[Alen Yen's ToyboxDX]

Green Arrow Graffitti:

review by Matt Alt, October 1998

Widely referred to as simply "Green Arrow Graffiti," this book is actually a single volume in a set of books dedicated to various collecting subcultures. Other Green Arrow volumes feature exposes on camera collecting, digital-watch collecting, wine collecting, and sneaker collecting.

Simply put, this Green Arrow volume is the one-stop field guide for collectors of Popy chogokin and Popinika pieces. It features individual photographs of almost every Popy piece and highlights the differences between various releases of the toys. It includes a chronological organization of the toys and is further broken down into eight sections (Dynamic Pro robots, Sentai team-members, Sentai Robots, Comical Robots, etc.)

Although there's little (if any) English used at all in the book, the Green Arrow Graffiti Chogokin book is indispensable for use in identifying and categorizing hard-to-find pieces. It's the most comprehensive, logically organized cataloging of chogokin and popinika toys released to date. There's not much background information given on the pieces, but it's not that kind of book: what it sacrifices in depth it more than makes up for in breadth.

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