![[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]](images/smlogo.gif)
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February 1999
Ramble Index
December 1998
1/31/99: Shin Getter 1
Connoisseur Josh Fraser dropped me off a thoughtful present he
picked up during his recent Tokyo trip:
the new VAF Shin Getter Robo1 by Kaiyodo. Meanwhile,
BBS regular Harvey Kung sent in this great Ramble:

"The Shin Getter Robo 1 in Kaiyodo's new Victory Action Figure line
is an impressive addition to anyone's collection, even if it is not a Chogokin.
Along with the Medicom's Miracle Action Figure series, the VAF line
(which also includes the amazing Gunbuster and the less impressive Getta 2)
is yet another example of how quality in craftmanship and presentation can
make even relatively inexpensive low-end toys (less than $25 a pop)
as satisfying and desirable as a high-priced Soul of Chogokin (well, almost!)"
"This particular figure sports about 15 points of articulation
although its knees and elbows only swivel and do not bend.
Its only accessories consists of a killer battle axe which
is actually taller than the figure and an extra fist to hold the axe.
Especially notable is the jet black bat-wings that open and close
using a similar mechanism as the SOC Mazinger Z."

"But it's the detail of
this baby that makes it stand out: the traditional Getta 1 red,
white and green scheme has been modernized with brown rust (dried blood?),
colored shoulder and knee pads, and the overall paintjob is accented with a realistic,
battle-weary finish. Even his silver pointy 'ears' are lightly slapped with some
black detail to give it a more realistic look. And the killer spikes on the forearms!!!
This toy would definitely not pass any US safety toy inspection!
Finally the detail in its face is also amazing: this guy is one mean-looking badass!"

"Of course this toy is not perfect. Although solidly built overall,
the legs do come out of the package wobbly, and the wing attachment
likes to fall off whenever it is handled. Unlike
Miracle Action Figures which were clearly designed
to be played with, the Kaiyodo figure seems to be more suited
for your collection display shelf. But what a great addition it would be!"
-- Harvey Kung

1/30/99: New Stuff
During one of the recent Cafe Chogokin chats, Tom the Greek sent
in a pic of this tremendous toy table
from a recent convention [click to
see bigger.]
DMammer4442, the owner of the pic, has other great cool pics and links;
click here to check out his great site.

Finally -- the cool "I made it" section Werkshop DX is open for business!
Soon to feature customization and repair
information, as well as anything else nifty
we can share. The kickoff features another
butt-kicking rendering from 3d-Smith Duncan Hsu. On the cusp:
custom VF1s Stealth Valkyrie and, um,
Dental Bleaching! Link now to the
Info Library...

Minister of Information Matt Alt
pens some moody narrative whilst on the streets of Tokyo.
Check out his new piece Magic Box Blues in the
Eau De Alt.
Jump to the
Info Library...

Sean Bonner in a Getta Freak:
"I'll let the pictures speak for themselves for the most part. But
essentially I've finished my "jumbo shogun warriors" collection and
moved into the world of "jumbo machinders", a transition not unlike
jumping from caffeine to crack.
Now its safe to say that I'm totally obsessed,
much more than I can afford and now that I've gotten a taste
there's no turning back."

"The first one for me to chalk off the list is
the Getta One. As with any toy that you've never held close up, only
seen in pictures, once you finally get your hands on it it's usually
much more overwhelming than you could have imagined. This was the case
with this piece, except that I also made a huge discovery:"
"This jumbo can
combine with Getta Two and Getta Three. WHAOH!!!"

"I can't believe that no one ever mentioned this before: not a picture of it in the
'encyclopedia of jumbo machinders,' not an article, nothing. And why not I have
no idea."
"Either i'm just a total nerd and think this is much cooler than
it really is or there was a serious gap in the information flow. Look to
Matt Alt soon for more information on this as he's researching
it further.
The toy is amazing,
perfectly symmetrical (read that as all the arms the way they were
intended to be) and so much better than I imagined, vinyl cape and
everything. More news from the frontline of geekdom coming soon..."
-- Sean Bonner
August "Eye of Oedo" Ragone reports:
"Hyper Hobby #11 indicates that Banpresto is releasing an all-plastic version of the Chogokin DX
Combattler V in March..."
"According to one of their new advertisements, Medicom/Time House
is releasing an 'Anrdorobot' henchmen from
this month." -- August

1/21/99: Barrage O' Ramble!
Check it out:
has rated ToyboxDX as "Most Beautiful Site"
under it's Recreation & Hobbies channel. I guess we've peaked and
should just quit while we're ahead! (Kidding, kidding...)
Here's a pile of great Ramble; hope you're having a good week!

