![[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]](images/smlogo.gif)
![[Rule]](images/r.gif) ![[Endless Ramble]](images/d-ramble.gif)
May 1998
Ramble Index
March 1998
(Kaiyodo's Great Mazinger. One of many super robos on the KMS site...)
4/30/98: Kaiyodo Site!
Merlin deals Monday night's chat "nigh-mortal" wound! Thanks to Pat
and others who valiantly attempted to boob and surf in steady,
fluid stokes...
Thanks also to Ryo who made my week by cleverly figuring
out how to access the Roboheros link at the
Kaiyodo Museum Store!
If you have a non-japanese browser, follow
this link
to the "product.html" page.
Once there, run your mouse over the list of links in the right-hand frame. Check
the bottom info bar of your browser to track the destination until you get to
the one indicating "series/robohero.html." The pictures are awesome! I'm still wiping
the drool off my keyboard...
4/25/98: Digital Shelf Updated
Images of Kaiyodo Mazinger, Brain Condor, and
the excruciatingly elusive Lightan Hero added to the Digital Shelf.
At left, the homely, chintzy but endearing Takemi Battlehawk.
4/24/98: New Section
New format implementations in the Gallery. New images
of Grieg, and also the new Adoption Gallery.
(At right, cute-as-a-pup Mekanda Robo, $150, looking for new home.)
4/21/98: A Great Chat!
Si! Baldios!
Thanks again to all who came! Here's what happened:
- Getta Robo affirmed "absolute baddest,"
- Godzuki was dissed!
- Yuji's Book both revered and slammed
- exploration of the Mystery That Is Pimer
(At LEFT, cover art from Bandai's rereleased super robot
plastic model kits. Some joker is auctioning these all over the net. Don't bite!
They're plentiful and readily had...)
4/20/98: Chat Night!
Cafe Chogokin, live at 9:30 EDT!
Have you seen the new Kaiyodo Mazinger Z? My girlfriend/toy widow Dana
brought one back as a gift from San Francisco. It's huge and heavy --
like a petrified log -- and too big to fit on the scanner!
For awhile
I was really impressed with the Marmit Mazinger Z. This Kaiyodo figure
makes the Marmit look like...uh...a toy.
(At right, Yuji Nishimura's new book which my girlfriend thoughtfully gave to me as
well; now in the Info Library...)
Yuji's Book!
4/17/98: Brain Condor!
A great chat monday night! Highlights of the evening
included the "kid beat his brother with a Full Metal Fighter" report,
as well as (finally) the answer to a year-old question: "Where do these
so-called 'red Poseidon missles' really come from?"
(I inadvertantly dissed a few cafe visitors yesterday by leaving my
chat client window open for about, oh, 6 hours after I'd left.
Sorry Matt, Ryo!)
I'm pumped because of a surprise purchase: the Brain Condor!
Pictures in the books don't do this little wonder justice. It's
beautiful! I'll save the full gush for a gallery entry later...
4/8/98: WOW!
E-mail, flooding my box! I'm getting more than I can respond to,
and I'm grateful for all of the kind words and enthusiasm
from all the people supporting the idea of the TOYBOX!
(If I miss a mail, please send me a "you dissed me" note
and I'll reply for sure!)
We had a great chat Monday night. Soul-searching questions fired
across the net included "How can I save a sticker sheet" and "should I sign my spouse up
for Toy Widows Anonymous?" Try to make the next one. It's a blast!
(For those on the Left Coast, Chad is chomping for a better time slot.
If someone wants to nominate a different PST time, I'll list it on the page and in the update.)
Day-Old Plug
Here's a voluntary and unsolicited plug (no, really!) for Day-Old Antiques. Day-Old
has worked with Marusan Japan to create an exclusive reissiue of ten
classic Japanese monster vinyls. I had these unbagged and set up in my house
for about two days for a photo shoot, and if I hadn't heeded Tom Franck's advice on "focusing"
on what I collect, I would have freaked out and started another collection. They're simply beautiful.
There were only fifty issued of each of these toys, and the number of sets left is dwindling.
I'm particularly partial to Ultra Ace and the robo-guy for obvious
reasons. I highly advise anyone who collects kaiju to hit the Day-Old site
and see for yourself. They're absolutely worth it.
4/6/98: Chat Tonight
Cafe Chogokin weely Monday chat @ 9:30 PM EST! Hope we'll see you there.
The first TOYBOX bulletin went out yesterday. Click here
to read it, or better yet,
join the TOYBOX MAILINGLIST by sending mail.
Also: more images updating the galleries. At right, Takatoku VF-1s, now in the collection narrative.
4/2/98: Bulletin Board Fixed!
Spoke to the kind people at 321Website and we've been given a new message
board account. Sorry to those who posted previously: your messages are now lost :(
Please give it another shot; I really think this is going to turn out to be a
great resource. Also: remember to hit "reload frame" often to see
the latest content. (So far I've been making updates every day.)
Secret Project Grieg
Concept and production sketches from my work in progress,
now on the gallery!
Click to go there now!
4/1/98: Happy April Fool's!
New images uploaded to the Digital Shelf...!
Thanks for the flood of good-vibe email, and for the new links! A number of people
have requested updates for when the site is changed. If you'd like to join
the TOYBOX MAILINGLIST just send me mail.
Thanks also to imp and Tom Franck for posting Cafe Chogokin news
in the cooljapanesetoys new
April issue!
May 1998
Ramble Index
March 1998
