[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]
[Rule][Endless Ramble]
August 1998

September 1998 | Ramble Index | July 1998

8/26/98: New Chat Client

For those of you who showed up at Cafe Chogokin at 10:00 EST and couldn't get in, big sincere apologies. The basichat chat client was down, and it took 30 minutes to hack-in a Parachat Conference Room. The response to the interface was so positive that I'll be switching to this client for the time being. Thanks to all who perservered!
[SDMazinga] Meanwhile, thanks again to Louis for sending in this pic and description:

"This SD Mazinger Z is made of diecast (main body frame and legs) and pvc/rubber (head, jet scrambler, fist...). It's made in China by Banpresto 1998. He has limited poseability (arms,head...). and the paint job is pretty good.

"The packaging reminds me of a Happy Meal Toy (but I guess that's what you get for an ufo catcher prize)."

Some general maintenance work: July Ramble has been shifted to the Ramble Index [link down below.] And more images continue to come in from everyone of the High Complete Models -- thanks! Keep checking the Library for updates as they come...
8/24/98: High Completes Coming In!

[HCM] [HCM] [HCM] Big thanks to everyone sending in scans of their Bandai High-Complete Models for Roger's List (Info Library.) The page is fleshing out nicely, and can use a few more images, so keep em coming...

And don't forget: Chat Tonight!

8/21/98: Jake's Leg: Cooler Than Yours!

[Jake's Leg] How do I know? Well -- you'll just have to check the World Collector Gallery to see why.

Also: Check out Darran's cool robot in the Collector Art gallery. Oh yeah -- and a price drop on Battle Fever J in the Adoption Gallery...

[Dyna Robo] Thanks to Louis for sending in pics of Dynarobo. Louis says:

"Here is a picture of my favorite chogokin in my collection. He is no bigger then 1-3/4 inches tall. The robot is Dynarobo from Dyanaman series and was issued by Bandai as 'Metalbobo55.' Even the kanji on the cover jacket claims he is 'the planets smallest.'"

[Astro MegaZord] 8/18/98: Jumbo Astro Megazord

Matt's got his, courtesy of Ryo, and sez:

"It ain't Raideen, but what the hell... Over-adorned? Sure. Toy designers just can't help themselves these days. But strip away those too-colorful stickers, and you're unmistakeably left with a Machinder. Fortunately, they come 'naked' so you can make up your own mind about how you feel on that topic. Hey, I miss the minimalist design of the Seventies pieces, but for $20 here, you can't go wrong..."

[Power of Passions] 8/17/98: Geki-Chat!

Giant robot thanks to Erin who made my month by whipping out this awesome Gekikanger and slapping it on a T-Shirt. Geki-shirt!

[HCM] Also: thanks to Roger Harkavy for his cool High Complete Model checklist, now in the Info Library. (We need pics for this, so scan your toys and mail 'em in!)

Also also: just uploaded a new set of links in the Linkorama.

And finally don't forget -- Cafe Chogokin tonight at 10:00 PM EST. The last few chats have been really cool, and we hope to see you there...

[Green Arrow] 8/11/98: GD-12 + Updates

Guest Rambler Jerome Goh writes:

"The next Chogokin after GD-11 Gingaio has been released. It's GD-12 Bullblack and Goutaurus, also from the sentai show Gingaman...

"Unfortunately Bandai has not carried out its weight fetish as Goutaurus is almost all plastic which is disappointing. But Bullblack's body and lower legs are diecast, which is a consolation.

"There is a premium offered by Bandai until the end of September. If you buy both GD-11 and GD-12 and send in the points, you are able to get Bullblack in his original black armor. The figure comes also with chest attachments for Gingaio and a hilt attachment for Gingaio's sword..."

Thanks to Jerome and all the rest of you who have sent in attachments and images over the past few weeks. I'm just now getting to some of them, and apologize for the lag time.

[Green Arrow]
New updates to the Gallery this week include images of Musha Gundam graciously sent by Tom the Greek in the Collection Narrative, as well as some images of the beautiful custom toys of Michael Jaecks in Collector Art.

Also: be sure to check the Adoption Gallery this week as I'll be adding some more stuff...like Battle Fever!

September 1998 | Ramble Index | July 1998

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