[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]

  June 14, 2002

Panzer 01 Mecha Feline Fury!!
KZ-01 | KZ-01A | KZ-01B | KZ-01C Panzer Unit
Drifand & Tim Brisko

Panzer 02
Panzer 03
Panzer 04

The last installment of Liger armor sets, the Panzer Unit features the largest chunks of diecast armor in the whole series (diecast areas shown in blue). I kid you not when I say that these blocky pieces of squared-off metal look like they can stop real bullets!

The Panzer Unit features a leaf green color scheme and the design harks back to good-old no-nonsense 80s' mecha aesthetics. From the boxy tank-like armor to the cylinder-hatch details for missile launchers, the Panzer would make a most ideal pet for the Takatoku Armored Valkyrie :)

The armor may seem a bit more cumbersome than the lithesome designs of the other Ligers, but there is no lack of gee-whiz goodies. First up is the hatch set just above and behind the head. Open it to reveal a six-pack of kablooeys for any foe that dares a frontal charge...

And then there are MORE missiles! Both hatches on the rear haunches lift up to reveal their deadly payload, as does the the two panels on the flanks. Top top it all off, the twin "hybrid cannons" mounted on it's back not only swivel but also elevate as well. This kitty kat is BUILT, man!

By now, I'm sure you can guess my bias regarding Mecha Barney... Go sic' 'em Panzer!



Panzer Unit vs Bersek Fuhrer

See the Liger Zero's brethren: KZ-01 | KZ-01A | KZ-01B | KZ-01C Panzer Unit


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