[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]
[Hover Pilder]

5.31.98: Popy Hover Pilder
A must have for a Mazinger Freak like myself. Matt Alt tells me that this toy, manufactured in 1972, predates the the Popy Chogokin line.

From nose to tail, the Pilder measures 3.25" and has a delicate, frail quality to the wing assembly. It's all the more charming, emphasizing the age of the piece, and adding to its nostalgic appeal. (I'm trying to say, in a snooty way, how I love its dorkiness.)

Opening this box was somewhat religious for me. I've never had the pleasure of being the first person to open a factory-fresh Popy box before. Even the really clean-boxed Popy items I have had been checked by other collectors or dealers.

See this image at 200%


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