
![[Ark logos]](images/ark_logos.gif)
The full series of Arklon diecasts were also sold in the USA by the late,
Marukai Trading Company. With the exception of being
repackaged in English boxes, the toys were nearly identical to their Japanese counterparts.
box |
King Joe was produced in two variations. This first version is a decent
rendition of the famed Ultraman villian, although it doesn't disassemble
as the more accurate Popy version does. This piece was the first of the
Ark diecasts and is the only one of the series to be sold in a solid box
without a window. It was only available in a Japanese-language box. |
box |
This is the second, later verison of King Joe. For some reason,
Ark felt the need to totally rework the toy by repainting the head
and replacing the thighs and forearms with chunky red plastic pieces.
The effect of the change is underwhelming -- where the first version
has a subtle, understated charm, the "remake" manages to
look like Ultra-Kaiju by way of Bozo the Clown. Both versions were
available in Japan, but only this second version made
it to U.S. shelves. |
inner box,
U.S. box,
U.S. box back |
"Mecha Baltan" was kind of an odd choice for the name
of this toy, as it's the most accurately non-mechanical portrayal
of the bunch. It also looks nothing like the actual "Mecha-Baltan"
that appeared in later episodes of the Ultraman series. Whatever.
In any event, although it's a relatively common piece in the 'States,
it's highly sought after in Japan. |
inner box,
box back,
toy - color variations,
box - color variations |
Saddled with the unlikely nickname of "Yojimbo-Kaiju"
("Bodyguard Monster"), Black King is one of the rarest pieces
in the Ark lineup. It also features an extremely fragile waist joint
that is very, very easily broken. The upper torso rotates when a gear
on his stomach is turned. The angular, aggressive sculpt of the head
is satisfyingly fierce. |
toy - color variation,
box |
Just as with Black King, Red King's waist-joint is exceedingly fragile. In
fact, this difficult-to-find toy is said to be a "brother piece" to Black
King (and even features a nearly identical serial number), but there is very
little common mold-use between the two besides the waist and biceps. Red
King's eight-chambered, dial-actuated gatling missile launcher is a
perennial favorite. Although Ark gave him the ferocious-sounding nickname of
"Skull Monster," his head actually resembles that of a cow or sheep....
toy |
This is quite possibly the most abstract portrayal out of the entire bunch.
Gomoras hands have been replaced with shovels, his neck can extend to twice
its length, and the body features a tiny (and easily broken) spring-powered car
that can attach to the chest. The name can also be romanized
as "Gomola." |
box back,
U.S. box,
U.S. box back |
Although it was sold in the USA under the generic name of "Mech-Gorilla," in Japan
this piece was a licensed portrayal of the famous American monster. It is also
the only piece in the Ark lineup that is not related to the Ultraman series. The
American version did not include the ball-and-chain accessory. King Kong is also
the main piece of circumstantial evidence linking Ark to Bullmark: the license
info in the Ark catalog lists Takara and Mego as copyright holders, with
Bullmark as the producer. |