ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » A Tale of Two Hobbies
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June 23, 2009

A Tale of Two Hobbies

Filed under: Toy News — KingboyD @ 7:35 pm

I picked up this loose winking Garuban, but I wanted to fix him up a bit.



While I typically am against my wife’s scrapbooking hobby (all the money going to her supplies could go to my collection, after all; actually, it stems from my collection’s ouster from the office and entry into its new locale of a closet), I hoped she could help me out in this case. Sure enough, after digging through a few drawers and bins, she came up with a new gem eye for my figure. Not only that, but she managed to produce a sheet of other colorful gems!


Oh, the possibilities! Maybe one day, but for now, he’s back to normal.


(Now if I could only find some hands or the buildings!)

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