ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Let’s Rumblize!
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January 13, 2003

Let’s Rumblize!

Filed under: Toy News — Rumble Crew @ 9:02 am

Ever submitted a Rumble and found yourself wondering
several weeks later WTF had happened to it? Or
wondered when the heck the Rumble monkeys were going
to get off their latest crack-break and actually post
something? You’re not alone. If you’ve given up in
frustration and decided to go ahead and post your
quick news tidbit, toy review, or anonymous
sarcasm-laden complaint on the BBS instead, you’re in
pretty good company.

We try to have fun running ToyboxDX. But after a
while, maintaining things like the Rumble on ToyboxDX
can get to be a bit a of chore. It requires plenty of
hands-on time and effort from the TBDX Rumble Crew in
order to keep it running — filled with content to
keep the monolithic machine that is ToyboxDX stoked
and running.

But no longer!

As of today, ToyboxDX is proud to present the first release of the Rumblizer!

The Rumblizer is code-maestro Inwards’ custom solution
that allows even the most HTML challenged to post
content to the TBDX system in close to real-time.
Theoretically, it’s even easier than posting on the
BBS, as it stores, resizes and integrates graphics
automatically. And with relatively newer browsers, it
also allows the creation of nifty documents without
typing a single line of code.

Of course we can’t make any absolute guarantees about
response time, but the system is designed to let us
turn submissions around in less than 24 hours.

So let’s give Inwards a hand! And when you’re done,
bring on those great reviews, those wild toy rants,
that latest gokin alert; the machine is hungry

The TBDX Rumble Crew
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