Roger Harkavy checks in on the HCM Oww-Gee:
"One of my biggest faults is not being able to
take people at their word. So for the last ten years, when asking
folks about the Auge High Complete Model and being told
'it's nothing special, it's just rare,' I continued along
on my quest to own this toy, undaunted.
"Now that I own one, I can say with conviction that there's
nothing special about it, it's just rare.
""But this is an HCM, after all, putting it a few notches
above the rest of standard toy fare. Detailing and poseability
is excellent, and the color scheme is really nice. The only
deficiencies are in the accessory department, giving the Auge
only a couple of measly un-ignited beam sabers to harass
L-Gaim with. It's a shame that the scythe-wielding 'commander'
version of the Auge wasn't produced instead instead of the
standard one that we got.
Does it sound like I'm complaining? I know, I shouldn't be, and
I'm really not. Maybe the underwhemling nature of this HCM is
what will keep it on my shelf. Full scans of this goodie will
definitely be appearing in a future update to the
High Complete Models entry in the
"Thanks go out to Mike Parisi for the
picture and Matt Alt for letting me know
that it's pronounced 'O.J.', not 'Oww-Gee.'"
-- Roger

Matt Alt reports on the new Tetsuwan Atom:
"One of Medicom Toy's most successful products has been their
economically-priced Tetsujin 28 action figures. Here's a shot from
Medicom promotional material showcasing the newest addition to their
"Miracle Action Figure" series, Tetsuwan Atom [click to
see larger.]
"Known as Astro Boy in the English-speaking world, he's one of the most
famous Japanese characters ever created, and this particular toy looks
to be the most detailed portrayal to date. Accessories include a pair of
translucent jet-exhaust pieces that attach to the soles of his feet to
simulate flight. Other details include seperate facial expressions and an
opening chest compartment, complete with mechanical detail inside.
"Planned retail price is 2,480 yen ($20.)"
-- Matt

August Ragone sends in some corrections:
"I was cruising through the previous "Toy Rambles"... and I came across some
stuff in the December '98 section:"
Dengeki Hobby Magazine:
"Dengeki is the Japanese interpretation of the German military term
Blitzkreig (lightning attack). The publishing company, Media Works, has
been using the 'Dengeki' moniker for years. It was the label on thier
Dengeki Entertainment Bible book line (which took over from Bandai's
Entertainment Bible series) and they also are the publishers of
Dengeki B-Magazine (which replaces Bandai's B-Club)
They also produce
all of the excellent Chronicles series, such as The Super Robot
Mazinger Z LD Rerelease:
"This is just the first of two single discs, which are
documentaries-style films encapsulating the entire Mazinger TV Series (Z,
Great, & Glendizer) as well as the theatrical featurettes, with emphasis on
Z. The Mazinger Z premium is a mail-away item, obtained with coupons clipped
from the LD insert."
-- August
Tom the Greek sends in an Orguss Ramble:

"With the latest Orguss craze sweeping Ebay, I just thought I would send
in a Ramble on what some may say is the rarest piece from the Orguss
line. It is the Orguss Standard Nikick MBG-24A. "
"As far as statistics, Matt Alt told me that for every
25 regular Nikicks, one MBG-24A was
made. As far as the toy itself, it is similar to the 24C, however it
has a different color scheme, head, gun, and markings. The color scheme
is mostly yellow and a turquoise blue/green. Very cool looking for a

"The head is much sleaker that the 24C and the gun is blockey in
comparison. The differences are few, but striking enough to see
when compared side by side. The 24A also has a
slightly different transformation than the 24C. Specifically in the
flight mode. "
"Anyway, just thought everyone would be interested in
getting a look. If I understand my history correctly, this was
one of the last toys ever produced by Takatoku. What a shame."
-- Tom
1/13/99: Round of Updates
I recently got back from LEGO Media in Denmark and am
2 weeks behind on email. Apologies to everyone contributing
content for the lame lame lag time. Here's a round of updates to
spark the catch up:

