ToyboxDX Brog: Japanese Toy Blog » 2010 » July
Brog is Japanese Toy Blog

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July 20, 2010

Zaboga – “Gentlemen, start your engines!”

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Daily Money Shots,Stephan Halder,Toy Love — chogoman @ 2:45 pm

July 19, 2010

Kamen Rider Stronger 仮面ライダーストロンガー

Filed under: Co. POPY,Daily Money Shots,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 5:18 pm

Blow me!


July 16, 2010

カプセルロボG: Nakajima Astro Mu Capsule Robo G UNMASKED!!

Filed under: Co. NAKAJIMA,Erik Sjoen,Warren Schwartz — erik sjoen @ 6:18 pm

Daily money shots!



Thank you Uncle Warren!!

The boxed life

Filed under: Co. BULLMARK,Co. POPY,Daily Money Shots,Josh Fraser,Toy Love — Josh Fraser @ 10:57 am


July 15, 2010

仮面ライダ box art <3

Filed under: Co. ANGEL,Co. BULLMARK,Daily Money Shots,Josh Fraser,Zenmai — Josh Fraser @ 1:28 pm


Currently on its way from the motherland, comes the Bullmark/Angel Kaman Rider V1 zenmai. Brog to follow soon!
There is something about KR in tin that induces a lust that only a few other toys can match. Not least of which is the phenomenal box art that houses it. Tin and tatami is a sweet combination which sparks a similar feeling to seeing a 1969 Toyota GT 2000…it bleeds retro class, and does so elegantly.

July 14, 2010

Ace of spades: Takemi Gingaizer Granfighter standard sofubi 超合体魔術ロボギンガイザー

Filed under: Co. TAKEMI,Erik Sjoen,Toy News — erik sjoen @ 9:23 pm


1977 rules baby! Grendizer (the tail end of the series, thank you Duban) for starters, which Gingaizer no doubt Nippon Animation’s answer to.. What is there to say about a standard sized vinyl? Two points of articulation and an AWESOME backer and header card! A very rare sight indeed. It pisses me that these are not more of these standard guys available. I have a very hard time believing that they were / are popular as the show sucked ass so bad….

The other two standard sofubi continue to elude me for now, but I will hopefully finish the trifecta of Granfighter, Spinlancer and Bullgator soon.

Reigning Looney in partnership with Fewture have released some modern representations here, but have yet to deliver.

Head over to the BBS and discuss HERE!


UFOロボ·グレンダイザー Popy Grendizer Talker

Filed under: Co. POPY,Daily Money Shots,Erik Sjoen — erik sjoen @ 2:09 pm


July 6, 2010

Talkin’ about talkers

Filed under: Co. NAKAJIMA,Mike Parisi,Toy News — Mike Parisi @ 12:06 am
Nakajima Tekkaman Blade talker

Nakajima Tekkaman Blade talker

I figured a thread about talking vinyl was overdue, I’ll start it off with a not-so-perfect but still respectable  Space Knight Tekkaman via Nakajima. Enjoy!

July 5, 2010

Volt in !

Filed under: Co. POPY,Daily Money Shots,Josh Fraser — Josh Fraser @ 11:39 am


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