![[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]](/images/smlogo.gif)
Red King!
09.24.01 |

The Great Seal was intact! I was the first to explore this ancient tomb. As I broke through to the inner chamber I pushed my oil lamp into the inky blackness. In it's flickering glow I saw the unmistakable glint of Gokin. I saw things inside... WONDERFUL THINGS!
Ok, I'm no Howard Carter (for anyone who doesn't understand my insanely obscure reference, it was a play on the opening of Tut's tomb. I apologize now), but that is how I felt as I gently razor bladed through the scotch tape on the vintage box and slid out the styrofoam sarcophagus containing my new (old) Ark Red King!
I had heard tell of mecha-kaiju fragility... and boy howdy, does this pup feel fragile... not in a "don't touch me" kinda way, but rather a "PLEASE tocuh me, but be gentle" kinda way. It's exceedingly heavy (metal, metal, EVERYWHERE) and many of the major joints are plastic... as has been said, therein lies the problem... well, it'd be a problem if I were 6 and wanted to throw him around, but it's really nothing for a collector to be afraid of at all. Relative fragility aside, this thing is UNBELIEVABLE!
First off. He comes apart. Nearly every piece can be removed and stuck nearly anywhere else on his body. You could put his head on the end of his arm and his arm onto the waist joint if you so chose. I have not taken a picture of such a configuration because it would be beneath the dignity of the mighty Red King to appear that way in public. But take it from me, it's true... he's as interchangeable as you get.
Almost everything is articulated, from the die-cast horns and metal jaw (a metal jaw!) to the shoulders, elbows, 3 joints in the tail (and not that it HAS to be a tail, you can take it apart and mount the parts almost anywhere) metal claws and feet, etc. He's a poseable li'l fiend. But here is the coolest articulation of all (coolest I have ever seen on a toy I think), he's got a gear on his waist... turn that (die-cast) gear and his torso swings from side to side or in a full rotation. Its enough to make you giddy. I don't know why that is so cool, but it is. Let me tell you, IT IS.
See that big red knob on his back? Turn that and BAM - BAM - BAM the yellow missiles fire from his chest, gatling-gun style! COOOOOL!
He comes with a bunch of little accessories, a radar dish, two other threaded joint pieces, a delta-winged thingie, and each of them can not only attach anywhere there's a joint or socket, they can also accomodate other things being attached to THEM!
I played with a Mech Gorilla once a long time ago, but it had nothing on this toy, pop-out nipple knives or no. This is the king of the Ark's and one of the greatest vintage toys I have ever owned. It's unreal it's so cool.