Minister of Information Matt Alt returns from
Paradise Island, laden with booty and a big report.
Check out his Eau De Alt
now updated in the Info Library
to find out more about impending Gundam coolness! [At left, two
of his new acquisitions that I may have to strangle him for. (Kidding. Really)]

Let's have a hearty welcome for August Ragone's Super Robot Pantheon Report!
The publisher and founder of
Kaiju Productions and
Henshin Online
adds his weighty contribution
to the Info Library
in this first installment...

I owe Roger Harkavy and Ted Terranova big apologies
for sitting on their words and pics for so long.
Finally, you can check out the official report
from the 1998 Northeast Chogokin Summit!
[At left, a completely unrelated story connected to the incident
submitted by the SOG himself...]
Link now to the World Collector Gallery in the
Gallery of Love...

Finally, I just got my candy-clear Jeeg from
Day-Old Antiques Online.
This is one of the cooler of the so-called "limited-edition" variants that we've
been inundated with these past months. It's got the funky grace of an
imac, and the lolipop appeal of a Time Traveler....

1/12/99: Uni-Five Arrives!
Minister of Information Matt Alt acquires "Invincible Champion No.1!"
Envy him!
"Check this: here's the first home-grown Internet photo of the
Uni-Five 'Jumbo Machine' Mazinger Z! (Humble apologies for the grainy
polaroid-level quality...)"
"Uni-Five is a Tokyo-based company
backed by Bandai/Banpresto. They recently made this toy available exclusively via
carry-out or delivery from their Kong Tong Town store. The ads claims an
800-piece production run."
"Okay: the burning question is, 'How close is it to the original Popy Jumbo
Machinder Mazinger Z?'"
"Initial impressions are that the Uni-Five
is slightly flatter and wider than the
original Popy. The reissue lacks the black
trim around the eyes, and the Pilder on the
Uni-Five is fixed in place. There are also subtle differences
in the thigh and forearm structures
(the operative word here being subtle; to the untrained eye,
it's a dead ringer for the original!)"
"And the box! Don't even get me started about the box! Although it's
substantially different from the original, the box of the Uni-Five
Jumbo Machine is a work of art unto itself. The funky Machinder font
has been preserved in all of its glory, as has the overexcited
copy on the box-cover: 'He's BACK! The amazing dude that you've been
hearing rumors about...Power 12,000! Invincible Champion [No. 1]'"
"Note that 'No. 1' that they slipped in there. The sides of the box have
drawings of six XX-series arm accessories that Uni-Five plans to
reproduce. Could the other Jumbo robots really be far behind...?"
-- Matt Alt
1/9/99: Dimitri Reports
Whoooa -- huge news! Dimitri in Paris, France has graciously sent in this excellent report!
I'm trying to get additional clarification and confirmation from
Tokyo. Thanks Dimitri -- this is awesome!
My name's Dimitri.
I'm a travelling D.J. by trade, and I try to go to Japan as much as I
can. Here's some info that might leave you as amazed as I was:

Without any prior notice, Bandai released black versions of Raideen,
St Combattra V, and St Godsigma.
They were found only in 3 places in Tokyo and Yokohama: Seibu
Ikebukuro, Kong Tong Town in the Matsudo area, and Sogo
of Yokohama.
I was there the day of release (December 23) and the tip was given to me by
my japanese contact around 6 pm. I rushed to Seibu and 35 minutes later about 20 pieces
of Combattra and Godsigma were left. No trace of Raideen...
Both toys come in a new designed black shoebox-type "leatherette"
cardboard box. There's no other artwork but the golden embossed logo of
the robot, plus a small white sticker on the side.
Each robot is loosely strapped to a red
felt covered cardboard piece (Gold Lightan style). All of this looks
very cheap...

