[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]

  March 28, 2002

03.28.02: HUNK RE-DEFINED!

andai's latest Soul of Chogokin offering, GX-10 Boss Borot is truly a big hunk of gokin love. Just looking at the box tells you you're in for a treat - which other SOC offers its own head to you and sports such a cool logo that screams "CHARACTER!". Chalk it up to the power of typography, perhaps?

Opening the sizable box, we are greeted by a whole styrofoam tray of goodies, no more half-and-half cardboard affairs like the Maz Ladies! The contents are spare but satisfyingly so, especially when you lift da Boss' out of his carefully lined space. I mean he's almost ALL diecast. The upper and lower torso are metal (and has a detented waist joint to boot). Peeking under his shoulder joint reveals gleaming metal too! Even his feet are diecast blocks, although they are hollow and not solid blocks as one might hope. All in all, the only non-metal bits are his 3-heads, bendy arms, thighs and interchageable hands.

As a side-note, Boss Borot owes an engineering debt to last year's TOTY, GX-06 Getter Team. His cool bendy arms are a direct descendant of Getter-3's and are just as flexible...

Back to the toy proper, the main gimmick has to be the magne-attachment heads with different expressions. The socket is well crafted to mate with the odd-ball heads. It features a push plunger in the back of the torso to help extract the head. The head(s) themselves have a rounded metal plate to give you s m o o t h rotations in every direction. Very nicely done! The three expressions are "Normal" , "Happy" and "Mad" , guaranteed to lend themselves to lots of goofy fun!

And just because I called da Boss a hunk don't mean he can't float like a butterfly either! The hip joints are generous in the degree of freedom achieved for such a blocky design. But the real genius is in the superb work done for the ankles. It's a metal ball joint that really delivers the goods in terms of poseability. If you want to, da Boss can 'vogue' it with the best of the SOCs.

As the box says, the main team of good guys in the Mazinger series is now complete! Lets PARTY!!!


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