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Annal #02: 6/29/98
The tepid collector response to the "gag robot" phenomenon
by Matt Alt
(Photos courtesy of Roy Ng)
In reality, "Gag reflex" is somewhat strong of a term to
describe the reaction of most cho-go-kin collectors to the cute,
comedic, "gag robot" (aka "cute robot") pheneomenon. Outside of the
Robocon character toys, which certainly enjoy something of a cachet
among dedicated diecast fetishists, collector reaction to comedic robot
show toys is lukewarm at best. Robocon pieces are among the most
discussed and desirable pieces - from both an investment and a design
standpoint - in all of the Japanese toy kingdom. Not to mention
expensive. But whither the poor non-Robocon cute-robot diecast toys?
American collectors stay away in droves. Robot 110, Robot 8-Chan, Batten
Robo-Maru, you name it - these rank as among the most unknown and
under-appreciated toys among Western collectors, mostly due to the fact
that none of these shows has ever been aired outside of Asia (and
perhaps Hawaii.)
But where the hell did all of these cute "gag robots"
come from, anyway? What's it all about? Who thought this stuff up? It's
all due to one man, and the name may come as something of a surprise to
those who are used to hearing of him in relation to more "serious"
works. It's none other than the prolific Ishinomori Shotaro.
In the early 1970s, Ishinomori, whose previous creations
included the world-famous Kamen Rider, Kikader, and the entire Sentai
show genre, took a somewhat different tack with his work: rather than
creating a special-effects laden action show with a serious focus, he
decided to put together a comedic "SFX soap opera" of sorts. The result
was the 1974 TV series Ganbare! Robocon.
Rather than depicting the epic struggle of good versus
evil, Ganbare! Robocon focused on life in a future world where robots go
to school to learn how to best perform their duties. The enormous and
unprecedented success of Ganbare! Robocon virtually guaranteed that
Toei, Robocon's production company, would be hungering for more.
Ishinomori was more than able to deliver, and a succession of similar
whimsical, comical robot shows followed. Batten Robo Maru and Robot
8-Chan are two of the more well-known examples of these. For better or
for worse, this "comical robot" genre has all but disappeared now
(probably to resurface in some form at a later date). OK, history lesson
over. I can see your eyes glazing over. Let's go to the toys.
At first glance, the character toys from Robot 8-chan
(pronounced Robot Hacchan in the Japanese) seem pretty cute and
imaginative. What did you expect from a show whose Japanese name means
"Little Robot Eight"? Then, you realize how embarrassingly similar they
are to the figures from the Robocon series. Actually, let's face it.
They're bald-faced rip-offs of the Robocon characters, especially little
8-chan himself. This fact, coupled with their relative availability in
the worldwide marketplace, has led these toys to suffer a somewhat cool
reception over the years.
The 1981 series Robot 8-chan was one of the final direct
successors to the gag-robot legacy; from a production standpoint, it's a
much slicker show than Ganbare! Robocon, and this refined quality shows
up in the toys as well. Popy produced five cho-go-kin figures for the
show: the egg-shaped protagonist "8-chan"; "Eva-Police," a
sinister-looking police robot; "Yaki-Sola," an ambulatory oven;
"Postoller," a roller-skating, humanoid mailbox; and "Telekomi," a
telephone booth with arms and legs. Although a female robot character
who's a complete knock-off of Robocon's "Robin-chan" is pictured on the
backs of the boxes, she was never produced.
Speaking of boxes, here's the back of Postoller's box;
you can see the group shot at the bottom. The copy reads, "No matter how
boring the work, just ask and he'll happily take on the task! That's
right - you'd do well to follow his example!" Perhaps this Orwellian
sentiment served as some sort of cold comfort for Japanese children
trudging off to six hours of cram school...
All of these pieces featured cute (if somewhat
predictable) little gimmicks. In an almost direct swipe from Robocon,
8-chan's legs fold apart and a steering wheel pops from his stomach,
transforming him into a little car. (And for God's sake, be careful when
you flip down that steering wheel! 8-chan's paint job is about the most
chip-prone Popy ever made.) He also comes with a propeller-festooned hat
that is actually a separate character unto itself in the show.
Yakisola's stomach/oven opens; Telekomi's telephone booth door opens to
reveal a videophone with a smiling face on it's screen; Postoller's
mailbox opens with a key. The most complex of these gimmicks is
contained in the Eva-Police piece. The figure splits in the middle and
the upper body can be placed in a small go-kart-like police car.
If there's anything negative about these pieces, it's
that, with the exception of 8-chan, all use plastic as their main
component rather than diecast. This was kind of a dark foreboding about
what the future of the Japanese toy industry had in store. Whatever the
case, these five figures make up what has to be one of the last
frontiers in under-appreciated toy pieces. It's a shame that so many
collectors spurn these figures; in spite of their obvious
derivative-ness, they've got an excellent "pedigree" and are
well-designed toys to boot (especially 8-chan himself, who's a solid
little chunk of diecast.) Hey, there are stupider toys selling for much
more out there, that's for sure. And what with the price differential,
the Robot 8-Chan series can truly be called a "poor man's Robocon." It's
only a matter of time before Western collectors warm to the
not-insignificant charms of these pieces as well.
The 8-chan pieces are truly underrated pieces, and for collectors who
can't afford to feed their Robocon habit, are a good way to get a
quicker and cheaper fix. They're prime relics of the almost-decade-long
reign of the gag robot as well. That's about it for this installment of
"Annals of the Unrespected." Rest assured, I'll dig around for more
unloved pieces to bring into the light of day!
-- M.A.
Annals #5: UFO or Die
Annals #4: Turtle Power
Annals #3: Robots of the Cloth
Annals #2: Gag Reflex
Annals #1: Unrespected!
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