As for the toys themselves, Combattra is clearly a re cast of the St
version and has no accessories. All die cast parts are sprayed with matte black
paint, and plastic parts are cast in black. The only color
highlights are the clear golden-yellow plastic parts that were on
the original.
Godsigma is made the same way, but comes with a bunch of accessory parts
and does not have any color at all... (I don't have the original
St version.) Combattra was 9800 Y and Godsigma 7800 Y.
The biggest surprise was that you could buy as much of them as you
liked, same for the 3 Chogokin Damashii pieces that were waiting on the
My japanese friend came one hour before the Seibu opening
and saw people snatching the Raideens 10 by 10 !!
He couldn't get one, but he told me they didn't have the golden
highlights of the first black versions, and that the plastic parts were
again black cast and not sprayed as before...
He assured
800 of each were made, and that they were only available in the Tokyo
area...I kinda of find it hard to believe, but then again the info was
only given out the day before on the net exclusively...!
-- Dimitri

1/3/99: Eye of Oedo Reports!
Kaiju Productions publisher and founder August Ragone sends in
massive toy news! Here's a quick excerpt of his on the Bandai SOC releases
to mull over while I finish processing the rest of the report. Make sure to check
the Henshin! Online website at:
Thanks August! Check back later for more from the Eye of Oedo!
by August Ragone
Due to a customer survey, the next addition to Bandai's "Soul of Chogokin"
(Chogokin no Tamashii) line will see the release of UFO Robo Grandizer...
Bandai will keep updating the survey as each new addition is released, in
order to keep in touch with the public's demands. Next up after Grandizer is
Gaiking... then, it's a tie between Getta Dragon and Getta-1/.
The soon-to-be released Combattler V will retail for ´12800 -- all the the SOC
line will be in scale (Combattler will be almost twice the size of Mazinger
And speaking of "Soul of Chogokin," Bandai will be issuing an all-new
die-cast Char's Zaku from the first GUNDAM series (seen in episode #10),
under the "Chogokin" banner (not "SOC"). The fully articulated toy was
announced back in September, and is a go for early next year...
-- A.R.

1/1/99: Happy Happy Happy!
Check the Eau De Alt in the
Info Library
for a year-end review of some the stunning arrivals of
1998, including the one toy Matt and I really want to gush about:
Hobby Project Boss Borott...
In the last eight months since the DX inauguration of this site,
some really special things happened:
I received a completely unexpected and unsolicited check in November
from a collector who -- upon hearing I was auctioning toys
to help subsidize the site -- wanted to show his support for
ToyboxDX. He's one of the many many people who have expressed
their desire to support and assist with maintaining the site.
My gratitude was -- and is -- beyond ramble.

Professor Jordan Sand at Georgetown University
added ToyboxDX to the syllabus for his Japanese Mass Culture Class this past
term. Matt Alt was invited to lecture and, believe it or not,
young men and women took notes. He held up toys, babbled about the
Soul of Chogokin,
and, bless his heart, answered questions about "G Force"
while techies projected ToyboxDX on the big screen behind him.
Between October 1, 1998 and November 30, 1998, the ToyboxDX
server logged 914749 hits -- a record number for us.
Our current average is steadily approaching
500,000 hits a month, with all stats on a one way rise.

Finally, the 1st Northeast Tristate Chogokin Summit hosted by SOG Roger Harkavy
was a great success, and represented the 1st and only [real-world] massing of collectors
directly resulting from a Java applet that I can think of.
[Picture courtesy of the infamous Ted Terranova.]
What does all this mean? Well -- I'm not sure. But I *suspect* it means
that this tremendous collaborative effort between all of us
has resulted in a phenomenon: the birth of a seriously cool community!
An algorithm of freedom and collaboration is at work in the world,
balkanizing structures of
exclusivity, and flooding the playing field with information. It's a typically
American process whereby arbitrary heirarchy and oppression are overcome
through the glory of individual empowerment and communal expression.
What the hell am I rambling about? Well, I'm still not sure. But I *think*
I'm saying that the world is a better place when we continue to
share our information, engage our enthusiasm, and participate
in the making process. It has been so cool to exchange email, photos and stories,
and to work together to make this site a reality.
So I'll end it like this: In the next few months
ToyboxDX will be sprouting its next evolutionary limbs. I hope all of you
will be a part of the thrilling, um,
mutation..., and that you and your families will have a spectacular year,
filled with good fortune.
Toybox New Year!
Best Regards,
February 1999
Ramble Index
December 1998
