October 1998
Ramble Index
August 1998
9/30/98: Mazinger Reissue!
Many of us have been bouncing the report of the GA01 re-release back and forth.
Matt Alt steps up and hogs the ball:
"First things first: it seems to be of the 1st generation Mazinger Z with
the shooters on the shoulders, and at first glance it seems very close
to the original release. It will be made by Bandai/Banpresto,
just as the recent Gundam
was, and will have no wing, as far as I can tell. (The very first
editions of the toy, as Nagai mentioned in his interview, didn't come
with a wing anyway.)
[RIGHT: Matt's vintage GA01 --- NOT the reissue!]
"Here's the deal: you have to buy three SONY Playstation games, take the
tickets out, and send them in after you've gotten all three.
The first game, the October one, will come with the special base sheet. If
you're one of the lucky 5000 it'll be black.
If you happen to get
one, you're eligible for the all-black version of the toy. (This is
interesting in and of itself, because a black version was never released
of the piece in the first place.)
People who get a black Mazinger aren't eligible to get a standard one.
The second game and third games each come with a sticker.
You affix the stickers to the special base sheet that comes with the first game,
enclose a 600Yen Japanese
postal coupon, and send it in. Bandai says to allow up to
two months for processing.
The games are:
- Zen Super Robot Taisen Denshin DaiHyakka
(Total Super-Robot War Encyclopedia)
Release Date: 10/29/98
- Super Robot Taisen F
(Super Robot Wars F)
Release Date: December 1998
- Super Robot Taisen F Kanzenron
(Super Robot Wars F Complete)
Release Date: March 1999
"As you can see, nobody's getting their Mazingers anytime soon.
"This information came from Bandai Japan's website. Straight from the
horse's mouth. But before you get all hot and bothered, bear in mind that
Bandai Japan NEVER ships to America. Never has, never will. And besides,
you need that 600 postal coupon, remember? Your best bet is to cultivate
buddies in Japan and have THEM send the tickets in for you. I mean,
you're going to need a Japanese address to have Bandai ship the piece
to. Just be sure you choose wisely lest you get jacked for your diecast
by your newfound "friends." :)"
Also: the end of the month is coming, which means the new October issue of
Cool Japanese Toys
is pending. Did you catch this week's update of the In the News section...?
Also also: later tonight, a new piece for the Collection Narrative: Jumbo Grip G4!
9/29/98: ToyboxDX.com!
Update your bookmarks: ToyboxDX smashes into it's new domain
with all the daint of a flying fist!
In under half a year, we've slotted over 35MB worth of pure Robot
love. Response has been so awesome that I've blown the money
on expanded server space and a top-level DNS of our own. We deserve it!
What's powering the great vibe around the site? Pure
and unadulterated enthusiasm, baby. It's the efforts and cooperation
of the all the great collectors on the net who are making this
a privilege and a pleasure to drive.
The name change is just a start. Check the site in the coming weeks
for some major content and interface overhauls. And
keep your pics and emails coming...!
[Above, Secret Project Grieg moves slowly but steadily towards
Guest Rambler Roger Harkavy writes:
July 2, 1988. 16 years old and hungry for anime toys,
I trudge through the oppressive Houston heat to Third Planet,
where an L-Gaim Mk-I HCM is being reserved for me while I'm
in the area. Inside, the guy behind the counter hands it to me.
His eyes widen for a second, he draws in his breath briefly,
but then stifles the reaction.
"Oh. I thought it was the Super one. It's not, though."
"There's a SUPER one?"
"Yeah. Silver box, cockpit opens, does a whole mess of other stuff.
Don't see it often, though."
And so, the decade-long search commenced...
September 4, 1998. I check my email and find a message
labeled "SHCM for sale." The email is read, a deal is struck.
Two weeks later I'm liberating it from the most elaborate packing job
I've ever seen.
The legends are true. The cockpit opens, the leg armor plates
flip up to show the mechanisms inside, and there's a whole spring
loaded system in the knees I don't want to begin screwing with.
Throw in 1/144 scale figures of Daba, Amu, and a complex set
of accessories and you have a real winner. This is truly the
king of all HCMs.
Props to "Gangsta Chogokin" for making this all possible.
Now if I can only get my hands on that Auge HCM...
9/28/98: Ted's Back!
Robot-web pioneer Ted Terranova
fires in some corked messages from the past! Most of you are familiar with
his groovy site from the good old days which was one of the
first to feature a massing
of robots genuinely worthy of our old friend "Lust."
To the left, butt-whuping renders of Ted's Great Mazinger 3d model.
To the right a tremendous photo of the young Ted who writes:
"Its a black and white
photogragh taken by my grandfather at my 6th birthday (1977). It shows me,
on a picnic bench, building a huge Space 1999 Eagle toy with my uncle
(where did all these toys go?!?!). My friend Jon and my sister are looking on.
But best of all, standing patiently by my side is my 24" Great Mazinga! I
went nuts when I saw this photo... It looks like growing up
in the NJ burbs, I also had some spiffy looking clothes."
Thanks for sharing!
Of course, you remembered that tonight is Cafe Chogokin
chat night. If you can't make it tonight, check the site tommorow
for some impending evolutions.
And as always, thanks for the letters and support. As Roger likes to write,
keep the faith...!
