ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Workin’ Hard for the Money
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June 10, 2003

Workin’ Hard for the Money

Filed under: Toy News — Rumble Crew @ 1:19 am

Work sucks, but It’d probably be a lot more fun if we had power armor to do it in!

Working S.A.F.S. is a line of 1/35 scale figures that are of the ‘trading figure’ variety which is all the rage in Japan these days. You buy a figure which is randomly packed in hopes cf completing a set. Working S.A.F.S. are produced by Pooyan toys and distributed by Yellow Submarine They’re based off of the Maschinen Krieger 1/35 scale suits, but instead of fightin’ these suits are for working. Unlike a lot of trading figs, and even unlike the Ma.K line that it is based on, Working S.A.F.S. come in a larger window case so you’d get to pick what you wanted (assuming you could buy these in a store)

The series has 5 suits, A Rescue, Construction, Fire, Police,, and Ranger suit. Each comes in either gloss or matte finish. The figure I got was a gloss finish ranger. Each fig comes with a bonus hand–so the more of these you get the more mix and match possibilities you have.

I’ll admit The Ranger was the last fig I wanted, but these are still cool. Lots of diarama are possibilities avaliable

In addition, if you’re in Japan, you can go to the Lawson’s convenience store chain and buy a 6-pack of these. The 6th figure being a Lawson convenience store clerk suit, witha  barcode scanner as an arm!

Each Working S.A.F.S. figure is 500 yen and they are avaliable at Hobby Link Japan and other fine importers.

If I had to do it over again, I think I would have ordered at least one more of these. I think everyone should get at least one of these if for nothing outside of the novelty value one of these’ll have on your desk at work

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