ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » Gaiking Ready for Battle
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March 21, 2011

Gaiking Ready for Battle

Filed under: Co. POPY,Toy Love — Prometheum5 @ 7:51 pm

I finally completed a little project that has taken way too long. I got a set of resin wings and Counter Crosses for my play-worn GA-51 from Jason a while back. They fit and worked perfectly, but there were a couple air bubbles. I always told myself I’d refinish the parts, and then my Gaiking would be bumped up a notch.

Once I got to sanding and polishing smooth, I thought how cool it would be to use Monster Kolor to add a glossy pearl finish, similar to the metallic flake finish of the blue parts. Now, the weapons are the nicest looking part of my Gaiking. The shorn-off horn and chest chipping works for me somehow… Gaiking is so inherently badass that he doesn’t look like a dinged up old toy so much as he looks like a beatstick robot after taking a licking, but still in the game.

I don’t have the attachment to or childhood memories of Gaiking that a lot of the forum members do, but I can recognize a damn cool toy when I see one.

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