9/20/98: Lotsa Update
Thursday night I got a call from a drunk and rambling Chogokin
collector (you know who you are)
who pumped me up for a round of updates. So check it out:
Italian collector Alessio Raitano has a huge shelf!
I mean, I was just starting to think that maybe I had quite a few of these "little robots."
Then I got Alessio's pics [a year old, no less]
and realized what a puny fruitcart I was pushing around.
It actually feels great to be humbled by such a massively inspiring shelf!
Check out Alessio's entry in
the World Collector Gallery.
Meanwhile, Matt sent this baby in and sez:
"Takara re-released it's entire 1:24 line in mid-1997; nobody seems to
have heard anything about it. It's a shame, since the Votoms toys are
among the most desirable pieces out there right now. The re-issues are
in a slightly different plastic-coloration and color-scheme, but are
otherwise physically identical to the 1980s originals...."
On the Dougram front:
Thanks to Kimono-My-House and Adam C for arranging for
new Dougram pics for the list. Thanks to Dave Morton for
contributing as well.
Meanwhile, it happened: Tom the Greek
finally got his Takara 1:72 Blockhead and shares the experience:
"The glorious 1/72 Blockhead arrived today and I must say god bless the
Japanese. They are the best toymakers in the world. This thing is
totally awsome!!!! The best Dougram toy made in my opinion. The
diecast skeleton is huge. Equal to the 1/48 Dougram. It comes with a
seperate parts box manual and stickers. This one is totally mint.
Looks to have been never opened. Bags still sealed. I made some quick
scans of the box and contents. Enjoy."
[Check the Info Library
to see Tom's scans...]
About this Ramble stuff:
I think I may have finally processed the archived Ramble content into something vaguely
browsable. See that nav bar at the top? Try it out sometime and lemme know what you think...
Anyway, that's alotta text. I'm going to go drink more coffee and, uh,
play with my toys. Have a good rest of the weekend, y'all...
9/15/98: Louis Throws a Punch!
TOYBOX DX regular contributor and over-all nice guy
Chi Wah Louis Law finally crosses the line.
He's sent in so many cool pics at this point
that he's forced the creation of new page
in the World Collector Gallery.
Aside from the usual cools toys, this time he's included killer images of
model kits he's built. Louis, thanks for sharing!
Also: Check out Carlos' awesome website,
La Maquina Z/The Z Machine! It's
a thoroughly enjoyable bi-lingual review of the legend of Mazinger Z, complete with
pics, AV and links...
As always, the TOYBOX is dedicated to spreading the faith of
Super Robot coolness! Send in your URLs and links, and share the wealth!
9/12/98: GA-Morning
11:07: EDT: I am padding around the kitchen, sipping cold coffee and
funking out. My primary thought this morning is that -- gasp -- it may be impossible
to achieve a state of genuine happiness through the acquisition of
material objects. The doorbell rings and truncates the thought: it's the US Postguy!
A quick tear down the stairs and we're in transaction: wordlessly, he passes the yellow card.
Without missing a beat,
I'm already scratching my dirty scrawl by the X; in fact, to expidite the exchange,
I have brought my own pen.
Less than a second later I'm vaulting back up
the stairs with corrugated treasure: the spanking new Popy GA-100 RX78!
A debate has surrounded this toy since it's appearance on ebay a few chats ago.
On the one side, a brutal and scathing verdict of ugly! On the other,
a sheepish admittance to a propensity for toy dorkiness.
To help soldify opinion, I've dropped a huge scan in the
Collection Narrative.
My two cents? I'm feeling pretty good this morning about my...habit.
9/10/98: Duncan Rocks!
Check it out! Robot-collecting 3d-smith Duncan Hsu shares a render
of his work in progress -- Great Mazinger! (Some of you may remember
his initial test animation from the Day-Old Antiques site...) Thanks Dunc!
Also: check the cafe section for a new International Cafe Chogokin chat!
In addition to our 10PM Monday night tupperwarish gathering, we're hooking
up with Giorgio and other Italian collectors at 12PM fridays as well.
So pop-in -- your boss ain't looking!
9/8/98: Dougram!
Have you sensed the recent cloud of lust wafting about
Takara Dougram? Matt Alt carves through the fumes
with another lucid and articulate expose, this time on
Fang of the Sun Dougram!
Thanks to help from magic elves Tom the Greek and Roger Harkavy, a nice checklist
has materialized and needs to be completed.
As with the Bandai HCM List, any info or pics you have
are appreciated!
"Write Matt, write! We never approve your
indecency of the Toybox!"
Also: Thanks to the
Anime Web Turnpike
for picking TOYBOX DX as a Site of the Week! It's always nice to be appreciated...
Also also: Ryo sent in images of his Bandai Neo-China Gundam and sez:
"During the chat, a number of us were talking about Gundam stuff.
I was saying that the newer G Gundam stuff was almost as nice as the HCM stuff.
Not quite as posable and doesn't have a trigger finger, but they stand up quite
well next to the HCM Char/Zaku that I have. And they're bigger too!"
On a last note, I'm currently getting dozens of emails a day just regarding TOYBOX DX.
If I don't reply within a few days, please
email me again and type "INSENSITIVE LOUT" in the
subject heading...
Happy Toy Hunting!