[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]
[Rule][Endless Ramble]
February 1998

March 1998 | Ramble Index

2/21/98: I suppose the driving theme...

of this -- and maybe of most personal sites -- is hubris. While working on the redesign of Toybox, I became obsessed with what contribution I personally could make to the so-called collecting society. I finally figured out that

nobody cares.

So after a year of moldy content, I'm going to just start gushing all over the net about the toys that I desperately covet. Along the way, I want to meet decent human beings who worship the same false idols I do, and hopefully we'll help each other get more toys. (Now what was the point again?)

Meanwhile, the rampant and arbitrary price-hiking, the constant hording and backstabbing, and basically the rest of what the venerable Tom Franck correctly describes as "brutal" and "savage" really makes me ill.

If you revel in getting toys so that others can't, or look to horde toys simply for profit, go for it. But go for it elsewhere, because this site isn't for you.

I'm a diehard capitalist and I live for the ruthless challenges of business, but my absolute love and respect for chogokin have instilled in me a joy I vehemently want to share. Exclusivity and greed are counter to the kind of collecting I'm going to foster and partake in.


Having gotten this inital ramble out, I want to dedicate the Toybox DX launch to David Morton. In 1995, Dave's Mechaworld site woke me like a kick in the head -- ouch! Dave, thanks to you I'm a poorer but happier guy.

Oh yeah -- Welcome to my site!

March 1998 | Ramble Index

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