[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]
[Rule][Endless Ramble]
July 1998

August 1998 | Ramble Index | June 1998

[Green Arrow] 7/26/98: Green Arrow T28

Did you see the new Green Arrow #34? It's packed back to back with Tetsujin 28 toys and collectibles! (Click on the thumbnail to see the bookjacket w/ ISBN.) It also slots nicely next to Green Arrow #13...
[Cloth] 7/23/98: Unrespected Cloth!

A new Annal of the Unrespected by Matt Alt, now in the Info Library!

Take a Toybox DX moment to thank him for his prolific and tireless contribution to the scanty body of English-language/japanese-toy literature available to the western eye. Matt's net-articles here and on CJT continue to drop like chilled oranges onto the scurvy-ridden loveboat known as "collecting."

[Cloth] Also: check out my 5" diecast MIB Shogun Warrior Great Mazinga [European Box] for auction on ebay.

(Click on the thumbnail to jump there ...)

[Boss] 7/15/98: Borott-o-rama!

Added another box shot and a narrative entry on my current favored acquisition: Boss Borott. Digital shelf pics on the way! Thanks to Matt for correcting my mispeling of Boruda. Borada. Tomay-toh. Tomah-tah.

[Voltron] Also: click on the thumbnail to check out Evan's Cool Voltron/Golion Flashlight!

[Boss] 7/14/98: I got a toy!

Tueday morning greets! After a long dry spell, I got my first new toy purchase in nearly a month. Boss Boruda landed in the mail yesterday, and I'm totally psyched. More in depth on him later in Gallery. For now, here's a shot of the awesome Popy-style box back. (Many many thanks to S.C. for handling this transaction. You rock!)

[Gingaio] Meanwhile, Matt got a toy too. He sez:

"It's Gingaio...! This mother is HEAVY. 1.6kg, according to the box - that's around three solid pounds. That puts it in a class by itself, easily outweighing almost any other chogokin piece ever made.

"See those thighs? Solid metal, baby. Ditto the red chest area. Metal, metal, metal. Too bad the primary colors and chunky construction means that it looks way out of place among the sleek Godaikin, in spite of their shared pedigree.

"Gingaio's sword is flaccid and floppy as well, which is insanely out of character considering the hugeness of the robot. Ah, well. Let's hope Bandai keeps it up with this weight fixation."

[Planet Amazon] 7/11/98: Planet Toybox Needs Women!

Big whoppin thanks to ultra-cool, badass webgrrl Steph Brail for plugging Toybox DX as a Planet Pick of the Day! Steph's Planet Amazon is "a unique webguide highlighting the best websites for women, with a focus on personal home pages, zines, and content you won't find elsewhere." Worship her!
Also: check out some pics from collector Tom Vigneau now in the World Collector Gallery. Thanks to Jet Lincoln and Evan B. for also sending in pics which I'll post this weekend.

Have a good weekend all!

[Josh] 7/4/98: Josh Shows Us His Pot Belly

Artist/collector Josh Fraser made a thursday-night trip to Casa Yen, where he shared his gorgeous new acquisition for show and tell: Meisaku Potbelly Tetsujin 28! (What a cool toy; I had no idea it was so solid and beautiful up close.)

At the thrilling climax of the evening, while Josh was distracted by Etarnal Mazinger, I grabbed Gold Baron Full Metal Fighter and crept within striking distance of the back of his head. One good whack and the Potbelly would be mine! (Kidding, kidding!)

Actually, we just hung out, talked shop. flipped through Yuji's book, and killed some time with other robot fiends. Not a bad way to spend an evening...

(Click on the thumbnail to see them pics big!)

7/2/98: Collector Gene Pool Explosion!

[Robocon] Take a Toybox Personal Moment to congratulate Collector Tom Vigneau on acquiring the most precious piece of all: newly born Emily Mei Vigneau. Weighing in heavier than T28 at a hefty 6 lbs 7 oz., Emily comes with more articulation than a Geeg! (Click here to see her website...)

On other fronts, thanks to all of you who have sent in pics. At right, cafe-regular Jet-Lincoln's supercool Robocon 10" vinyl (you know -- click to make it big!)

[Diatarn] At left, click on the thumbnail to see an image of the Diatarn 3 box and toy graciously sent in by Tom the Greek.

Finally: a poor but much needed Old Ramble Index hacked into place. It ain't pretty, but lord knows the load-time was getting out of hand (sigh.) Who'd thunk when we started there'd be all this spew...?

August 1998 | Ramble Index | June 1998

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